The whitecollaric Hall of Fame is officially re-opened!
Unfortunately we can only show the winners, but hopefully these great icons will inspire you to join/watch this community, browse through all the contest icons and maybe it will entice you to join us later on to reserve your spot in our Hall of Fame.
A big, big thank you to
slytheringurrl for providing the new table format!
CH 1
hsapiensCH 10
ohleeveeahCH 11 (tie)
entwashian CH 11 (tie)
geckoholicCH 12
hsapiensCH 13
prunaeCH 14
luxbella CH 15
hsapiensCH 16
carelessmemoryCH 17
teevee_etcCH 18
luxbella CH 19
luxbellaCH 20
teevee_etcCH 21
deanbean08CH 22
ohleeveeah CH 23
deanbean08CH 24
teevee_etcCH 25
deanbean08 CH 26
luxbella CH 27
luxbellaCH 28
luxbellaCH 29
tigerlylliCH 30
aumbry CH 31
igoformerlotCH 32
orbinglightCH 33
deedo_2313CH 34
CH 35
eyestoowideCH 36
eyestoowideCH 37
tj_teejayCH 38
tj_teejay CH 39
CH 40
veronicasleepsCH 41
tahllyCH 42
deedo_2313 CH 43
deedo_2313 CH 44
deedo_2313 CH 45
mirnellCH 46
kateliciously CH 47
tj_teejay CH 48
deedo_2313CH 49
kateliciouslyCH 50
cardcaptur CH 51
mirnell CH 52
cardcapturCH 53
creative_candyCH 54
cardcaptur CH 55
larmayCH 56
creative_candyCH 57
larmay CH 58
bm_shipper CH 59
larmayCH 60
bm_shipper CH 61
deedo_2313CH 62
bm_shipper CH 63
bm_shipper CH 64
larmayCH 65
x_varda_x CH 66
bm_shipper CH 67
CH 68
bm_shipperCH 69
CH 70
CH 71
diek09CH 72
diek09CH 73
diek09CH 74
aragarna CH 75
larmayCH 76
larmayCH 77
larmayCH 78
leesa_perrie CH 79
leesa_perrieCH 80
larmayCH 81 (tie)
leesa_perrieCH 81 (tie)
larmay CH 82
eldorahCH 83
eldorahCH 84
leesa_perrieCH 85
marissaangell CH 86
eldorahCH 87
eldorahCH 88
eldorahCH 89
eldorah CH 90
eldorahCH 91
leesa_perrieCH 92
leesa_perrieCH 93
larmay CH 94
eldorahCH 95
eldorahCH 96
cookielauraCH 97
cookielaura CH 98
larmayCH 99
cookielauraCH 100
theladymorganCH 101
leesa_perrie CH 102
cookielauraCH 103
cookielauraCH 104
leesa_perrieCH 105
leesa_perrie CH 106
cookielauraCH 107
larmayCH 108 (tie)
cookielauraCH 108 (tie)
cookielaura CH 109
eldorahCH 110
CH 111
sandy79CH 112
leesa_perrie CH 113
larmayCH 114
leesa_perrieCH 115
leesa_perrieCH 116
cookielaura CH 117
leesa_perrieCH 118
CH 119
sandy79CH 120
cookielaura CH 121
cookielauraCH 122
cookielauraCH 123
sandy79CH 124
cookielaura CH 125
casettCH 126
casettCH 127
sandy79CH 128
larmay CH 129 (tie)
sandy79CH 129 (tie)
sandy79CH 130
larmayCH 131
iria4285 CH 132
leesa_perrieCH 133
larmayCH 134
alexia_drakeCH 135
alexia_drake CH 136
sandy79CH 137
leesa_perrieCH 138
alexia_drakeCH 139
alexia_drake CH 140
alexia_drakeCH 141
sandy79CH 142
sandy79CH 143
alexia_drake CH 144
larmayCH 145
sandy79CH 146
alexia_drakeCH 147
alexia_drake CH 148
cookielauraCH 149
marissaangellCH 150
alexia_drakeCH 151
alexia_drake CH 152
alexia_drakeCH 153
larmayCH 154
alexia_drakeCH 155 (tie)
leesa_perrie CH 155 (tie)
alexia_drakeCH 156
alexia_drakeCH 157
marissaangellCH 158
alexia_drake CH 159 (tie)
alexia_drakeCH 159 (tie)
alexia_drakeCH 160 (tie)
alexia_drakeCH 160 (tie)
alexia_drake CH 161
shameless666CH 162
shameless666CH 163
leesa_perrieCH 164
leesa_perrie CH 165
alexia_drakeCH 166
iria4285CH 167
alexia_drakeCH 168
sandy79 CH 169
CH 170
alexia_drakeCH 171
alexia_drakeCH 172
alexia_drake CH 173
alexia_drake Please visit the creator's journals if you like and want to use their icons.
Please respect their wishes on how to use & credit their icons!
If you wish to see the full results for a particular challenge, please click on the tag for that challenge number (tags are on the left hand side of the comm). The results post will usually be the second one shown.