Sorry for not saying anything about the challenge before now. I was distracted with the start of the semester.
We're going to have a fic and art challenge, since that received the most votes. People can enter one or the other. Or even both. You can even submit multiple entries if you wish. *grin*
1) For fiction, you can write an entry for each prompt, or write one entry using all of the prompts.
2) For art, you can do an icon, banner, drawing, whatever would work best for you.
3) Once you've finished your entry, e-mail it to me: jestana [at] yahoo [dot] com. Please put Larry/Megan contest entry or White Tuberoses contest entry in the subject line so I don't automatically delete it. Please include your name, LJ username, e-mail address, title of entry and the rating in the e-mail.
4) The last day to submit entries will be October 17th. I will then post them and give everyone two weeks to vote for their favorites.
5) I will announce the winners on November 1st.
I hope everyone thinks those are reasonable.
1) It's Megan's birthday, but she and Larry are on opposite sides of the country. How does he get around that?
2) Megan hears that Larry has received an award of some kind while they're apart and decides to congratulate him somehow.
3) They keep in touch mostly through e-mails and phone calls. Perhaps we can get a peek at them?
With the new season starting, let's focus on the episode where Larry and Megan met: Judgement Call. You don't have to focus on their scene together. Just remember to include both of them in the art.
That's it! If there are any questions, be sure to leave a comment or send me a note. Please do not e-mail me unless it's to submit a contest entry. Thank you!