Title: Binding Forces Chapter 7/?
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Grouping: House/Wilson/Chase
Disclaimer: Don't own them, as we all know.
Summary: House finds out Wilson is more interesting than he thought.
Warnings: Bondage, BDSM elements.
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Comments 25
So, I think kneeling is the worst part of submission, not because of the act(I actually rather like it), but because I've had bad knees ALL of my life and will have to have extensive surgery fairly soon. Kneeling, for me, means I can't get back up and will most likely fall over and whimper in pain for the next hour.
Love this chapter, and am super proud of myself that I remembered what was going on.
So, I know, I'm queen of the pointless ramble, but I used to take care of an older woman who was crippled by arthritis and she had that type of ice tray that you described here, so I kept thinking of her whilst reading this chapter, which sounds bad, but she and I had a friendship and had some v. frank discussions, which sometimes included the topics of boys kissing and fanfiction. Just thought you needed to know, y'know?
Yeah, I can't even think about kneeling either.
:) Thanks. I know how that goes. I sometimes have to reread a chapter to two to remind myself where I'm at. :D
:) That's okay, I ramble pointless as well. It's cool you had someone to discuss things with that didn't have fits about the topics. Sometimes the littlest things remind you of someone. :D
And then add the threesome - well, what more could a girl want - a fascinating story and totally hot sex!
:) I'm glad you like it. Thank you for reading.
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