Title: Blind Trust 2/2 Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Jack/Daniel Beta: nightshadow_t2(who completely deserves internet cookies for putting up with me
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This was great. I can't imagine Jack not being affected by four months in an Iraqi prison. I loved calm and powerful Daniel. Now I'm going to check more of your fics. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks. It always annoyed me that they glossed over that for Jack. I adore Daniel and like to write him like I did here. Thank you! I hope you find more of them to like. I don't have many more that are Stargate, but I will ownI start putting up my kink_bingo stuff.
Hi! We've never met, but I followed a rec from the stargate_search community, and I just wanted to pop in and tell you how much I loved this story! I thought both characters were well written, and you nailed everyone's voices, which can be tough to do. Loved it, thanks for writing it.
Hi! Thank you so much for reading. I was a little worried since I've never written Daniel or Jack before. I'm glad they work so well for you. :D Thank you for reading it.
I found your story interesting and was going to ask where your other Jack/Daniel fics were archived, but now I understand there aren't any others. What a shame :(
Comments 22
Now I'm going to check more of your fics.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for reading.
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