Forget Yesterday [35/44]

Feb 10, 2013 12:02

Title: Forget Yesterday [35/44]
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Angst.
POV: 3rd person.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Title credit goes to Boys Like Girls.

Summary: Alex is broken. Jack has a lot of baggage. Can they heal each other before they're lost for good?

Part Thirty-Four | Part Thirty-Five | Part Thirty-Six

Alex had been acting strangely the last three days. Jack wasn’t dumb, he knew when something was off. What it was, he didn’t know. Despite pressing Alex for answers (“Nothing’s wrong Jack! I swear!”), and the fact that Vinny and Rian swore they knew nothing either (they wouldn’t lie to him), Jack just knew there was something wrong. He also knew that Zack knew, but he couldn’t get close enough to ask without Alex intercepting or without Matt waltzing in to make-out with him.

It was frustrating to say the least.

Was it Jack? Had he done something wrong that he didn’t know about?

He wished Alex would just tell him so he could correct it. He hated feeling like this, like he was inadequate. Alex wasn’t getting bored of him, was he? Jack knew he was just a dull accountant, but he thought Alex liked him.

Used to like him, anyway.

Fuck, this was embarrassing. Jack bet Alex was just trying to think of ways to break up with him without hurting him. Fuck. What could he do? He didn’t want to lose Alex, no way. So he was going to have to confront him, again.

This was for the best, right? He had to know, one way or another.

So when Alex was round for dinner that night, after Emma had been put to bed, Jack sat down next to Alex on the sofa but didn’t snuggle into him. He couldn’t afford to get distracted and lose the bottle to talk to him. No, that wouldn’t do.

Of course, Alex immediately frowned and sat upright.

“What’s wrong, Jack?” Alex asked.

“I could ask the same thing,” Jack said with a weak smile.

Alex rolled his eyes.

“I’ve told you a million times, Jack! There’s nothing wrong!” Alex groaned.

“Then why have you been acting so strangely?” Jack pushed.

“I haven’t! I…”

“Did something happen?”

“No, it’s…”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“Of course not! I…”

“Are you going to break up with me?”

Alex’s jaw dropped slightly, hurt filling his eyes. Jack immediately felt bad, but he knew he had to say it. He had to know.

“Of course I’m not going to break up with you! I love you! How could you ever think otherwise?” Alex asked sadly.

“Because I’ve felt like shit for the past three days and you’re breaking my heart by lying to me,” Jack sighed.

Jack knew Alex was lying. He just knew it.

“Oh Jack,” Alex breathed.

Jack swallowed heavily, looking down at his hands.

“Please just tell me, Lex. I need to know. It’s driving me crazy,” Jack whispered.

Alex sighed, running his hand through his hair. Jack stayed silent, watching his boyfriend think. Come on, Lex. Come on.

“You really want to know?” Alex asked eventually.

“Yeah, I do,” Jack nodded.

“Promise you won’t get mad,” Alex asked.

Jack frowned. What?

“Promise!” Alex demanded.

“I’ll try,” Jack nodded.

Alex ran his tongue over his lips nervously, trying to smile before he cleared his throat.

“I bumped into Danny while I did the grocery shop,” Alex mumbled.

Danny…who was Danny…shit, that Danny?!

“The Danny? Your ex Danny?” Jack yelped.

What the fuck?!

“Yeah, him,” Alex nodded, “He asked how I was and said how marriage isn’t good and he asked if we could catch up,”

Jack’s eyes narrowed. No way.

“He wants to meet up with you?”

Alex just nodded again.

“You’re not going right?” Jack demanded.

Alex looked surprised at Jack’s anger but he shook his head, letting Jack relax a little.

“No I’m not going to see him again…but even if I did I wouldn’t get back with him. I love you, remember?” Alex smiled

Jack smiles slightly back, still not happy.

“I love you too, despite your crazy ex,” Jack said softly.

Alex smiled a little more, his eyes lighting up.

“You’re so cute when you’re jealous,” Alex grinned.

Jack scowled. What? He was allowed to be protective of Alex, wasn’t he? Especially after what the asshole did to him.

“Well let’s just say if Danny ever shows his face again he’ll have me to answer to,” Jack said firmly.

“My hero,” Alex giggled.

Jack rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to Alex’s, earning a soft moan from the younger man. Alex may think that Jack was joking, but he wasn’t. Alex was everything to him, and if this guy thought he had a chance of getting Alex back, he had another thing coming.

“Mm, change cute to sexy. You should get jealous more often,” Alex purred.

“Don’t push it,” Jack growled.

Alex just smiled innocently.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: pg-13, genre: au, pairing: zack merrick/matt flyzik, author:whntomorrow, pairing: rian dawson/vinny vegas, genre: angst, chaptered: forget yesterday

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