Title: Binding Forces Chapter 6/?
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Grouping: House/Wilson/Chase
Disclaimer: Don't own them, as we all know.
Summary: House finds out Wilson is more interesting than he thought.
Warnings: Bondage, BDSM elements.
Beta: Lots of thanks to
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Comments 19
I've been following this from the very beginning, all of your stories and your journal too I guess. Hmm, that sounds kinda stalkerish...but oh well, at least I'm honest.
I love the interaction between the three. It's a wonderful change of pace from the normal control issues that House has when it's a situation like taking control for someone else. The story is complicated ,intelligently written, and keeps the readers attention. Exceptionally well done and I hope to read more from you soon.
Oh, no, not really stalkerish, if you started peering in my window then I'd worry. ;) It's neat that you've followed everything for so long. Thank you for commenting and reading.
Thanks. I'm glad it works for you so well. The control issues are fun to explore and expand on. I've had a lot of dance this week, but I'll have more up soon.
Soon, don't know exactly when yet, but soon.
This chapter is five ways to fab.
The Wilsonhouse thing rings true, and of course, House snooping is just so him. I like working on Chase's fears by working o Wilson's fears.
Have I ever told you that my fingers are dyslexic? Well, they are. (Yay! For me being completely off topic)
Thank you. I thought the working on Chase's fears through Wilson would be something House would try because coming at an issuse from the side works too. :)
Nope, but I'm all dyslexic, soooo... no worries! (You notice I don't really mind off topic too much)
P.S. *Cuddles Wilson massively while Chase and House are (miraculously) not looking*
its just so beautiful and *grr* undescribable the way house takes care of them. so heartwarming. i cant get enough of it.
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