BOP Recs List

Aug 20, 2012 22:35

I conducted a little search tonight for Doctor Who fics featuring bisexual/pansexual characters, and I must say: I am heartened by the results! They do exist! \0/

(Highlight of my search? I found many more "Rory is bisexual" fics I hadn't read before. Disappointing? No "Amy is bisexual" fics! Must remedy this soon...)

The list is (by no means) exhaustive: just what I was able to find in an hour or so of searching things like "Doctor Who, bisexual" in various places. I did my best to confirm that each fic meets the guidelines for this comm, but I did not read the entirety of each one of them.

Fics are in no particular order. (Actually, they're in the order in which I found them.)

Only minimal information on each story is provided here! For full details and WARNINGS, please read the header information provided before the work itself.

"Vita Longa" by Sam Storyteller
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Rory, Amy, Jeff
Summary: Rory's life is a romance, but definitely not the one he expected.

"A Prelude to Polyamory" by apple_pathways (amo_amare)
Rating: M/Explicit
Characters: Rory, Amy, Eleven
Summary: Rory has decided he's ready to welcome the Doctor into his and Amy's bed, but first, there are some things he needs Amy to understand.

"The Full Doctor" by apple_pathways (amo_amare)
Rating: R
Characters: Rory, Amy, Eleven
Summary: When Rory is offended at the Doctor stripping off in front of him and Amy during The Eleventh Hour, the Doctor is hurt. Amy decides to make it right and arrange a little private performance...

"Fitz and The Doctor Don't Go to The Moon" by kindkit
Rating: Teen
Characters: Eigth Doctor, Fitz Kreiner
Summary: Dream worlds, dream Fitzes, dream girls, and reality.

"Pastoral Care" by loneraven (raven)
Rating: No rating (I estimate PG-ish?)
Characters: River Song, Tobias
Summary: "River Song Explains It All. And Blows Shit Up."

"Women in Western Political Thought" by such_heights
Rating: No rating (Estimated G/PG)
Characters: Amy, Rory, Eleven, Martha, others
Summary: In which Amy and Rory are philosophy MA students and Amy is into student politics. Featuring lots of other New Who characters.

"A Little Table With a View" by hhertzof
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Fifth Doctor, Ezri Dax, mentions of Five/Turlough, Five/Sarah Jane Smith, Five/Turlough/Sarah Jane and Jadzia Dax/Worf
Summary: (Crossover with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) Two old friends. Dinner at Quark's.

"Who I Intend to Be" by persephoneflame
Rating: PG
Characters: Mickey, Jake, Jackie Tyler
Summary: Mickey Smith has always defined himself by other people. When his assumptions about those people are wrong, Mickey has to come to his own conclusions about who he is.

"Revelations in a Van" by semirose
Rating: PG
Characters: Mickey, Jake
Summary: A stop at Mickey's Gran's prompts a conversation and revelations for all.

"Of Pioneers and Puddocks" by glinda_penguin
Rating: Teen
Characters: Zoe/Isobel, Zoe/Jamie, Zoe/Everybody really...
Summary: Zoë Heriot. Scientific and systematic exploration of sexuality.

"Hardly Moving Yet" by ionlylurkhere
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Seventh Doctor, Ace/everyone ever
Summary: Sometimes, your best friend is the hardest person of all to talk to.

"Free to Be You and Me" by rage_andgrace
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Amy, Rory, Mels, Eleven
Summary: He'd told Amy he was bi when they were teenagers. She'd not found it strange, but his family had reacted badly. Their new life with the doctor helps him change his oppression of his bisexual leanings.

"Not Ice Cream, But Sort of Looks Like It" by allheadybooks
Rating: Teen
Characters: Rory, Amy, Eleven
Summary: The cat's not out of the bag, exactly, it's just that he doesn't feel like doing any misdirection at the moment and the Doctor looks confused, and anyway they're on an alien planet eating something unidentified next to a table full of purplish young women wearing leaves as hats, so he takes a deep breath and goes for it.

"Belief" by rage_andgrace
Rating: PG
Characters: Rory, Amy, Eleven, OCs
Summary: Four people who didn't believe him (that he's bisexual) and one who did.

"One of These Days" by John_lzhc
Rating: Teen
Characters: Donna, Ten
Summary: For the prompt: The Doctor finds out one of his companions (your choice which one, or an OC) is struggling with their sexuality because of past bullying, and takes them on a tour of time/space/their own timeline designed to show them It Gets Better. Bonus points for the Doctor casually discussing his own queerness and/or asexuality.

"Twisting Paths" by Settiai
Rating: Teen
Characters: Jo Grant, Third Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones
Summary: What has been will be and what will be has been.

"The Abyss Gazes Also" by snowgrouse
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Ten, Master, Lucy Saxon
Summary: The Master indulges in a nice spot of Doctortorture, bringing Lucy with him. Threesome smut ahoy.

"Everyman" by Basingstoke
Rating: M
Characters: Jack Harkness, Martha Jones, Ianto Jones
Summary: It starts on a beach and ends in a city.

This rec list is far from complete! If you know a work that features bisexual/pansexual characters, please share the link so I can put it on this list.

As I said, I haven't read through all of these. (I have earmarked several to go back to later.) If there's a work here you particularly enjoyed, after leaving some love for the author, why not come back and share with us your recommendation?

And please share this comm with your flist and favorite Who-verse comms! I'd like to up the watcher/member numbers here before launching our first fest.

Have a suggestion for where I could advertise? Let me know!

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