Waiting For Life To Begin [2/20]

Jun 06, 2012 20:47

Title: Waiting For Life To Begin [2/20]
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Zack Merrick/Jack Barakat
Rating: Some NC-17, mainly PG-13.
Warnings: Angst. Fluff.
POV: 1st person - Zack.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Title credit goes to The Blackout.
Notes: Seeing as the last chapter was just an introduction, I thought I'd post this tonight as well!

Summary: Has keeping someone else’s secret ever made you question yourself?

Part One | Part Two | Part Three

“Great practice, Merrick,”
“Yeah, keep it up,”
“We’re so going to thrash the Cobras next week!”
“Hell yeah!”

I just laughed, heading over to my locker in the changing room. Another day, another after-school football practice. The praise from my teammates is just a perk. Not that I don’t deserve it. I’m a fucking good Quarterback and everyone knows it. Wow, that sounded cocky. Oh well, it’s true.

“Maybe if Enderson learns how to catch a ball, we might be in luck,” I teased.

“Fuck you, Merrick!” my teammate Joe laughed, flipping me off.

“Your girlfriend did last night, so I’m good thanks,” I grinned.

A chorus of cheers and laughter sounded around us, just making me smile. I swear, sometimes we sound like such cavemen in here, but it’s all just banter. And like I’d actually fuck his girlfriend. I’m loyal to my team, and they know that. Doesn’t mean I can’t say it though.

“For a second there, I thought Enderson believed you,”

I looked to the side as I sat down on the bench in front of my locker, chuckling at my best friend Rian Dawson’s comment.

“Ashley isn’t my type, he knows that,” I snickered.

“Of course he does, your type is…oh wait, when was the last time you got laid?” Matt Flyzik, our close friend, smirked from opposite me, his best friend Danny Kurily sitting next to him.

“Why don’t you ask your mom?” I shot back, smirking back.

Matt just laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. Outside the locker room I swear I’m not such a dick. It’s just locker room banter. Matt’s mom is actually really sweet. We carried on swapping insults back and forth, loud laughter and jeers sounding for a good half an hour, until everyone was changed and ready to go out.

Apart from my other best friend, Jack Barakat. I nodded for Rian, Danny and Matt to go ahead of me, and turned round to face him with a smile.

“You okay, Jack?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

Jack seemed a bit distracted in practice today. I hope there’s nothing wrong.

“Yeah, Zack, just a bit tired. Home’s not great at the moment, y’know?” Jack said, smiling weakly.

Personally? No, I didn’t know. My family doesn’t have problems. But I’ve been best friends with Jack since middle school, and I know exactly what goes on in his home. Hell, after his dad left at the beginning of last year, Jack hasn’t been the same. I’m just hoping he gets back to the crazy guy I’ve known all these years soon. It’s hard seeing him get more and more stressed.

“Yeah, I know. Why aren’t you changed out of your kit?” I frowned.

“Oh, I’m gonna have a shower here. The longer away from that hell the better,” Jack chuckled.

“If you say so. See you tomorrow, yeah?” I asked.

“You know it,” Jack nodded, heading into the showers.

I smiled and grabbed my bag, before walking out of the changing room. Nearly all the cars were gone, except Rian’s, Danny’s (he’s giving Matt a ride home), mine and a car I didn’t recognise. Huh. Must be the janitor’s.

“Finally! Took you long enough,” Danny teased.

“I was making sure Jack was okay,” I shrugged, opening my bag to look for my keys.

“He was a bit off today,” Matt nodded.

Matt should know - they’re both Running Backs.

“I’m sure he’ll snap out of his funk soon,” Rian reassured.

“I hope so. He’s already got his mom on his ass, he doesn’t need Coach too,” I grumbled.

Where the fuck are my keys?!

“Something wrong, Zack?” Rian asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I can’t find my fucking keys. I must’ve left them inside,” I groaned.

“Sucker!” Danny laughed.

I flipped him off. This is just what I need.

“I’ve got to get home. See you tomorrow,” Rian mused.

“Yeah, yeah, see you,” I sighed.

I checked my bag one last time as Danny and Matt drove off, followed by Rian. No, they’re definitely not in here. Great. With a sigh, I kicked the gravel under my feet and started walking back round the side of the school. Luckily the doors weren’t locked yet, so I got to the changing room quickly. I walked in silently, smiling to myself when I saw my keys underneath the bench I’d been changing at. They must’ve fallen out of my bag.

“I knew I left them,” I murmured, picking my keys up and putting them in my pocket.

I froze when I heard a loud moan. Only one person stayed behind after practice. Jack. Why was he jerking off in the shower?

“Fuck, Jack. Harder,” came another moan.

Normally I wouldn’t question anyone having sex in the showers. It’s happened before. But that wasn’t a girl moaning Jack’s name. It was a guy. A guy. What the fuck?! Without thinking I walked round to the showers.

What I saw was something I never expected to see.

Jack. Completely naked. Thrusting his dick repeatedly into some guy’s ass with his hands on their hips, the guy doubled over in front of him. Wait, is that…is that my neighbour? Is that Alex…Alex Gaskarth? Fuck, I know Gaskarth is out and flaming, but Jack?! What the fuck?!

“Alex,” Jack moaned, tipping his head back.

It’s real. This is happening. Holy shit. Jack is gay!

“Jack?” I gasped.

Jack’s head immediately snapped towards me, as did Gaskarth’s. Jack shrieked and immediately pulled out of Alex, wrapping a towel around his waist.

“Z-Zack, shit, let me explain,” Jack whimpered, walking towards me.

“You really don’t have to. I think everything is pretty obvious,” I choked, walking backwards and shaking my head.

“Zack, please,” Jack begged, tears filling his eyes.

I just shook my head again and jogged towards the exit. For some reason I turned my head to look over my shoulder just as I got to the door, only to see Jack sitting on a bench with Alex’s arms around him, tears falling down my best friend’s face. Fuck. I wanted to go and hug him too, but I can’t. I just can’t, not after this…incident. What the fuck, Jack?

What the fuck am I meant to do now? Obviously Jack is keeping this…recreation as a secret - but what the fuck am I meant to do with the secret?!

“It’ll be okay, Jack,” Alex soothed.

Somehow I doubt that.

rating: pg-13, pairing: rian dawson/alex gaskarth, genre: high school au, genre: au, chaptered: waiting for life to begin, author: whntomorrow, pairing: zack merrick/jack barakat, pairing: matt flyzik/danny kurily

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