My Sims are full of surprizes
Table of Contents Previously: Alma and Clay celebrated their elder birthday with friends
Jasmyn wakes up hungry. She influences Basilio to make breakfast.
She asks the right Sim: Baz is an Executive Chef. What delicious meal will he prepare?
Outfit creator unknown;
available in mesh file here Lol, Instameals. :P
He's pleased with his choice, too.
Serve cold, bland breakfast +500
After that disappointment, I set Basilio a new cooking challenge.
I don't leave the menu to chance this time.
Maxis Cafe Curtain Default by Mustluvcatz ~ Reloaded
Ta-dah! Today's special is cheesecake.
Wheat dinnerware by Morague/MTS
Eat it while it's fresh.
Newsea Guajira RC by DeeDee-Sims |
High-minded 2 - Red charm by Katelys/TSR
Is this it? The first pop?
Nope. Jasmyn just went up a dress size.
That's more like it!
In other news, I like the way that
bunnieesims TS4 elders are rocking glasses and facial hair in the
Parsons Legacy.
I give Clay the same look.
We're both pleased with the result.
Clay is still young at heart. He wants to dance with Alma and have a water balloon fight.
Basilio: What's up, Dad? Your voice sounded urgent.
Basilio: But I don't see anything.
That's not a boop. It's a direct hit!
Basilio is not amused.
He's all grown up and about to become a father. Clay should treat him with more respect.
Just kidding. He loves it!
Basilio: Meecha round back for some serious payback.
Clay runs one way.
And Baz runs through the house!
Jasmyn: Honey? What are you doing?
Velour Top/Capris by All About Style
Basilio: Important guy-stuff. Can't talk now, babe!
Clay: Neener-neener!
Basilio adopts the classic vampire-counter-attack stance.
The obvious choice, when standing in front of dead trees and a cemetary.
In the exchange volley, they both score a hit. Honour is satisfied.
It's not all pranks and meal substitutes.
Over another slice of cheesecake, Baz-n-Jaz discuss the arrival of their firstborn happily.
In other news, Alma is losing enthusiasm for her OTH Science.
Basilio is a Science Sim, too, albeit a reluctant one. I am determined to maximize enthusiasm in his assigned hobby, so I send them both to Aspirational Labs.
Basilio makes medicine while Alma practises surgery on the dummy.
Skysims 242 RC by Poppet |
TS3 Conversion: Oval & Half Rim Glasses by Tamo/MTS |
Lipstick by Genensims
Geez, somebody left a surgical sponge in the cavity.
And a cordless phone?!
Well, *I* don't know what to do with it.
Sims 4 Rent Nail Recolors (9/Peacock) by lavsm
Put it back where you found it!
Let's see who else is at the Lab.
In the observatory stairwell, I spot Hobby Sim Johnson Fleig menacing Prof. David Wilkie.
He refuses to listen to his colleague.
Are they disputing each other's research? Academia can be so narrow-minded.
The argument costs them their friendship.
Prof. Wilkie: Fine! If we can't be friends --
Prof. Wilkie: Can we be lovers?
Prof. Wilkie: I find you strangely attractive.
Johnson: Absolutely not! And don't touch my biomechatronic hand.
Johnson: It is the hand of *destiny*.
Wow. Talk about weird science.
Let's return to a less aggressive part of the Lab.
Alma: Rawr! Coming to *eat* you!
I said less aggressive!
Why can't all of you be more collaborative, like Prof. Heidi Gregory?
Seeing them chat makes me happy. I want Alma to have elder friends.
Let's check in on the stairwell before we go.
Prof. Wilkie: Why won't you let me love you?!
Lol, Prof. Wilkie is prepared to fight for his love.
On a more positive note, Basilio is building Science enthusiasm!
Which is the whole point of the outing, after all.
Coming up: Second surge of flu cases hits the 'hood. This is also happening in real life. :/
Thanks for reading!