Drabble: Knowing

Jan 05, 2014 04:38

Title: Knowing
Author: akashasheiress
Characters/Pairings: Jamie McCrimmon, Second Doctor, the TARDIS
Rating: G
Spoilers/warnings: None, I think
Word count: 177
Disclaimer: I own nada.
Summary: Jamie thinks about what the Doctor is. And whether it matters.
N/A: This is my Two-contribution. I'm way late, which makes it lose some momentum, I suppose. But I wanted ( Read more... )

second doctor, doctor who, fan fiction, the tardis, 50th anniversary fanwork-a-thon-a-thon

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Comments 4

lost_spook January 5 2014, 12:23:04 UTC
Aw, that's lovely! :-)

(You have got one typo in the first sentence, though - Jaime for Jamie!)


akashasheiress January 5 2014, 19:03:09 UTC
Thank you!

And thanks, it's fixed now.


jjpor January 5 2014, 22:42:50 UTC
Very nice indeed - and topical considering recent Who viewing. ;) I like this take on Jamie and his view of the Doctor - it fits with his attitude in the TV stories where he seems to take a lot of the things he is confronted with in his stride, seemingly without too much deep thought about them. And as you point out, this probably has a lot to do with coming from a time and place and culture where strange happenings and omens and miracles are seen very much as real and true - the ideals of the Enlightenment having perhaps not quite reached the Scottish highlands by 1745 or so. A very perceptive take on his character, if you will allow me to say so. :)


akashasheiress January 6 2014, 21:43:26 UTC
I'm not exactly an expert on the culture of 18th c Scottish highlands, but I do know a bit more about what life was like for someone of Jamie's time and socio-economic background in my own country in that period. And given our fairly strong cultural ties to Scotland, I might be able to make a decent approximation. Also, you can make an educated guess from what we see of Jamie. We know that he's illiterate (or very nearly so) when he becomes a Team TARDIS member and from his position etc we get a pretty good estimation of his background. But he's also a quick learner and has good head on his shoulders, so there's no reason to assume that he wouldn't be able to have these thoughts on the nature of Time, symbolism etc.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked! And I'm flattered that you got ''perceptive'' out of such few words. :)


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