Well, this Gabriel has absolutely zero reason to trust that Dean won't gut Castiel horribly at his first chance and possibly use his corpse to teach other hunters how to kill angels, never mind that he won't break his heart, so. Definitely.
My boys are all messed up, sigh. And yet, still more emotionally healthy than they are in canon.
This is very true! Dean in this one keeps doing Emotionally Healthy things that make me stop and go '... hold on, would Dean actually do hat?' And then I realise that yes, in fact, given the upbringing these boys have had (okay, Mary died early, John when Dean was 12 or so and Dean raised Sam from then, but in a fully functional close and supportive community) - yes, actually, he would. And no matter how much I throw at them in the course of a single story, it can't actually come anywhere near to what canon has thrown at them in pretty much any (say) five randomly picked episodes.
Comments 16
The wagon is a vardo, I assume?
And yes, something gypsyish, with plenty of room for sellables, since that's what he does in this AU.
(jusqu'à ce que j'oublie un mot ou je commence à utiliser l'orthographe anglo-normand)
(See? You actually have the advantage of me. :))
My boys are all messed up, sigh. And yet, still more emotionally healthy than they are in canon.
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