a) Snagged from
redbrunja 's journal:
Ask me a fandom-related question in the comments. This can be fandom specific, general, or about fandom/lj stuff/fic writing/etc. in general. Questions can be as wacky as you want. Ask me about tv shows, characters, fanfic in general, fandom issues/meta, anything about any of my stories specifically. Whatever you want
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Comments 33
2. Which color you remind me of - Dark blue.
3. My first memory of you - the first time we spoke at racebending.
4. What random character I associate with you - Ty Lee from ATLA and the girl in your icon.
5. My favorite thing about you - you're always cheerful.
6. What fandom I associate with you - Lord of The Rings.
7. Challenge you to post this on your journal - GO GO GO!
*Giggles* I think I'm pretty much a masochist, really. XD
And I'm Ty Lee? Awesome! :D #Loves Ty Lee immensely. :)
5. My favorite thing about you - you're always cheerful.
Awww, thanks! :D
And yep, have posted. :3 http://ladyhadhafang.livejournal.com/175103.html
1) Favourite crossover(s) (General or Ships, either works)?
2) Least favourite ship ever? (Mine is probably Edward/Bella, just fyi. I thought I disliked kataang, but Edward/Bella is just 100x worse).
b) MEME!!!
Today, I'd say I like Disney crossovers. Particularly Treasure Planet/Little Mermaid because the Jim/Ariel fan stuff is to die for.
2) OH MY GOSH YES. Edward/Bella is the most horrible thing to happen to feminism. I may hate kataang and maiko but Edward/Bella is much, MUCH more unhealthy. At least if Mai or Katara were treated badly by their boyfriends they would just kick their asses and run away, Edward would flatten Bella in a second if she even tried to take one step out the door.
2. Which color you remind me of - black and blue.
3. My first memory of you - Probably of you and me being in the Zuko/Katara fandom. We've been on each other's flist for so long it's hard to remember that far back. XD
4. What random character I associate with you - NAH NAH NAH BATMAN! / hit with obvious stick
5. My favorite thing about you - You're very ambitious but very grounded. Don't see that combination too often.
6. What fandom I associate with you - Batman and ATLA.
7. Challenge you to post this on your journal-GO!
Also, meme? :D
2. Toph from ATLA - she doesn't let her disability get in her way and like Mulan, she challenges gender norms.
3. Lisa Simpson - she taught me that being smart was okay, even if it sometimes made you unpopular.
2. Which color you remind me of - pink.
3. My first memory of you - when you first added me to your friends list. :)
4. What random character I associate with you - someone shy and sweet, like Hinata.
5. My favorite thing about you - Despite having had a hard life, you are incredibly nice and optimistic. Never change!
6. What fandom I associate with you - Hetaila, even though I don't follow that fandom.
7. Challenge you to post this on your journal - Go! :D
Also where are my second meme answers? =0
They'll be coming! :) I just need to do rosetterroulete's and you'll be next.
Do you read The Hunger Games?
But I know that soon HG will be coming out, which is a shame really I don't know if they'll do the book justice :/
2. Which color you remind me of - Yellow.
3. My first memory of you - I’m sorry, I don’t think I can remember that far back. DX
4. What random character I associate with you - Sasuke. Because you always, always use icons of him. XD
5. My favorite thing about you - I think you’re very brave for coming out. It takes a lot of courage to be honest about who you are.
I also like that you’re so cheerful. ^_^
6. What fandom I associate with you - Naruto, Avatar, etc
7. Challenge you to post this on your journal-GO FORTH!
I hope they do the book justice. I liked the last movie they made so fingers crossed it will be just as good?
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