Second Doctor Fanworkathon Entry - Two Era Recs List

Oct 05, 2013 17:24

My entry for the Second Doctor fanworkathon - a recs list. This post contains recs for various fanworks about Two and his friends (and enemies), mainly fic with the occasional vid. It's in no way intended to be comprehensive or official in any respect, and is inevitably shaped by my own fannish habits, (though all the main characters are represented).

So I hope very much that everyone will join in reccing the many gems I've missed in the comments - all fanworks welcome - and then this post really could become a celebratory hub for the very best of Two!

The Second (and First) Doctor(s) can be under-represented in terms of fanworks. And it's understandable - they're the oldest Doctors and it's not always easy for people to watch their episodes for various reasons (including the fact that many of them sadly no longer exist). However, Two and his companions are awesome and there are some amazing works featuring them. So, why not celebrate the anniversary year by meeting them or re-visiting them via some excellent fanworks?

Multi-Era Recs
Kicking off with some multi-era fics, and particularly those which blend New and Old Who - some familiar figures to cling to the in the wilds of a black and white unknown! Or, really, just because I love Multi-Era fics. Who doesn't? (No, wait - don't answer that...)

Ms Heriot, Meet Dr Song by justice_turtle
(All ages, 979 words, gen. Zoe Heriot, River Song, Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon.) In which Zoe Heriot is so much smarter than the Doctor. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Post-ep fixit for Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. Pretty much as it says on the tin. The Doctor brings Zoe and Jamie to the Library and Zoe doesn't take long to fix something the Doctor couldn't. (The Doctor is almost as clever as her, you know.)

A Moment's Grace by Branwyn
(All ages, 4446 words. Martha Jones, Second Doctor.) On the eve of her return to England, a weary Martha Jones meets an old friend for the first time. Beautifully done fic in which Martha gets unexpected assistance and comfort during the Year That Never Was from a much earlier Doctor than her own.

Cicatrice by infiniteviking
(All ages, 1359 words, gen. Ninth Doctor, Second Doctor, Ben Jackson.) On the edge of reality, the Doctor discovers something he was never supposed to know about: himself. Gorgeously written short piece in which it's the Second Doctor who finds his future self after the Time War.

Things To Do In Leadworth In The Snow by john_elliott
(All ages, 3716 words, gen. Amelia Pond, Jamie McCrimmon, Samantha Briggs.) Leadworth is blanketed by heavy snow. Amelia needs company; Jamie and Samantha need somewhere to stay the night. Pretty adorable wintry/Christmas fic in which Amelia helps some strangers (or gains some eccentric babysitters) - Jamie and near-miss companion Sam Briggs.

The Magic Door by LilacFree
(All ages, 1396 words, gen. Jamie McCrimmon, Tegan Jovanka, Fifth Doctor, Nyssa.) Tegan is lost in Scotland and has an interesting encounter with a kilt-wearing Clansman. In which Tegan meets Jamie before he meets the Doctor. It's great.

Good Advice by sciathan file
(All ages, 2578 words, gen. Victoria Waterfield, Tenth Doctor.) Victoria advises a familiar stranger. Wonderfully done fic in which Victoria, post-travels, passes the Doctor's own advice on back to him.

Works that give you a true taste of the era - missing scenes, missing adventures, character vignettes etc.

Vid: Doctor Who: "A Hard Day's Night" - Patrick Troughton Tribute by secretivebus
This is a splendid and entertaining introduction to the era!

Vid: Babelcolour Tribute: The Cosmic Hobo by Babelcolour
Another tribute to the Second Doctor - it's the perfect taster for Two.

Have A Little Talk With... by Gary Merchant
(All ages, 839 words, gen. Second Doctor, First Doctor, Ben Jackson.) Recovering from his first regeneration, the Doctor receives an unexpected visitor. The Second Doctor, shortly after his regeneration, trying to adjust to the change - and getting a little help from his former self. It's a lovely little look at that very first change of Doctors - and not omitting the customary Doctor-Doctor bickering, of course.

The Darkness of Mere Being by Sakura Tsukikage
(All ages, 1833 words, gen. Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Ben Jackson, Polly Wright.) Set during the Season 4 Serial "The Moonbase." The Doctor and Jamie discuss the nature of the Cybermen. Beautiful, thoughtful missing scene from The Moonbase.

Reciprocal Quandaries by primsong
(All ages, 31,493 words, gen. Second Doctor, Ben Jackson, Polly Wright, Jamie McCrimmon. Slight Ben/Polly.) Two, Ben, Polly and Jamie pause for a bit of restful holiday at the 1900 Paris Exposition - or so they wished. One of the most delightful missing adventures of any DW era that I know of.

Looking Good Is Serious Business by stunt_muppet
(All ages, 455 words, Polly Wright, Second Doctor. Slight, humorous Polly/Doctor.) At least, it is to Polly Wright. Lovely, fun ficlet.

The Spartans by jjpor
(Teen, 69883 words, gen. Second Doctor, Ben Jackson, Polly Wright, Jamie McCrimmon. Slight Ben/Polly, Jamie/Ben.) Greece, 480 BC: As the vast armies of the King of Kings prepare to battle the outnumbered defenders of the Hot Gates, the Doctor and his friends find themselves where they often find themselves at times like this - caught in the middle. It's a glorious straight-up novel-length historical and simply one of the best fanfics I've ever read.

One Long Night by Amy Wolf
(All ages, 1538 words, gen. Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Victoria Waterfield.) The Doctor attempts to solve a problem of storage space. Complications ensue. The origins of the sonic screwdriver, much as Nine once said it was. With added complications, of course...

Lessons by alouzon
(All ages, 1326 words, gen. Jamie McCrimmon, Victoria Waterfield. Slight Jamie/Victoria.) Just an ordinary evening on board the TARDIS. Victoria decides to teach Jamie to read. A great short piece with a fun twist at the end, and a nice look at the interactions between the two.

But Sometimes It Is by Bibliophile1887
(All ages, 1162 words, gen, mild angst. Second Doctor, Victoria Waterfield, Jamie McCrimmon.) Victoria learns that travelling with the Doctor isn't always fun. A nice introspective piece focusing on another quiet moment between the Doctor and Victoria.

A King Is A King by Sheila Adamson
(All ages, 2565 words, gen. Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Victoria Waterfield.) The Jacobites: Wrong but Wromantic? An old-fashioned historical. Excellent historical fic.

British Summer Time by nostalgia
(All ages/PG, 2119 words, gen. Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe Heriot.) They were at the beach, and they were going to have fun even if killed him. Jamie, Zoe and the Doctor and a day at the seaside. Do I really have to say more?

Advanced TARDIS Maintenance for the Determined Highlander by Kaesa
(All ages, 6810 words, gen. Jamie McCrimmon, The TARDIS, Second Doctor, Zoe Heriot.) Jamie has offended the TARDIS, and now he's just a little bit turned around. I love good TARDIS fic and this is one of the best - you won't be disappointed.

Transit of Venus by Lilac Free
(All ages/PG, 6054 words, Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe Heriot. Two/Jamie/Zoe non-sexual OT3.) Who are you when you're not the man you used to be? Who created the Universe? And can a girl who was raised to be a human computer find happiness in a commune with a boy in a skirt and a Beatle in a gi? The TARDIS team take time to learn about each other and themselves.

Heights by calapine
(All ages, 905 words, Jamie McCrimmon, Second Doctor.) The Doctor, Jamie, and just the one parachute. Need I say more? Jamie and the Doctor being so very much themselves, very entertainingly.

Vid: The Second Doctor Era || Help! by Lady20145
Because apparently the best tribute vids are made by combining the Second Doctor and the Beatles. But of course. It's another great general vid. (Some possible spoilers for The War Games.)

Vid: Doctor Who: Black & White Monsters by touchdownpossum
A tribute to the monsters of the 1960s. You've never seen anything like them... This is just brilliant and very funny.

Companions, Crossovers & More
Works that follow the Second Doctor's companions post-travels, shippy works and any other items.

Ben Jackson & Polly Wright
Vid: A Place in Time by VanielDonovan
Short and sweet Ben/Polly vid.

The Power of Pol by Van Donovan
(All ages, 1827 words, Ben Jackson, Polly Wright. Ben/Polly.) Ben is shot and Polly is fearless. Watch out for the blink-or-you'll-miss-it cameo. Ben and Polly, post-TARDIS travels, still getting into trouble, and still together.

End of Devils by Sheila Adamson
(All ages, 2197 words, gen. Slight Ben/Polly. Ben Jackson, Polly Wright, The Delgado Master.) Ben and Polly take a short break in the picturesque village of Devil's End. Really lovely fic about Ben and Polly, their life after the Doctor - and touching on all those weird alien invasions of the 1970s, not to mention the Master.

Jamie McCrimmon
No More Returning by biichan
(All ages, 1411 words, gen. Jamie McCrimmon, Second Doctor.) Just why was a McCrimmon fighting for Charles Stuart, anyway? A story about Jamie and his father. Some excellently done backstory for Jamie.

World Enough and Time by kindkit
(All ages, 717 words, Jamie McCrimmon, Third Doctor. Mild Jamie/Doctor.) Saying goodbye again. Excellent, bittersweet Jamie/Doctor ficlet.

Happily Ever After by Doctor Tam
(All ages, 1116 words, gen, AU. Jamie McCrimmon.) Ten endings for Jamie McCrimmon. As it says - ten intriguing possible endings for Jamie.

Victoria Waterfield
Scream by alouzon
(All ages, 1181 words. Victoria Waterfield, Jamie McCrimmon. Mild Jamie/Victoria.) Victoria screams a lot. But we already knew that. Amusing fic about Victoria and her most famous talent.

Zoe Heriot
In The Numbers by AceOnGallifrey
(All ages, 296 words, gen. Zoe Heriot.) "Sometimes, in her dreams, she sees such strange creatures, and a magical man with an impossible box, and she wonders who he is." Zoe!fic, because there just isn't enough. In which Zoe remembers...

Setting Things Right by Gary Merchant
(All ages, 1336 words, gen. Zoe Heriot, Seventh Doctor.) Zoe finds that things just don't add up - sequel to A Time To Remember. War Games fix-it, in which the Doctor finally gets around to putting something important right.

Extra-Curricular Activity by john_elliott
(All ages, 12,055, gen. Zoe Heriot, Original characters.) Some years after The War Games, Zoë receives an unusual job offer. Great gen mystery fic in which Zoe may have left the TARDIS, but she's still having adventures and being cleverer than everyone else around her.

Dreams and Memory (The Art of Fugue Remix) by antennapedia
(All ages, 2094 words, gen. Zoe Heriot, Second Doctor.) Zoe dreams and wakes. Beautifully written post-War Games fic for Zoe - dreams, and memory, and awakenings.

Firefly: The Man with a Recorder by Forge
(All ages, 602 words, gen. Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Mal Reynolds). The Doctor and Jamie hitch a ride on a certain Firefly Class Cargo ship. Cross w/ Firefly Great little crossover character piece, that comes with a lovely piece of fanart.

Monty Python: Less Than Ideal Circumstances by john_elliott
(All ages, 774 words. Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Victoria Waterfield, Father Hernandez.) The Doctor is trying to launch the statue of Nemesis into space. But there seem to be an awful lot of distractions. It's implied in Silver Nemesis that it was the Second Doctor who first met Lady Peinforte and launched Nemesis into orbit. It gets unexpectedly complicated...

Star Trek (AOS): Section3-52 by atraphoenix
(PG, 1501 words, Zoe Heriot, James T. Kirk, Spock. Kirk/Zoe.) Zoe couldn’t continue to wander around the bridge in that catsuit. It was Kirk's job - his duty, even - to get her out of it. [A Star Trek XI crossover.] Like the summary says, basically. Fun crossover.

Star Trek (TOS): Two Scots and a TARDIS by primsong
(All ages, 850 words, gen. Jamie McCrimmon, Montgomery Scott.) Jamie and Scotty tour the TARDIS while waiting for a landing party to return. Enjoyable crossover that does what it says on the tin.

Waiting For Godot: Time Waits for No Godot by BetaCadabra
(All ages, 1882 words, gen. Second Doctor.) What the world never realised it so desperately wanted: a Doctor Who/Samuel Beckett crossover story. Familiarity with 'Waiting for Godot' not necessarily required.. In which the Doctor has his own way of dealing with Godot. (I think just one example of the true fact that you can absolutely cross Doctor Who with anything and more than get away with it.)

The Investigators by john_elliott
(All ages, 1839 words. Zoe Heriot, Isobel Watkins. Mild Zoe/Isobel.) She's an up-and-coming photographer in swinging London. She's a genius from the future who's working as a model to make ends meet. Together, they fight crime! What it says: Zoe and Isobel (from The Invasion) team up and fight crime.

Vid: White Rabbit by calapine
Brilliant tribute to the surreal serial "The Mind Robber". You won't believe your eyes, and probably you shouldn't... (Spoilers for The Mind Robber, inevitably.)

And now - over to you! Rec any Two-era fanworks you think deserve it in the comments! (All fanworks welcome - just no self-recs, please.)

second doctor, recs, fan fiction, 50th anniversary fanwork-a-thon-a-thon

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