Title: Tales Told Out of Turn Part 10/?
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Pairing/Grouping: House/Wilson/Chase
Disclaimer: Don't own them, as we all know.
Crossover w/Stargate: Atlantis and Eureka ( I do my best to explain the non-House shows.)
Summary: House spent way too much time moving around the world as a child and some places had more interesting
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Comments 25
"Henry, don’t you think this is a lot of people?" Well, I do. I know absolutely nada about Eureka, and I got so confused when the new characters showed up that I started skimming lines, to be honest. The Jack Carter joke was hilarious, though. (Not so hilarious when you explained it, sadly, but I guess one really has to be familiar with SG-1 to get it.)
But all is good because Daniel is here. Loved the jokes about his glowing squid days and naked rematerialisations. And loved his quiet moment with Jonathan.
That said, I'm hoping wholeheartedly that you won't add any more characters to this, as I'm not sure my mind can take it. ^__^
Yeah, not much I can do about it. Jo is important next chapter and the kid means his mom (the other Allison) too. If you can get SciFi channel you ought to try Eureka and see what you think. As for the joke, it had to be explained, but you can just ignore that part. ;)
Daniel is cool. Yes, I've only read a few fics where Jonathan is treated as an actual mini-Jack instead of a reverted-to-teenager-Jack. I'm trying for the he is him, just less filled out idea.
No, there shouldn't be anymore people. Unless Rodney sneaks behind my back again. ;)
(...though I missed the jump to the couch and thought they were having sex in the hospital room. I was going WTF!! Nothing to do with your writing just having to take a phone call mid story..Silly me.)
Looking forward to more...
Oooh, that'd be bad. No, no hospital sex. :) Sometimes that happens. Glad you like the story. Thank you for commenting.
If you like I can make sure to message you when I update this one. That'd make it easier for you. I will finish it, life is just making it a lot harder than I expected. :P
I'm glad you liked the story so far.
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