somehow, I don't see that ever happening to any guy I know. Maybe a girl or two, but somehow girls just don't seem to ever be that forward with their feelings--or maybe I'm just overly applying the second law of sexual attraction/dynamics: if you think a girl is attracted to you, you are wrong.
confusion about relationships seems to be a perpetual spring in my life, and I can't resolve many of them because of a declining, yet still present, shyness and the inaccessibility of those people I have feelings for.
I'm trying to convince myself that I'm not ready for a relationship and that's why I'm not in one yet, but that's kinda hard when every facet of today's culture says a guy is ready from the time he hits puberty or sooner.
To recap: Jen's dating a senior, Andrew, who seems a lot like me (except with more miles on the road of life and a better sense of when to NOT delay his turn in the RPG of existence, Deanna has fallen off the face of the planet, and my mind wants to find some other girl to admire from afar for a while before I get the courage to ask her out and find that she's already going out with someone else (like what seems to happen to me every other time which is like, 3).
Comments 4
somehow, I don't see that ever happening to any guy I know. Maybe a girl or two, but somehow girls just don't seem to ever be that forward with their feelings--or maybe I'm just overly applying the second law of sexual attraction/dynamics: if you think a girl is attracted to you, you are wrong.
Cristina was there
i'm confused
I'm trying to convince myself that I'm not ready for a relationship and that's why I'm not in one yet, but that's kinda hard when every facet of today's culture says a guy is ready from the time he hits puberty or sooner.
To recap: Jen's dating a senior, Andrew, who seems a lot like me (except with more miles on the road of life and a better sense of when to NOT delay his turn in the RPG of existence, Deanna has fallen off the face of the planet, and my mind wants to find some other girl to admire from afar for a while before I get the courage to ask her out and find that she's already going out with someone else (like what seems to happen to me every other time which is like, 3).
Any Questions?
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