Waiting For Life To Begin [6/20]

Sep 21, 2012 16:26

Title: Waiting For Life To Begin [6/20]
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Zack Merrick/Jack Barakat
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Angst. Zack being a coward.
POV: 1st person - Zack.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Title credit goes to The Blackout.

Summary: Has keeping someone else’s secret ever made you question yourself?

Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven

“So Zack…fancy hanging out with more than just me and Alex today?” Jack asked, swinging around on my desk chair.

“What do you mean?” I frowned.

“Well…Vinny, Grieco and Evan are meeting us down at the skate park if you’d like to join us?” Jack said hopefully.

“Unless, y’know, we’re too gay for you?” Alex mused.

I scowled. I swear Gaskarth has been trying to provoke me more and more this past week. I don’t know what’s got into his head, but it’s really starting to piss me off.

“I haven’t got anything else to do today,” I said simply to Jack.

Jack grinned and texted someone on his phone, giving me ample time to narrow my eyes at Alex. He just smiled innocently at me. Dick.

“Alright, Vinny said they’re already on their way there, so let’s go!” Jack said happily.

“I’ll drive. I’m not getting into Gaskarth’s hunk of junk,” I announced.

“My car isn’t that bad,” Alex grumbled.

“When was the last time it had a fresh coat of paint, an exhaust that didn’t choke you with fumes, and when it didn’t break down at least once in a journey?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

Alex just scowled, Jack giggling. Well, at least I can make Jack happy.


We got to the skate park fairly quickly, Jack sitting in the front with me and Alex sitting on his own in the back with his and Jack’s skateboards. I’m a bit nervous, to be honest. Not only because I don’t know how Alex’s friends are going to react around me, but in case anyone sees me with them. I know, call me shallow, but the Quarterback hanging out with the skater kids? That’ll spark all kinds of unneeded gossip.

But I’ll deal with that if it happens.

I parked the car and made sure it was locked (this isn’t the greatest neighbourhood), and followed Jack and Alex silently. Alex looked over his shoulder at me before linking his hand with Jack’s, pressing his lips to Jack’s cheek. And don’t think I didn’t notice the smirk he wore afterwards. Seriously, what has gotten into him?

“Gaskarth! Barakat!”


I sighed and forced a smile on my face as we joined Alex’s three friends. It doesn’t surprise me that Jack didn’t tell them I was coming along.

“Zack’s hanging out with us today - isn’t that awesome?” Jack said happily.

“Uh, yeah. Awesome,” the sandy-haired one said awkwardly.

Well, this is going to be fun.

“I’m Vinny,” said the short, shaved-head guy.

He looks friendly enough.

“And I’m Alex. You can call me Grieco though,” the boy holding his hand said.

“Evan,” the sandy-haired boy said shyly.

Jack elbowed me in the ribs, making me grunt.

“Hi,” I said shortly.

I heard Jack sigh softly. What am I supposed to do? Run around giving everyone hugs? I don’t know these boys and they only know me by reputation. It’s not like we’ve all got that much in common.

“Zack knows about Jack,” Alex prompted.

“Ohh,” they chorused.

Well, that explains it.

“So you’re fine with Jack’s sexuality, Merrick?” Grieco asked, cocking his head to the side.

“I don’t care that he’s gay, if that’s what you’re asking. And call me Zack. I hate being called by my surname outside of school,” I grimaced.

“I wouldn’t expect someone on the football team to be so understanding,” Vinny commented.

I opened my mouth to retort, but Jack beat me to it.

“Zack’s not like the majority of those assholes. Him being here proves that,” Jack defended.

“We know, Jacky,” Alex murmured soothingly.

Jacky? Gag much?

“So, Merr…Zack. Ever skateboarded before?” Vinny asked cheerfully.

“Ever landed a half truckhook impossible caught in a 50-50 without breaking your fingers?” I replied with a smirk.

Vinny’s jaw dropped, as did everyone else’s. Yeah, that’s right, I know my skateboarding.

“You didn’t tell them, Jack?” I mused.

“Oh my gosh, I totally forgot you used to skate before your dad burned all your boards!”

“Your dad burned your boards?” Evan winced.

“Wanted me to focus on football. I used to skate and surf all the time, before the end of middle school. I’m surprised you don’t remember, Gaskarth. That half-pipe in your backyard used to be mine,” I shrugged.

“What?” Alex said, shocked.

“My dad got a crane and moved it into your backyard, with your parents’ permission. Where the fuck did you think it came from?” I chuckled.

“Well I’ll be damned,” Alex laughed.

“You’re full of surprises, Merrick,” Vinny mused.

I glared at him.

“Zack,” he corrected.

“Jack knows who I really am. He can vouch for me,” I said simply.

Jack smiled and nodded enthusiastically. Well at least I’ve got his support.


A few hours passed, the 6 of us just hanging out at the skatepark. Evan doesn’t skate at all, so while the other four went off at random points, I just stuck with him. It’s better than sitting on my own anyway. I wouldn’t dare skate without my pads and helmet. It’s been so long, I wouldn’t want to make a fool out of myself.

“So you and Jack, huh?” Evan smiled.

“Excuse me?” I said sharply.

What the fuck does he mean by that?

“I-I just see how close you are, that’s all. Doesn’t it bother you that’s he’s sleeping with Alex?” Evan frowned.

“Why would it? They’re both gay, they might as well fuck each other. It’s better than Jack sleeping with random guys to satisfy his needs,” I shrugged.

Evan chewed his bottom lip. Okay, what’s his problem? Before I could question him, my phone started buzzing. Rian. Huh.

Zack: Jello?
Rian: Please tell me that you’re not in the local skate park?
Zack: Uh yeah, I am, with Jack, Gaskarth and Gaskarth’s friends. Why?
Rian: The whole team is walking this way. Literally, everyone. I’m slightly ahead with Kurily and Flyzik, but if Enderson and Young and the others see your car here? They’ll start making a fuss. Especially if they find out you and Jack are with those skaters.
Zack: Shit, I really don’t need the hassle right now.
Rian: Then get your ass to the gates before they see you!
Zack: Sure, uh, I’ll see you in a minute.

I sighed and ended the call. Great. Just fucking great. If I don’t leave now, the homophobes on the team will just start shit with Alex. And I really don’t need that. Jack doesn’t need that.

“I’ve got to go. Tell Jack and Alex that I’m sorry but they’ll have to get another ride home,” I groaned.

“What’s wrong?” Evan frowned.

“I’m avoiding conflict. Just tell Jack I’m sorry, okay?” I sighed.

Evan frowned even more, but nodded, so I got up and started walking. I looked over my shoulder as I got closer to the gates, noticing Jack talking to Evan. I winced as his head snapped up to look at me, his expression full of sadness. Shit. I didn’t want to upset him.

Jack, I’m sorry. The team are walking this way and I really don’t want them to start shit with you guys. I figured me leaving would be the best way. I’ll make it up to you? Z

I sighed and shoved my phone in my pocket, stepping out the park just as Rian, Matt and Danny reached the gates.

“Good timing,” Rian murmured.

I just shrugged. I wish I didn’t have to leave Jack. I wish I could’ve just ignored Rian’s warning. But it’s better this way, right? This way Jack can be peaceful and enjoy his day with Alex. He’ll forgive me, right?


Jack didn’t text back at all.

rating: pg-13, pairing: rian dawson/alex gaskarth, genre: high school au, genre: au, chaptered: waiting for life to begin, author: whntomorrow, pairing: zack merrick/jack barakat, pairing: matt flyzik/danny kurily

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