Corona 2.09: Guardians

Dec 27, 2020 11:29

So many guardians are watching over Casilda and Celia
* chapter index*

Previously: Casilda and Celia were born

I love this new load screen. Everyone has somebody to cuddle.

Outgoing Casilda demands attention while shy Celia waits patiently.

Newsea Ballet RC by Simgaroop | PF Set I - Pink by Tantra/TSR

NewSea Picnic RC by Skoogy | PF Set I - Green by Tantra/TSR

Baz is on it.

Summer feelings - #384217 Recolor by lueppi/TSR | Tender Slumber Wallpaper by sara_dippity/TSR

Potty-training Casilda.

evi2s summer cutties - 2 by evi/TSR

Teaching Casilda to talk.

Her first word is 'bottle'. Just like her Dad!

Here comes Clay to look after Celia.

evi2s summer cutties - 3 by evi/TSR

But first, he pauses to admire his wife's portrait. Alma smiles down at him.

Fashion Set 316-3 by Lianaa/TSR

At that same moment, Alma is admiring the man of her dreams.

Skysims 242 RC by Poppet

Potty-training Celia.

Feeding Celia.

In contrast to the others, Fortune Sim Jasmyn can take-or-leave this domestic bliss.

She's ready to return to work.

Work can wait. Teach Celia to walk while you have the chance.

Newsea Guajira RC by DeeDee-Sims | Pretty, Witty, and Gay default maternity by BlakeS5678/MTS

simpony used this camera angle while teaching her own toddler. I wanted to try it, too. :)

Upstairs, Alma finishes teaching Casilda how to talk (that was fast!).

It's an empowering experience for them both.

Jean Skirt/Wrap Top by All About Style | Tie-Dye nail polish by SleepyTabby/MTS

Alma: *power pose* Go forth and speak!

When Basilio gets up midday, the first thing he wants to do is kiss his wife.

Womanizer Lipgloss by SimsShine/MTS

He sensed that Jasmyn could use some reassurance on that point.

Lol, so many tickle-hands.

S2S Collection No.020608 AM - 1 by sims2sisters/TSR

So many talk-hands?

This was totes the right shirt to wear, today.

Okay, weird. Brandi LeTourneau just walked in, sat down, and turned on the TV.

Brandi: I want what they have.

In other news, the angels are concerned about Alma.

Should I be concerned, too? I invite them over, just in case.

Ithuriel and Ariel present a united front as they enter the lot, and they look cool doing it.

These angels mean business.

Archangel Wings RC by lilsweetiecori/MTS

Ariel: *stumble*

Ithuriel: Alma!

Alma: Ithuriel!

Cool Sims M63 Maxi RC by Piggi Sims | Leather/Shirt/Jeans by All About Style

Mwuh! Mwuh!

Is Ithuriel mellowing?

TS3 Conversion: Oval & Half Rim Glasses by Tamo/MTS | Lipstick by Genensims

While Alma chats with Ariel --

Hair 52 by Cool Sims | Tatoo Sweater by All About Style

Another human claims Ithuriel's attention.

What's a misanthropic angel to do?

Bless her. :)

Then out come the tickles!

Defo mellowing.

When it's Ariel's turn, he doesn't mess around.

White Roof Trim Defaults by Phaenoh/MTS

He gets right in there for a snuggle.

Ariel: How can you not like humans? This one's so cute.

An angel kiss! Celia is the luckiest toddler in my whole game.

Meanwhile, Brandi continues to make herself at home.

'Farting hearts'? Or just farting?

When he's not looking after children, Ariel likes to unwind with classic horror flicks.

You have the flu! Don't carry it back to the orphanage.

Soup's on.

How are the other angels doing?

Casilda: *I* wanna see the angels!

Celia: I don't *wanna* see the angels!

Once the girls are sorted, it's Casilda's turn to meet her guardian angel. :)


Even angels feel bad when toddlers reject them.

I'm proud of you for setting boundaries. Also, I fear for your immortal soul.

Everybody disinfect.

Wheat dinnerware by Morague/MTS

Proud grandmother. :)

Alma rolls a bittersweet want: be saved from death. She's not ready to go, yet.

Soon - like, right now - Alma will have another reason to stick around.

Classic! We haven't had a bathroom-birth, yet.

Clay went to bed early, but Alma and Basilio spring into action.

Basilio: Yay, babies! And I'm home for this birth.

Lol, Ithuriel is outies.

Only one human birth interests him, and he witnessed it two thousand years ago.

Ariel's up for another one.

Wait a second. How come he's the second Sim on the scene? Where's Basilio?

I see. Brandi created a bottleneck at the foot of the stairs.

(Where did Ariel and Brandi come from? The path was clear!)

And then she squeezes past him!

Brandi: Scu-u-use me! Don't wanna miss the birth.

Basilio: I just want to be a good birth partner to my wife. Is it too much to ask?

Don't stand there feeling sorry for yourself. There's still time to join Jasmyn!

Basilio: Fine. But the thrill is gone.

Welcome to the world, baby boy!

Brandi: Yes!

Ariel: Awwh!

Basilio: *still in a mood*

Smurfette presents... Cherubino Corona

Knitted Outfit by ~simaholic/inSIMinator | Fashion 1658 by Liana Sims 2

I need a volunteer to hold the baby.

Jasmyn: Honey? Where--?

Basilio: Back here, babe.

There, Baz. You wouldn't have wanted to miss this.

Jasmyn: Hi, little guy!

Cherubino: *giggle*

Grandma's turn.

This picture pretty much sums up life with the Coronas. We'll leave it at that.

Coming up: You want spares? I got spares.

Thanks for reading!

sims 2

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