Forget Yesterday [10/45]

Apr 26, 2012 15:15

Title: Forget Yesterday [10/45]
Author: whntomorrow
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst.
POV: 3rd person.

Summary: Alex is broken. Jack has a lot of baggage. Can they heal each other before they're lost for good?

Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven

It was 3 days after the birthday that Vinny had dragged Jack too, three days since he met Alex, the beautiful mystery guy he’d bumped into two weeks before that. He couldn’t believe his luck - Alex had actually agreed to go on a date with him, Jack the boring accountant, and he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity.

Hence why he’d changed his outfit 4 times, and was in the process of changing it a fifth.

“The green shirt of the first outfit looks better with those dark grey slacks of the fourth outfit,”

Jack startled at the sound of Vinny’s voice. Holy shit!

“How long have you been standing there?” Jack demanded.

“Long enough to know you need to use your deadlock a lot more, and to know that you are freaking out,” Vinny smirked.

Jack blushed slightly. “I’m not freaking out, not like that. I just…I just want this to go right,”

Vinny’s smirk changed into a soft smile, and he picked up the clothes he’d suggested silently.

“It will,” Vinny said simply.

Jack dressed in silence, grateful for his friend’s support. He really didn’t want to fuck up tonight.

“Be careful with Alex,” Vinny said suddenly.

“What do you mean?” Jack frowned, buttoning the last button on his shirt.

“Rian’s talked about his flatmate to me, before I knew it was Alex. He told me about how Alex’s ex cheated on him and how he didn’t get over it for 6 months not even having a job,” Vinny admitted.

Alex’s ex cheated on him? Who could do something like that to someone as sweet at Alex? But to hold onto that pain for so long? Wow.

“So he’s got baggage,” Jack grimaced.

“Well, it’s not like you haven’t,” Vinny pointed out.

“Emma isn’t baggage,” Jack said sharply.

“Calm down Jack, I love her to bits, you know I do - but it’s not exactly what every young guy wants to hear. To someone outside, she does look like baggage,” Vinny said calmly.

Jack bit his bottom lip. As much as he hated to admit it, Vinny had a point. What guy would want to date someone with so much responsibility?

“Should I wait to tell him about her then?” Jack asked.

“I would. At least for a few dates, just until the truth builds up between the two of you,” Vinny nodded.

That could work.

“Okay, I trust your judgement,” Jack breathed out.

“I’m just trying to help you out, man. I know you wouldn’t have asked him out to dinner already if you didn’t like him a lot,” Vinny smiled.

Jack just blushed, making Vinny laugh.

“Come on hot stuff, you look good - let’s leave,” Vinny prompted.

Jack nodded, grabbing cellphone, wallet and a jacket, and the two of them left Jack’s house, Jack driving them over to Rian and Alex’s apartment in Jack’s car - his Mercedes Benz SL65 AMG. His pride and joy, after his daughter of course. Vinny was coming over to spend the evening with Rian, and Jack would pick him up when he dropped Alex back. It was a win-win situation.

Providing the date went well.

It would go well right? The attraction was there, and they never ran out of anything to say last time they spoke…it wouldn’t change this time round, right? No, it would go well. It had to.

“Alright, this is the one,” Vinny instructed, pointing to a grey building.

Jack pulled into the nearest spot and cut the engine, clenching his hands on his knees briefly.

“Are you okay?” Vinny asked worriedly.

“Yeah, ‘m fine,” Jack nodded, smiling weakly.

“You don’t need to be nervous. I’ve seen how much Alex has been smiling over the past couple of days - he’s really excited about your date. Rian says he never gets excited, so this must mean something to him too. Just relax,” Vinny soothed.

Jack took a deep breath and nodded, before getting out the car. He followed Vinny up to the front door, letting Vinny buzz for the door to be opened. Second floor. Jack would remember that. A second later they were buzzed in, and Jack let Vinny lead him up to the right floor and door. Apartment 2B. Jack would remember that too.

Vinny knocked on the door.

“Door’s open!”


Vinny grinned and walked through, beckoning Jack to follow him. Jack swallowed heavily as he closed the door behind him, waiting nervously for Alex to appear. And when he did…Jack couldn’t help the smile that spread over his lips. Dressed in a pale blue shirt, black chinos and black dress shoes, Alex wasn’t wearing anything fancy but he looked perfect. The shy smile didn’t help either.

“Are you ready?” Jack managed to ask, priding himself that his voice didn’t crack.

“Yeah, let me just get my phone and wallet,” Alex nodded.

Like he’d let Alex pay for anything tonight.

Jack waited patiently as Alex disappeared into his room further down the hall, reappearing moments later with a light jacket on.

“Shall we?” Jack prompted.

Alex smiled and nodded, shouting his goodbyes to Rian and Vinny before he left the apartment, Jack following silently. Neither of them spoke until they were out of the building.

“Holy shit, is that your car?!” Alex gasped, when Jack stopped next to his Mercedes.

“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind it,” Jack nodded, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious.

What if Alex thought he was being too flashy?

“Hell no,” Alex grinned.

“You look beautiful, by the way,” Jack murmured, opening the passenger side door for Alex.

Alex blushed. “Thanks, so do you,”

Jack smiled and walked round to the driver’s side, getting in and buckling his seatbelt.

“Do you like seafood?” Jack asked, starting the engine.

“Yeah, I love it,” Alex nodded excitedly.

“Good, because I’ve got us a reservation at Sands,” Jack announced, pulling out of the parking space and driving down the road.

Alex’s jaw dropped. Jack felt a flash of pride.

“I-It takes months to get reservations there!” Alex gasped.

“Not if you know the right people,” Jack said with a soft smile.

Alex tilted his head back into the headrest and squealed slightly, making Jack laugh. Yeah, maybe this night would go well after all.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: pg-13, genre: au, pairing: zack merrick/matt flyzik, author:whntomorrow, pairing: rian dawson/vinny vegas, genre: angst, chaptered: forget yesterday

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