Waiting For Life To Begin [8/20]

Nov 26, 2012 12:43

Title: Waiting For Life To Begin [8/20]
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Zack Merrick/Jack Barakat
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Angst.
POV: 1st person - Zack.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Title credit goes to The Blackout.

Summary: Has keeping someone else’s secret ever made you question yourself?

Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine

Finally, the first day of Spring Break. These last few days have been really awkward at football practice, mainly between me and Young, but he deserved it. Jack was upset and I wasn’t exactly going to stand by and just let him hurt Jack, was I?

Danny wasn’t talking to Newman, so neither was Matt, and with me barely talking to the four homophobes, neither was Rian. Very awkward when we’re all meant to be a team. Still, we won our last game before Spring Break easily (as always), so at least we didn’t have that hanging over our heads.

But yeah, Spring Break. I couldn’t be more stoked to just chill for an entire week with no school, no pressures and no homework, just hanging out with my best friends. Rian, Danny and Matt are meeting me and Jack at the local IHOP for breakfast (seeing as Jack stayed over Alex’s last night) right now, and Jack and I got a booth while we waited.

“Do I look like I made out with a guy last night?” Jack asked worriedly, noticing our three friends walk in.

I sighed and looked at him, studying his face closely. No, his skin and features are perfect. As always. Uh, what?

“No, you look fine. Just chill out and act like nothing has changed,” I murmured.

Jack took a deep breath but nodded, smiling as Danny, Matt and Rian slid opposite us into the booth.

“Man, I am starving,” Danny groaned.

“Dude, you ate like, 3 whole pizzas last night,” Matt snorted.

“I’m a growing boy! I gotta eat!” Danny protested.

“Yeah, growing outwards,” I teased.

Danny gasped dramatically and pouted, making everyone laugh. It seemed after that, that the ice was broken, and conversation just flowed. Sure, Jack was a little quiet, but at least he talked a little bit. Rian didn’t even send me any confused looks, so that was a bonus.

When we’d finished our pancakes and Rian and I had apologised for the mess Danny made, we bundled out ofIHOP and towards ours cars parked just down the street.

“I totally could’ve had that cute waitress’s number if it wasn’t for you, Kurily,” Rian grumbled.

“Yeah right, like she would’ve gone for you! She seems like the type to actually like hair to pull on,” Danny winked.

Rian grimaced and we just laughed, Jack giggling as well. Danny might’ve had a point.

“Ooh, can I ride in your car to the arcades? I haven’t been in your car for ages!” Danny asked me excitedly.

“Me too!” Matt added.

I shrugged. Doesn’t matter to me who goes in my car.

“You can ride with me, Jack,” Rian smiled.

Jack stiffened slightly, but nodded. I sighed softly where Rian couldn’t see. I hope he doesn’t interrogate Jack. Huh. I should’ve thought of that. Oh well, Jack can hold his own just against Rian, right?


The five of us were out all day, just messing around and hanging out like we haven’t done as a group in ages. It was quite nice for a change, actually. Jack pretty much retreated into his shell after his car ride with Rian, so I knew straight away that Rian had given him a brutal questioning. I did ask Rian about it, but he said Jack wouldn’t budge on telling his secret, so at least Jack still has that.

Jack came back to mine after we’d split ways with Rian, Danny and Matt, and after dinner with my parents we went back up to my bedroom. Xbox baby!

“Y’know, you could’ve relaxed a bit more today - the homophobe part of our team aren’t in town for a week,” I pointed out to Jack, switching my Xbox on.

“I know. I…I’m trying, but it’s hard, okay? I just start thinking about what they’d do if they found out about me and then I freeze up. I hate it,” Jack said miserably.

I frowned and put my hand on his shoulder, making him look at me.

“Hey, Rian would never judge you or treat you badly. He wouldn’t. And I would bet my car on Kurily and Flyzik being the same. And you have me as well - you’re safe, Jack. You’ve got nothing to worry about,” I reassured.

“How do you know that?”

“I know loyalty when I see it,” I said simply, “And I know our friends,”

Jack smiled weakly, his eyes pricking with tears. I sighed and wrapped my arm round his shoulders, pulling him into my body for comfort. Jack choked a sob at my action and buried his face in my hoodie, so I wrapped my other arm around him too, letting him cry out all his worries. If he can’t cry to me, who can he cry to? I don’t know how long I was comforting him for, but when Jack sat back up his eyes were bloodshot and red-rimmed.

“I’m s-sorry. This pr-probably isn’t how you en-envisioned your Spring B-Break,” Jack sniffed, trying to calm himself down.

“Don’t worry about it, Jack. I’m here for you, always,” I said softly, offering him a smile.

Jack smiled back and wiped his cheeks dry with his own hoodie.

“Thanks for not ditching me when you found out. I’ll never be more grateful,” Jack told me.

“I told you I have your back,” I reminded him.

“I know, it’s just…you didn’t have to keep my secret. You didn’t have to stay by my side,” Jack shrugged.

“What are friends for, Jack?” I said warmly.

Jack’s smile changed a little, a little sadder if anything, but I didn’t know why.

“Mario Kart?” Jack asked, nodding at my tv.

“Sounds good to me,” I chuckled.


“Are you sure you don’t mind me staying over?” Jack yawned, putting my spare pillow on the air bed we’d blown up.

“Of course not. It’s 4 in the morning, I’m not gonna make you walk home at this time,” I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

“We haven’t had a sleepover in years,” Jack giggled.

“Call it a sleepover again and I might just make you walk,” I warned playfully.

“Yes Sir!” Jack grinned, flopping down onto the air bed.

I laughed and stripped down to my boxers, oblivious to Jack staring the entire time, and got under my duvet.

“Night Jack,” I murmured.

“Night Zack,” Jack replied sweetly.

I smiled and switched off my light.

rating: pg-13, pairing: rian dawson/alex gaskarth, genre: high school au, genre: au, chaptered: waiting for life to begin, author: whntomorrow, pairing: zack merrick/jack barakat, pairing: matt flyzik/danny kurily

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