Forget Yesterday [25/45]

Sep 26, 2012 11:43

Title: Forget Yesterday [25/45]
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Rating: NC-17.
Warnings: A little fluff. Detailed smut.
POV: 3rd person.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Title credit goes to Boys Like Girls.

Summary: Alex is broken. Jack has a lot of baggage. Can they heal each other before they're lost for good?

Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six

Valentines Day. The mushiest day out of the year by far, and the day that Alex could’ve sworn he would’ve been miserable on after Danny had broken up with him. But nuh-uh. Not with Jack around. Not with Jack inviting him over for a romantic candlelit dinner. Alex felt almost giddy when he arrived at Jack’s house, not able to hide the wide smile on his lips as he rang the doorbell.

Jack was perfect. And tonight would be perfect, he could just tell.

“You look beautiful,”

Alex blushed as Jack opened the front door.

“Hello would’ve worked just as well,” Alex mumbled.

Jack chuckled as Alex walked into the house, pulling Alex flush against him by his hips, making Alex inhale sharply. It wasn’t that he minded Jack being all touchy feely, not at all, but Jack’s grabby hands did nothing to calm his libido. What? They’d been together 2 and a half months already, and Jack was freaking gorgeous! How was Alex meant to keep his dick calm?!

“Dinner’s nearly ready, just so you know,” Jack murmured, hands resting hotly on the small of Alex’s back.

“O-Okay,” Alex choked.

Jack grinned and pressed a chaste kiss to Alex’s lips before tugging him along into the kitchen. As soon as he smelt what was cooking, his stomach rumbled loudly. Oh wow. That’s embarrassing.

Jack just laughed. “I’m glad you like it. I’ve made slow-cooked lamb shoulder with red onions, carrots and a red wine sauce, as well as dauphinoise potatoes,”

“That sounds amazing,” Alex beamed.

Now it was Jack’s turn to blush lightly.

“I made a lime cheesecake from scratch as well,” he added.

Alex made a soft happy noise before bringing Jack’s lips back to his. Lime cheesecake was his favourite! Alex felt Jack smile against his lips, kissing him back eagerly, and Alex couldn’t help but moan quietly when Jack pushed him back against the counter top, pressing their bodies together. Fuck. If Jack kept acting like this, Alex wouldn’t be able to contain himself. When Jack circled his hips, Alex moaned again but broke the kiss as he felt himself stirring downstairs. No. Tonight wasn’t about sex. He had to control himself. It was about love and romance and…

“Fuck, Alex, do you even know how sexy you are?” Jack growled.


“Um, no?” Alex offered.

Jack just grabbed Alex’s hand and placed it on his crotch. Alex’s eyebrows shot upwards as he felt just how hard Jack was. Wow. Maybe he wasn’t the only one here thinking about sex.

“Do you want to…y’know…go upstairs?” Alex asked hopefully, pressing his hips a little harder against Jack’s.

“Yeah, yeah I do,” Jack nodded breathlessly.

Alex grinned. Yes! Fuck yes! He’d been waiting for this for so long! Then his brain reminded him of something very important.

“What about Emma? Where is she?” Alex asked.

Jack just smiled. “She’s with Vinny and Rian tonight. I told Vinny about this romantic meal I was planning and he offered to take her off our hands to give us some peace and quiet,”

Well that changed everything.

“Wow. That’s nice of him,” Alex said, surprised.

“Mm, I think we should take full advantage of it,” Jack murmured.

Just as Jack pressed his lips back to Alex’s, a beeping sound went off loudly and Jack broke the kiss.

“Dinner!” he whined.

The dinner that Jack had spent hours slaving over. Damn it. They couldn’t exactly waste it, could they?

“I guess we need our strength and energy?” Alex said.

Jack’s eyes lit up.


“That food was amazing. Especially the cheesecake,” Alex told Jack, while Jack was hurriedly unbuttoning his shirt.

“Glad you liked it,” Jack laughed, pushing Alex’s shirt from his shoulders.

Alex giggled and helped Jack undress too, and soon enough Alex was lying naked on his back with Jack moulded on top of him, kissing like their lives depended on it. Alex honestly couldn’t believe Jack was in bed with him, let alone naked. He knew sex meant a lot to Jack, so for Jack to want this too? Well that made him feel good.

“J-Jack, please, I need you,” Alex whined, bucking his hips.

Jack groaned as their erections brushed but nodded, and reached into a drawer next to them. Alex’s eyes widened at the amount of condoms and lube stashed in there, and voiced his surprise.

“I’ve never done this before, you know that. I just wanted to be prepared,” Jack defended, blushing lightly.

How could Alex have forgotten that Jack was a virgin when it came to gay sex?

“Sounds like someone’s been thinking about this a lot,” Alex teased, running his hands over Jack’s sides.

“Can you blame me?” Jack retorted.

Alex giggled and bucked his hips again, making Jack moan even louder.

“You’re going to have to tell me if I’m doing something wrong,” Jack said nervously, uncapping the lube and covering three fingers.

“I trust you,” Alex reassured him.

Jack swallowed heavily, making Alex smile and spread his legs, displaying himself completely for Jack to see. And Jack did see, his eyes roving over Alex in a way that only excited Alex more.

“Start with one finger, slowly, then work your way up. It’s been a while for me too,” Alex told him.

Jack just nodded, pressing one finger lightly to Alex’s entrance before slowly pushing it in. Alex inhaled sharply at the intrusion, having missed the feeling, but smiled as Jack started moving his finger in and out, clearly mesmerised by the sight and feeling.

“Another,” Alex demanded.

Jack didn’t hesitate. Soon enough, Jack had three fingers pumping and stretching inside Alex, and Alex was writhing below him, dick leaking against his stomach. M-More. He needed more. Now.

“W-Want you, Jack. Please,” Alex moaned.

“Yeah, yeah, okay,” Jack said breathlessly, pulling out his fingers.

Alex whined in protest at the empty feeling, but didn’t stop himself watching Jack roll a condom down his erection, covering himself in even more lube. Fuck, Jack looked so good. So so good.

“Gotta tell me if I’m hurting you,” Jack warned, lining himself up.

Alex smiled. “Just go,”

Slowly but surely, Jack slid into Alex, only stopping when his balls were pressed to Alex’s ass. Alex could barely breathe, the stretch sending sparks of pain as well as pleasure through his body, not remembering ever being this full.

“Are you okay? Do you want me to stop? We don’t have to do this, I won’t be mad,” Jack choked.

If Alex could’ve punched him, he would’ve.

“Stop thinking so much and fuck me,” Alex growled.

Jack’s eyes darkened slightly, and he pulled nearly all the way out before slamming back inside Alex, making Alex cry out. Holy shit, he’d missed this. And with Jack? It felt incredible, so so incredible. Jack’s hips kept snapping forward, his hands pinning Alex’s wrists to the bed as his lips ravaged his neck, and Alex couldn’t hold back the litany of moans and gasps spilling from his lips. How could Jack be a virgin to men when he fucked like this?!

“Where’s your prostate, Lex? I wanna watch you explode, I wanna watch you dissolve in pleasure,” Jack breathed.

Holy shit.

“I didn’t take you for a dirty talker,” Alex teased.

Jack growled and bit down hard on Alex’s shoulder, making Alex cry out.

“Okay, okay, um, aim a bit harder to the left, I think,” Alex gasped.

Jack did so with a grin and only after a few seconds, ecstasy shot through Alex’s veins.

“There, there, there, there, there,” Alex chanted, his back arching, “so close!”

Jack kept pounding into the same spot over and over, his sweat-sheened skin sliding over Alex’s so perfectly, Alex’s dick rubbing over Jack’s stomach only aiding in his pleasure.

“Come on, Alex, come for me. So beautiful,” Jack crooned, nibbling Alex’s lobe.

Alex felt his stomach tighten at the words, and after a handful more thrusts he shot all over Jack’s stomach, yelling his name. Jack came not long after, Alex too tight around him to keep him sane, and he kept thrusting through their highs, filling up the condom. Alex felt his vision swim as Jack pulled out, smiling goofily up at his boyfriend as Jack pulled off the condom and cleaned them up.

“I can’t believe we waited so long to do that,” Jack groaned, collapsing down next to Alex.

“Pretty amazing, huh?” Alex grinned, snuggling into Jack’s body.

Jack laughed. “I’d say so,”

Alex pressed a kiss to Jack’s neck before closing his eyes. Yes, this was definitely the best Valentines Day ever.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, genre: au, pairing: zack merrick/matt flyzik, author:whntomorrow, pairing: rian dawson/vinny vegas, genre: angst, rating: nc-17, chaptered: forget yesterday

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