"hearts of the TARDIS"

Nov 27, 2014 11:27

More crafty things--this time miniature glass bottles with hearts, sonic screwdrivers, and keys, to represent for what the TARDIS has provided for the Doctor (OK, I don't know that *she* had 2 hearts, but *he* did :-))

One for Eleven, one for Ten, and one steampunk-y non-specific one.

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fan crafts, tenth doctor, 51st anniversary fanwork-a-thon, eleventh doctor, other doctors

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Comments 10

jjpor November 27 2014, 20:11:12 UTC
Thanks again for another great picture post to the comm and for taking part in the fanwork-a-thon! They're all excellent creations, but I think this time I'm going to opt for the middle one as my favourite. It's something about the combination of blue and silver, I think.


tangotabby November 29 2014, 22:21:34 UTC
Thank you! I've enjoyed being able to share some of my creations. Even though Eleven is my favorite, I do like the middle one--it's a bit more subtle (like Ten compared to Eleven ;-))


a_phoenixdragon November 27 2014, 21:01:20 UTC
Ohhh, these are lovely!! *BOUNCES*


tangotabby November 29 2014, 22:24:35 UTC
Thank you! They were really fun to make :-)

I LOVE your twirling Eleven icon!!!


a_phoenixdragon November 29 2014, 22:53:36 UTC
One of my favs! Dancing!Eleven should come with his own warning label. *Beams*


tangotabby November 30 2014, 16:41:24 UTC
Yes, he should! *huge grin*


goingbronco November 27 2014, 21:52:02 UTC


tangotabby November 29 2014, 22:21:48 UTC
thanks :-)


clocketpatch November 28 2014, 05:25:49 UTC
So gorgeous. I rarely wear jewellery, but these I would.


tangotabby November 29 2014, 22:23:14 UTC
That's a huge compliment, thank you!


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