Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures fic: Gentleman Caller (1/1)

Nov 30, 2014 20:43

Title: Gentleman Caller (1/1)
Rating: G
Word Count: 3,824
Characters: Gita Chandra, Haresh Chandra, Sarah Jane, Twelve, Sky, Clara
Timeline: Post-"Mummy on the Orient Express" for Doctor Who and post-"The Man Who Never Was" for The Sarah Jane Adventures. No spoilers ( Read more... )

twelfth doctor, 51st anniversary fanwork-a-thon, fan fiction

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Comments 1

jjpor December 1 2014, 20:06:04 UTC
Thanks very much for posting this to the comm and for taking part in the fanwork-a-thon, and a very nice fic it is too. I've left my comments over on your LJ. :)


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