Forget Yesterday [6/45]

Mar 05, 2012 14:55

Title: Forget Yesterday [6/45]
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Rating: PG (this chapter)
POV: 3rd person.

Summary: Alex is broken. Jack has a lot of baggage. Can they heal each other before they're lost for good?

Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven

At the end of November, while Jack was waiting for his usual early morning coffee (from Jenny’s, the café he always goes to each lunch with Vinny at, where else), he got a text from Charlotte.

Emma’s pre-K is having a costume day today - you’ll never believe what Emma’s decided to go as…x

Jack bit his bottom lip curiously. He knew his ex-girlfriend didn’t expect a text back - she was sending him a photo. Surely enough, 30 seconds later another text came through, this time with a photo attached. The photo had Emma dressed in a plain black t-shirt, black patent leggings, mini black Doc Martens and she had transfer tattoos up and down her arms, as well as brightly coloured clip in extensions all through her dark wavy hair.

Emma decided she wanted to be a punk! X

Jack laughed quietly to himself, looking over the picture again. His daughter was definitely her own person, that’s for sure. Jack remembered when he was younger that no-one could tell him what to do - now it looked like Emma had inherited the same trait.

I’m so blaming Vinny for this one - he told her about my tattoos and convinced her that rock and roll is the way to go! She looks adorable though. Take a few more pictures for me? X

Jack’s coffee was done just as he sent that, so he grabbed it and walked outside, heading up to his accountancy to start his day. It didn’t take long for the new pictures to come through, and Jack smiled to himself as he looked through them.

He was so busy scrolling through his phone that he didn’t notice the man walking towards him. Until he walked into him. Somehow Jack managed to keep his balance and not fall over, not even spilling his coffee or dropping his phone. Result.

“I’m so sorry! Are you okay? I’m such an idiot!” the man asked worriedly.

Holy shit. This man is beautiful. Woah, what?

“Yeah, I’m fine. My coffee didn’t spill so you’re safe,” Jack reassured.

Jack knew that if the guy hadn’t been so good looking, he would’ve had a bitch fit. But this guy was fine with a side of dayum! Light brown messy hair, big brown eyes, cheekbones to die for, a shy smile and tattoos peeking out from his collar and cuffs? So worth keeping his temper under wraps.

“Oh thank fuck. Um, do you know where VV Ink and Metal is? I have a job interview there and I haven’t had a job in 6 months let alone an interview in over 2 years and I’m running late and…”

“It’s next door,” Jack interrupted, pointing.

The man looked, and consequently blushed.

“Oh, wow, that’s embarrassing. Um, thank you,” the man said.

“No problem. Good luck - the owner’s a little crazy but he’s a good guy,” Jack smiled.

Since when did conversation with such a cute guy ever come so easily for Jack?!

“Thanks, um, maybe I’ll see you around?” the man said hopefully.

“Yeah, maybe,” Jack nodded, smiling a little more.

The man smiled back a little wider, before walking down to Vinny’s tattoo parlour. Jack didn’t realise he was checking out the guy’s perfect ass until he disappeared. Whoops. Jack laughed to himself and walked into his building. It wasn’t until he was sat behind his desk that he realised what had just happened. He’d had a full conversation with a random hot stranger, something that he hadn’t done in years, and he might see him again if his best friend hires him?

Holy shit.

“Mr Barakat, Mr Morgan said that the weekly meeting will start in 5 minutes,”

Irene, one of the partners of the accountancy firm’s secretary.

“Why so early?” Jack frowned.

“Something about new clients’ work to do,” Irene shrugged.

Great. Even the secretary doesn’t know what’s going on. Typical Morgan.

“Okay, sure. I’ll be there in 5,” Jack nodded.

Just about enough time to switch his computer on and to drink his coffee. Just another start to another boring day in which he would have no time to think about the hot prospective employee next door.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: pg-13, pairing: rian dawson/vinny vegas, genre: angst, chaptered: forget yesterday, genre: au, pairing: zack merrick/matt flyzik

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