Fic: Riddles in the Dark (All ages, 1/1)

Nov 28, 2014 22:08

Title: Riddles in the Dark
Characters/Pairing(s): Second Doctor/Jamie, the Great Intelligence
Rating: All ages
Word count: 1,662
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Summary: The Great Intelligence easily sneaks onto the TARDIS. Defeating the Doctor, however, will be much harder.
Disclaimer: Not mine, obviously.

Author's Notes: Written for
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second doctor, 51st anniversary fanwork-a-thon, fan fiction

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Comments 2

jjpor November 29 2014, 20:55:49 UTC
Thanks again for posting this to the comm and for taking part in the fanwork-a-thon. I've left my comments on the fic over on your LJ - suffice to say I liked it very much. :)


nonelvis November 29 2014, 22:35:01 UTC
I'm glad you liked the story! And thank you so much for running the ficathon and keeping the comm going -- it's really nice to see that it's continued to thrive even after the 50th passed.


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