Off and on for several months now, I've been fascinated with figuring out the Myers Briggs personality types for my favorite fandoms. The Myers-Briggs Temperament Indicator is a tool people use to indicate temperament. The point is to (try to) be able to guess how a person will react under any given set of conditions. In other words, it's a personality test. It's certainly not a perfect standard, but I find the test interesting. I myself am an INTJ.
Please bear in mind that these are in no way perfect; it's mostly just my ideas. From my understanding, most people look at the 16 traits as a whole and try to find who fits. I, on the other hand, figure out each of the four scales and then see which type they are and if it fits overall. I've looked online with other people's findings, and have agreed or not.
First the types:
Protectors - SJ
ESTJ - Overseer, Supervisor
ESTJs are very practical and make good administrators, with a good eye for detail and a flair for setting up logical systems. They sometimes overlook feelings and mood, though.
Cordelia Chase
ISTJ - Examiner, Inspector
ISTJs are orderly, dependable, practical and dutiful above all. They prefer working with facts and can be conservative in their loyalty to traditions.
The Stoic / Emotionless Girl / Spock
ESFJ - Supporter, Provider
ESFJs value security and enjoy making others feel well-cared-for. They are loyal to the belief system of their environment (as opposed to an internal one) and can be outspoken when others fall out of line.
Dr. Wilson
ISFJ - Defender, Protector
ISFJs are loyal, orderly and sensitive. They can be very shy around people they don't know, but are the sort of person who will always remember your birthday, and are never accidentally offensive.
Snow White
Creators - SP
ESTP - Persuader, Promoter
ESTPs are very good at convincing others to do things their way. Having said that, they developed this skill because they are the best at improvising towards a desired result, and enjoy sharing the finer experiences in life with friends.
Manipulative Basterd / Tom Sawyer
ISTP - Craftsman, Crafter
ISTPs are structurally oriented and very good at understanding how things work. Quiet, analytical and private, they nonetheless gravitate towards Xtreme Sportz and other high-speed, high-risk hobbies.
Han Solo
ESFP - Entertainer, Performer
ESFPs live in the moment, learn by doing, and enjoy promoting harmony and fun. This is a team player of the highest degree, but only if they aren't bored. They also enjoy their creature comforts.
Ron Weasley
ISFP - Artist, Composter
ISFPs live in the moment and are easy-going, preferring a "live and let live" approach. They don't like confrontations and sometimes keep their mouths shut for that reason. Tend to be artistic and nature-loving.
Huckleberry Finn
Intellectuals - NT
ENTJ - Chief, Fieldmarshal
ENTJs, like most NJs, enjoy making plans and carrying them out. They make really good leaders, but have trouble not being objective and accounting for emotions. They are fact-driven and good at highlighting inefficiencies.
Manipulative Bastard / Corrupt Corporate Executive / Captain von Trapp
INTJ - Strategist, Mastermind
INTJs are analytical, pragmatic and logical, and are not scared to tell someone (or themselves) when they're being stupid. They emphasize efficiency, making them simultaneously loners and excellent leaders.
Deadpan Snarker / Insufferable Genius / The Chessmaster / Severus Snape
ENTP - Originator, Inventor
ENTPs are clever and analytical, often with quick wits and a quicker tongue. They are very good at thinking outside the box, but (like ENFPs) are easily bored.
Manipulative Bastard / Jerk Ass / Captain Jack Sparrow
INTP - Engineer, Architect
INTPs are loners with a love of information and a knack for logic. This can lead to being long-winded, but also the opposite, as INTPs are best at describing complex ideas simply.
Mr. Bennett
Visionaries - NF
ENFJ - Mentor, Teacher
ENFJs are good at making a lot of friends and facilitate community-building without even thinking about it; they act as a counter-balance to almost all social situations.
Andy Taylor
INFJ - Confidant, Counselor
INFJs are private, preferring one-on-one friendships to crowds, and often quiet about their own feelings. They are often thoughtful, artistic, and wise, and prefer to operate behind the scenes.
Will Turner
ENFP - Advocate, Champion
ENFPs like to change things for the better, and have contagious enthusiasm, but no patience for crossing I's and dotting T's. They are good at anticipating others' needs, but crave attention and recognition.
Genki (Hyper) Girl / Phoebe
INFP - Dreamer, Healer
INFPs are idealists: they have values inside them which they really, really want to live by. This makes them good at encouraging other people's growth, but also raging perfectionists. Their emotions sometimes get the better of them.
Buffy - ESFP
Xander - ENFP
Willow - INFP
Angel - INTJ
Rupert Giles - INTP
Cordelia Chase - ESTJ
Spike - INFP
Faith Lehane - ESTP
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce - ISTJ
Anya - ISTJ
Tara Maclay - ISFJ
Joyce Summers - ESFJ
Dawn Summers - ENFJ
Darla - ESTP
Riley Finn - ISFJ
Drusilla - ENFP
Andrew Wells - ENFP
Jonathan Levinson - ESTJ
Warren Mears - INTP
Jenny Calendar - ISTP
Harmony - ESFP
Kendra Young - ISTJ
Nikki Wood - ISTJ
Amanda - ISFP
Rona - ENTP
Kennedy - ENFP
Robin Wood - ENFP
Amy Madison - ISTP
Mayor Wilkins - ENFJ
Principal Snyder - ESTJ
The Master - INFJ
Maggie Walsh - ENTJ
Graham Miller - ESTJ
Forrest Gates - ESTP
Adam - ENTJ
Quentin Travers - ISTJ
Halfrek - ESFJ
Ethan Rayne - ENTJ
Ben Wilkinson - ESFJ
Gwendolyn Post - INTJ
First Slayer - ISTP
Dracula - INTP
Allen Francis Doyle - ESTP
Charles Gunn - ESFP
Fred - INFJ
Lorne - ENFP
Illyria - INTJ
Kate Lockley - ISTP
Lilah Morgan - ENTJ
Lindsey McDonald - ENTP
Connor - ISTP
Eve - ESFJ
Knox - ISFJ
Skip - ENTJ
Jasmine - ENFJ
Groosalugg - ISFP
Marcus Hamilton - ESTJ
Gavin Parker - ISTJ
Jack Shepherd - ESFJ
Sawyer - ESTP
Kate - ISTP
Hurley - ESFP
Locke - INFJ
Sun - ISTP
Jin - ISFJ
Claire - ENFJ
Charlie - ESFP
Sayid - INTJ
Shannon - ISTP
Boone - INFP
Michael - INFP
Walt - ESTP
Ben - INTJ
Desmond - ISFP
Juliet - INTP
Richard - INFJ
Bernard - ESFJ
Rose - ESFP
Vincent - ESFP
Miles - ENTP
Daniel - INTP
Mr. Eko - INFP
Ana Lucia - ESTJ
Libby - ESFJ
Charlotte - ESTJ
Frank - ISTP
Ilana - ISTJ
Jacob - INFP
Man in Black - ENTP
Penny - INFJ
Ethan - ENTJ
Danielle - ISTP
Alex - ENFP
Cindy - ESFJ
Christian Shepherd - ESTP
Nadia - ISFP
Artz - ISTJ
Mars - ESTP
Goodwin - ENFJ
Mikhail - ISTJ
Tom Friendly - ENFJ
Pierre - ENTJ
Widmore - ENTJ
Eloise - ENTP
Cooper - ENTJ
Keamy - ENTP
Naomi - ENTJ
Nikki - ESTJ
Paulo - ESTJ
Liam - ESFP
Sarah - ENFP
Aaron, Emma, Zack - ENFP?