Death in Heaven - Reaction and Discussion Post [SPOILERS!]

Nov 08, 2014 19:55

After the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning, we proceed to...the finale! Yes, here it is - after what has imho on the whole been a rather successful debut season for the Capaldinator, can they stick the landing in the final episode? Time will tell, as always, but I think after last week's revelations and looking at the trailer and ( Read more... )

death in heaven, series 8, twelfth doctor, 50 years of who, television stories, television

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Comments 16

femme_slash_fan November 8 2014, 22:48:03 UTC

I'm so not okay, literally haven't stopped sobbing yet.


jjpor November 9 2014, 16:07:11 UTC
It was a lump in the throat moment, for sure. Mind you, for me, the picture hanging up on the plane was as well.


femme_slash_fan November 9 2014, 22:08:53 UTC
Yes! Both times damn near set me off and the whole thing of Kate calling for dad... my poor heart.


dragonsally November 9 2014, 05:26:13 UTC
Okay. I am SO NOT OKAY with Danny being dead. WTF Moffat!

I'm glad that Saint Nick appeared and gave us hope that Clara and the Doctor will be seeing each other in the Christmas Special. I imagine that if Jenna was leaving the show we would have got an inkling?

I really don't know what I feel about this episode.


jjpor November 9 2014, 16:09:36 UTC
I think it's one that will reward re-watches.

Yeah, tough for Danny - although I thought his final sacrifice at the end (where he sent the boy back in his place) was a great character moment for him. And the Doctor's and Clara's mutual lie-fest at the end was as good away to end their relationship as any, considering the way it has been during S8, but I'm not sure we've seen the last of Clara either. I hope she's back, anyway.

And the Xmas Special looks to be interesting - Santa versus The Thing??


dragonsally November 9 2014, 21:15:40 UTC
I just don't believe that Jenna would be leaving without it getting out into the public domain. I'm hoping so anyway.
And yes, you're right. I enjoyed the episode more on the second watch.

I just have this feeling that Moffatt is trying too hard to make 12 dark after the lightness of 11 and 10, despite the fact that I love a darker Doctor.


persiflage_1 November 9 2014, 07:17:06 UTC
Well that ep was a rollercoaster of emotion. I am pissed off that Missy killed Osgood. NOT allowed! I actually shouted "You bitch!" at her when she did that!

I'm glad Kate survived - and caught by her Cyberman dad. *cries buckets*

And the Doctor and Clara STILL lying to each other to the end.

Danny was brilliant. I can't say I warmed to him hugely - mainly because he was underused and too much the butt of 12's jokes (and it was bad enough when RTD did that to Mickey) - but his actions were fantastic.

And OF COURSE Missy's not dead - she wasn't killed by Cyber!Brig, 12 transported her out of there.


What the hell was all that about with Gallifrey??


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persiflage_1 November 9 2014, 11:20:11 UTC
Ah. So Missy lied to Twelve about it - then he lied to Clara about it, while she didn't bother correcting his misapprehension of what she was going to tell him.

They're a right bunch of liars!


jjpor November 9 2014, 16:13:56 UTC
They certainly are!


ravenskyewalker November 9 2014, 10:06:56 UTC
Well, the Capaldinator has thoroughly Capaldinated his way into my heart. I can't believe I love a New Who Doctor as much as I do him. He's actually made his way pretty far up my list of all Doctors ( ... )


jjpor November 9 2014, 16:20:34 UTC
He's been great, hasn't he? I was kind of expecting that he would be, but it's good that he's more than lived up to those expectations.

I think Danny possibly needed more screentime for all of that stuff to be truly effective, but I'm not sure that Doctor Who should be spending that much time on character stuff as opposed to the story plots. It's a tricky one.

Very much enjoyed the Mistress/Master as characterised here and thought Michelle Gomez came good when it mattered. I'd like to see her back (because of course the Master always survives!) And that realisation was a great moment for the Doctor, one that he's been building up to ever since his last regeneration. My assumption about what he saw at the coordinates is the same as yours, and it's just the sort of cruel trick the Master would pull. Capaldi was amazing in his portrayal of the Doctor's reaction to that.


wunnerwmn November 10 2014, 00:08:20 UTC
The end, where he saw there was nothing at those coordinates and started pounding on the TARDIS console...I sobbed. The Doctor wanted to believe the one who was once his childhood friend could somehow still be trusted, that there was something left of the person he once was, but it wasn't to be. And there at the very end where he hugged Clara, talking about it being a way to hide your face...I cried again. I think this is the first time I realized how emotionally invested I've been in series 8, and most of that is due to Capaldi ( ... )


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