Title: Baby-Sitterin’
Fandom: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Characters: Benjamin/Dorcas
Prompt: .008 Future at
100_women :
table“All the hen-folk are hatchin'
While their men-folk are scrathin'
To ensure the survival of each brand new arrival.
Each nest is twitterin,’
They're all baby-sitterin,’"
Spring, Spring, Spring.”
-“Spring, Spring, Spring”
Rating: G
Genres: Romance/Fluff
Era: Movie
Warnings: None
Word Count 412
Summary Benjamin and Dorcas discuss babies.
Notes: Part 2 of 7 for “Spring, Spring, Spring”
"Do you like babies?"
Benjamin looked over at Dorcas who was perched on the rail beside him peering down at the newborn chicks. He wasn't exactly sure what she meant, but answered, "Yeah, I like 'em all right. Haven't seen one since Gideon finally grew up, though."
Dorcas smiled and said, "I like babies too," but didn't say anything else. Benjamin crossed his arms as he leaned forward watching the chicks scurry after their mother as she searched for the best morsels to eat.
The wooden fence creaked as Dorcas shifted her weight slightly. He felt her purple skirt brush against his leg and wondered if she realized their arms were almost touching. He smiled to himself, knowing she probably did.
"I like lots of babies."
Benjamin started, but then she hadn't said that she wanted lots of babies, just that she liked them. That was still appropriate, right? It was difficult, following all of Milly's rules and guidelines. He disliked making mistakes and appearing rude. After the fiasco with Adam and his idea of "The Sobbin' Women,” he really wanted to get back in the girls’ good graces, especially Dorcas’s.
He realized that Dorcas was waiting for a response, "I don't know if I like lots of them all at once; might be a bit much to handle, but maybe if they were spread out."
"Boys or girls?"
To be honest, he hadn’t ever considered the idea. "Seems like there's more than enough boys around here - girls might be a nice change." Dorcas smiled warmly up at him, and Benjamin grinned broadly back, happy that he'd said the right thing.
"You wouldn’t mind a daughter?"
Benjamin felt his neck redden, embarrassed to be talking about having children of his own... seeing as how children came to be in this world, least as far as Adam had explained. He choked, "I wouldn't mind a daughter... in fact, I wouldn't mind several."
Dorcas moved a bit closer, her arm pressed against his. "I'm glad you think that. It wouldn't have to be just daughters; I'd like a couple of boys too."
Benjamin only smiled, hoping this conversation was good manners and all that. It must be, seeing as how Dorcas was leading him along.
"You know," stated Dorcas with a cat-like smile at him, "I wouldn't mind a baby right off... once I found the right man to marry."
She had to be playin' him, didn't she? She had to be teasing about getting married. Benjamin knew he needed to give it right back or he’d lose face. As he leaned close to her ear, his voice deepened and he suggested, "Now, that sounds like a right good idea to me."
Close to her, feeling her warmth, he heard Dorcas sigh. With warning, she moved closer, between his arm and fence until her side was pressed against his. It felt so right as Benjamin lifted his arm and put it around her shoulders, pulling her tight. They didn't say anything more as they watched the young chicks and contemplated their futures - together.