Challenge 165 - Canines

May 07, 2020 17:13

Challenge 165 - Canines

Your icons need to be of any canine that appears in White Collar, or in the behind the scenes during shooting of the show, with or without characters/actors. Have fun!

The special voting category this week will be Best Composition.

♠ You may submit up to FIVE (5) icons
♠ You may use your own screencaps or the ones provided below
You can find screencaps at midnight_road,, kanarek13 or IMBd's White Collar Photos
♠ Your entries must be original icons made for this challenge
♠ Icons must be within LJ standards (max. 100x100px, 40KB)
♠ Please submit your icons in a comment to this post
♠ Please submit both the image and the URL
♠ Please do not post your icons anywhere until voting is over and the winners have been announced
♠ Please keep in mind while making the icons, that we will also vote Best Composition this round
♠ Icons must be submitted by Midnight Tuesday, May 19th

Happy icon making! ♥

screencaps for this round thanks to midnight_road

Example how to submit your icons:

Icons so far: 10

!challenges 2020, challenge 165

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