Title: Hugs
Fandom: Community
Characters: Annie/Jeff
Prompt: .035 Hug at
100_women :
tableRating: PG
Genres: Angst
Era: Season 2
Warnings: Hugging!
Word Count 100
Summary Jeff & Annie & hugging (or lack thereof).
Notes: This isn't really angsty. Just a smidgen.
Annie loves hugging. She loves touching people - playfully, amiably, supportively. Her physical touch shows she cares.
Jeff hates hugging. He thinks touching people is effeminate and shows feelings. And feelings are not something he often admits to having.
At first, Jeff ignored Annie’s hugs. She hugged everyone after all; he wasn’t special.
After awhile, he started enjoying her hugs. He took a small amount of pleasure in the way her sweetness wrapped around him. She was skinny, small, and soft. He didn’t mind so much.
Then, for one hug, it was perfect.
Then they stopped.
Now Jeff misses Annie’s hugs.