Prompt 125 Meeting
Probably the only thing that takes up more of an agent’s time than paperwork is meetings, not that they’re always called that. How many painfully dull briefings has the team sat through over the years? Did they get a bit better with Neal there to provide a bit of commentary? Neal is used to a different kind of meeting. How often has he orchestrated ‘accidental’ meetings to get close to a mark? There have probably been hundreds of clandestine meetings with fences, money launderers, and other thieves and cons but what was Neal’s very first like? And Mozzie with all his conspiracies concerning secret groups. Has he ever tried to record or infiltrate one of these meetings to get the proof he needs?
I hope everyone is keeping well. Last week we got 1 new past prompt from
hurinhouse (Welcome!). A gift basket of brownies is heading your way.