Forget Yesterday [29/45]

Dec 06, 2012 15:46

Title: Forget Yesterday [29/45]
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Angst.
POV: 3rd person.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Title credit goes to Boys Like Girls.

Summary: Alex is broken. Jack has a lot of baggage. Can they heal each other before they're lost for good?

Part Twenty-Eight | Part Twenty-Nine | Part Thirty

March. March already - would you believe it! Not only was Alex busy with work but his anniversary with Jack last week had gone perfectly (although Vinny had given him a sympathetic look he didn’t understand) and Emma was settling very well into her new life. Alex even had a schedule now, a routine - he worked every day except Sundays from 9-5, he went over to Jack’s house three nights a week to have dinner with Jack and Emma, Jack came over to his and Rian’s apartment to have dinner once a week, he spent Friday nights with Zack and Rian no matter what and he’d even started running two mornings a week with Zack. It was hectic, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Sundays were the only day that were a bit different, because he’d sometimes spend that entirely with Jack and Emma or he’d spend it entirely chilling out with Rian.

He honestly couldn’t remember a time when his life had been better.

On the first Thursday night of March, Alex opened his front door after work only to see Rian on the phone with someone. And he looked extremely awkward. When Rian saw Alex enter their apartment, his eyes went wide and flooded with relief, which meant only one thing - Alex’s mom was on the phone.


With a sigh, Alex gestured for Rian to pass the phone over, squeezing his eyes shut tight for a brief second before clearing his throat. He’d make this short and to the point. Nothing more.

“Hi mom. I’ve just got in from work,”

“You have a job?”

“Yes, I got a new job at the end of November, over four months ago,” Alex said as politely as he could.

He couldn’t believe she was already grating on his nerves. That had to be a record.

“Well if you called me more than once every 6 months, I’d know these things!” his mom scolded.

Alex scowled, making Rian chuckle from across the room.

“Well mom, you haven’t bothered to see me in three years, so what’s the difference?” Alex shot back.

“It’s a two way street, Alexander,” she replied haughtily.

Alex couldn’t’ve held back his growl if he tried.

“Your new husband banned me from the house for being gay and you let him, so don’t you start with me!” Alex spat

Yeah, that happened. His mom could’ve said something. She could’ve said anything. But it was too late now. Far too late.

Alex found himself clenching and unclenching his fists while his Mom stayed silent, waiting as patiently as he could for her to say something. Eventually, she sighed.

“I just want to know if you’re okay,” she said softly.

Alex sighed too.

“I’m fine actually. And I’ve met someone,” Alex said simply.

There was no point hiding the truth.

“What’s h-he like?” his mom asked.

At least she was trying.

“His name is Jack and he’s an accountant,” Alex said.

“He sounds perfect,” his mom replied.

Alex found himself smiling at the thought.

“He is, and his daughter is perfect too,” Alex said.

“Oh Alex! What have I always told you about getting involved with people with baggage?!” his mom exasperated.

Alex couldn’t hold back his growl again. How dare she!

“Emma isn’t baggage! She’s adorable and wonderful and she’s been through so much! As has Jack! How dare you judge them when you don’t even know them!” Alex said angrily.

“You’re too young and immature to understand that kind of responsibility, Alex,” his mom said.

That only made Alex angrier.

“You don’t know me any more, mom. You haven’t known me since I was 18, and that was your choice. You don’t know the adult I’ve become, what I’ve been through, or even what I want for the future. You’ve lost the right to judge me and my lifestyle, and especially the people I choose to have in my life. Jack is an amazing man and he treats me better than any man has ever treated you. I don’t care what you think about him because I love him and that is that!” Alex seethed.

With that, he slammed the phone down, barely able to control his breathing. How dare she talk about Jack like that?! He had the mind to…

“You love me?”

Alex inhaled sharply, whirling around to see Jack standing in doorway with Emma asleep on his hip, Rian smiling at their side. Huh, he hadn’t even noticed Rian leave the room. Alex found himself blushing, but nodded, answering Jack’s question. There was no use denying his feelings now that Jack had heard them.

Jack made a happy noise, his eyes lighting up, making Rian laugh.

“I’ll lie Emma down on your bed,” Rian offered.

Jack handed her over without another word, heading straight over to Alex as Rian walked down the corridor.

“Say it again,” Jack demanded, cupping Alex’s face with his hands.

“I love you,” Alex beamed.

Jack made that happy noise again. “I love you too,”

Alex did the only thing he could do. He kissed Jack softly, clutching at his hips, hoping that all his emotions were shown in the embrace. He didn’t think that Jack was ready to hear those words from him. But he was glad he was wrong.

“Fuck, for once me talking to my mom has something good come out of it,” Alex mused, after he’d broke the kiss.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Jack offered.

“About the phone call?” Alex asked, cocking his head.

“And the reason you’re so angry with her in total,” Jack nodded.

Alex thought about it for a second or two, before nodding. He could trust Jack with his angst, right?

“Um, she really screwed me up when I was 18. I’d been struggling for a while with my sexuality, but after having scraped together the courage to come out to my mom and step-dad, my step-dad shunned me completely, kicking me out of the house. I never would’ve said anything had I known how homophobic he really was. My mom didn’t even defend me, not once. She just stood to the side, letting him ban me from my own home. Luckily, I was off to college in a couple of weeks anyway, and a friend had let me stay at their house until I left. And during the holidays I went back to Rian’s house, or Zack’s house, so I didn’t even have to worry then about having nowhere to go. She made me feel ashamed to be gay because she didn’t support me, and I’ve never been back to the house I grew up in thanks to her dick of a husband,” Alex explained quietly.

Jack’s jaw had dropped slightly, making Alex wince. He knew it was bad, but seriously?

“I am so sorry you had to go through that so young. You didn’t deserve it, not in the slightly. And you should never be ashamed of who you are, ever. You’re perfect, Lex,” Jack eventually said.

Alex found himself blushing slightly. “I’m far from perfect, but thank you. It took me a long time to get over her rejection and I don’t think things are ever going to be good between us, but I don’t care anymore. I have Rian’s parents and Zack’s parents, so I’m happy. And now I have you too,” Alex smiled.

Jack just smiled back and kissed him again.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: pg-13, genre: au, pairing: zack merrick/matt flyzik, author:whntomorrow, pairing: rian dawson/vinny vegas, genre: angst, chaptered: forget yesterday

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