So much has happened in the last week! Where to begin, where to begin...
Last Monday I went into the city for another round of Physical Therapy. At that point I had an appointment scheduled for another week out to check in on my inflammation level to see if I'd be surgery ready. They had said it would probably take about two weeks from my 1st
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Comments 21
The anniversary dinner story makes me happy.
The anniversary dinner it totally what saved me. That and good acupuncture/craniosacral/lymphatic drainage work from Renee. She's a doll.
I would have been very upset by such conflicting opinions. I'm really glad you had good support in making your choice under pressure.
Oh S, i was so upset. Distraught, really. Honestly, part of the reason I mad the decision that I did is because I didn't want to sit on it. I really could've gone with either choice and they both had their merits. But knowing that there was no good way to discern who's method was going go in the end be better for me, but that the choice was going to have a HUGE impact on my life either way, was absolutely gonna drive me bananas. So I chose the one that I wouldn't have the option to ruminate on because it was happening right away.
There was obviously more to my choice then that, but I know that that thinking played a part.
I'm still glad you were able to gather enough information to at least feel like you were choosing from among various options, rather than flying blind. It amazes me that you could get such differing opinions from three different "experts" - it certainly makes me reflect on how one doctor's opinion about my vertigo problem seems to have de-railed any efforts to look further into a physical explanation for my problems. I don't quite know what else to do in my situation.
I'm glad yours was more information-filled.
I can't remember how many doc's you've seen for your vertigo doc, but it sounds like more opinions are needed. Whether the doc checking you out is covered by your insurance or not.
That's one odd freedom about doing this without insurance. I didn't start my search for a doc based on who was covered for me. I started by asking around for who was an expert for MY needs. I'm really glad for that. I felt confident about all the doc's I talked to.
I dot too. The results so far are looking really good for hat.
I've got PT in the city tomorrow and Friday, mid-afternoon. Are you available for either of those?
I'll make up next weeks schedule tomorrow when I go in.
4 years!?
Crazy, right?
sounds like it was difficult to make this decision and a bit rushed.. but I trust you made the right one.
I was away this week-end but as soon as I'm getting caught up I want to schedule a visit with you :)
I do feel good about the decision I made, but it was a crazy one.
I would love a visit from you!
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