Challenge #64 ~ LOVE is in the air

Mar 19, 2012 05:50

Since I said the new challenge will run for two weeks, I thought we'd change things up a bit again. So, this challenge has two parts. You can either participate in only one part or both :)

LOVE is in the Air
This Challenge is all about your favourite characters or pairings (friendship counts as well).

You can submit up to 5 icons of your favourite characters and pairings. It (doesn't have to, but) can be a different character/pairings in each icon.

You can submit up to 3 icon sets - consisting of 3 to 5 icons each - of your favourite character or pairings. Each set has to be of only one character/pairing. You can use the same character/pairing for more than one set. If you want you can use the same image for every icon in a set, but it should be differently cropped/coloured etc.

Since this is about your favourites I won't post any images to use for this challenge but you can of course browse our previous callenge posts to look fo images you like. You can easily find them using the tags !challenges 2011 and !challenges 2012

ETA: I don't know if I really have to clarify this, but to be on the safe side, if you submit icons for both parts, please don't use the icons from Part A in a set in Part B and vice versa. All new icons for everything :)

♠ You may submit up to FIVE (5) icons for PART A
♠ You may submit up to THREE (3) sets of icons (consisting of 3 - 5 icons) for PART B
♠ You may use your own images
♠ You can find screencaps at gallicka, midnight_road,
♠ Your entries must be original icons made for this challenge
♠ Icons must be within LJ standards (max. 100x100px, 40KB)
♠ Please submit your icons in a comment to this post
♠ Please submit both the image and the URL
♠ Please do not post your icons anywhere until voting is over and the winners have been announced
♠ Icons must be submitted by 11:00pm PST Tuesday, April 3rd

Happy icon making! ♥

Example how to submit your icons:

Icons so far: 0

challenge 64, !challenges 2012

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