Basilio finishes college, but the drama continues
Table of Contents It's Basilio's senior term. While he studies for his finals, Jasmyn paints the founder's portrait.
I wasn't gonna do portraits. When I discovered Jasmyn's mad creative skills, I changed my mind. It gives these two a chance to bond.
Skysims 242 RC by Poppet |
Fashion Set 316-3 by Lianaa/TSR |
TS3 Conversion: Oval & Half Rim Glasses by Tamo/MTS
Basilio graduates summa cum laude!
He sticks around for those extra days after graduation. It's a chance to skill up and spend time with Jasmyn.
I'm bummed that my Popularity Sim wasn't inducted into the
secret society. Baz made so many friends. Surely a few of them were members.
But, hark! Is that a limo I hear?
And there's a strange man in the kitchen, acting like a chicken.
Oh my gosh, it's happening! The initiation! I'm so glad that I kept Baz on campus.
Basilio is understandably dubious. What does this strange behaviour mean?
'We want *you*, buddy!' Dorian Kauker declares, poking Baz in the chest.
'Hey, man, back off!' Basilio replies, exasperated. 'I just wanna cook my porkchops.'
Since he doesn't come willingly, Dorian handcuffs Baz and forces him into a strange car.
A strange, Sim-eating car. The upholstery is ingesting him!
I haven't seen the Landgraab Society house at Sim State, before. Ni-i-ice!
Most of the members turn their faces from the camera. This is a *secret* society, after all.
They gather in the kitchen/dining area to welcome Basilio.
Except Kaylynn Owens, that is. She stands in the haunted wing, waiting for Death to call.
Basilio dons the society's uniform.
Secret omelettes.
Blue Check Replacement Dinnerware by Morague/MTS
Secret finger-gun to head.
Secret cleaning.
Secret juggling?
The whole house to explore, and all he does is clean and juggle autonomously.
I direct Basilio to join the others and work on his '30 best friends' want.
Steffi Pasang considers carefully before committing to his posse.
I love it when Sims cook custom food autonomously. :)
Open-faced Vegetable Face Sandwich by bienchen83/MTS
Secret mess!
I direct Baz to tidy up because I want him to stack the plates high à la Sims 1.
I queue it wrong, though, and he clears the plates in batches. I'll have to keep trying.
Hey, did you know that you can wind the grandfather clock? The hands move and it chimes.
That was fun, but it's time to go home.
The upholstery is satisfied, too. It no longer tries to eat him.
It's Basilio's last night on campus.
His status says 'returning home', so -- do I send him to bed? Keep him up?
I direct him to nap on the sofa until something happens.
That 'something' is another burglary!
I wake up Baz. Will the burglar be deterred if a Sim is awake?
Sirens! Thinking fast, Russ hides behind the door.
That's a terrible hiding spot. Find a better one. Hurry!
Where did he go?
Upstairs, where Jasmyn is!
'Honey, do you hear something?' she asks. 'Honey?'
Jasmyn is defenceless. What will we do?!
'Let's hug it out,' Basilio suggests.
Outside, Officer Centowski shakes his head.
'This household, again,' he mutters.
Russ does not plan to go away empty-handed, this time.
Which item will he steal? The mask or the computer?
'Not the computer!' Baz pleads. 'Tee-hee! This is kinda fun.'
Basilio has been smiling throughout the entire break-in. Shock, I suppose.
Russ takes the mask! I can live with that.
'Not the ma-a-ask!' Jasmyn wails.
Pleased with his loot.
Downstairs, Officer Centowski has arrived on the scene.
'Oh, no! Another intruder!' Basilio exclaims.
The cop succeeds in alarming Baz where the criminal failed.
Footsteps approaching! Now it's Centowski's turn to hide and lie in wait.
Here comes Russ.
Centowski ambushes Russ in the tightest corner of the room. Basilio rushes in.
'Let me make it more cramped!' he cries.
We know how Sims love a good fight. Baz takes a moment to alert the neighbours.
'Fight's on!' he shouts, waving from the window. 'Fight at our place! C'mon over.'
'Room for one more?' Jasmyn asks, joining the group.
Basilio, however, is already losing interest.
'Aren't I supposed to be returning home, now?' he points out.
Jasmyn cheers them on, but Baz is over it.
So over it, that he turns on the TV autonomously.
Maybe there's something good on, tonight. Like a cop show.
Third time's the charm for Russ.
'Down in front, buddy,' Basilio says. 'It's the big arrest scene.'
'It's these tiny houses!' Centowski complains. 'There's no room to manoeuvre.'
Officer Centowski assesses the crime scene...
...then delivers his summing-up to Jasmyn.
'Um, oops? Sorry?' he says. 'I guess I'm just not the cop I used to be.'
'Are you kidding me?' Jasmyn replies.
Centowski wilts beneath her scorn.
No more excitement -- thank goodness!
Basilio lingers on campus until Jasmyn graduates. Once she receives her diploma, he decides to move on.
'See you in the main 'hood!' he says jauntily, as his cab pulls up.
Newsea Guajira RC by DeeDee-Sims
See *you* in the main 'hood for the start of Generation 2!
Thanks for reading!