Corona 1.14: No good, very bad day

Sep 02, 2020 14:00

Everything goes wrong. Everything.

Previously: Sophie comforts Basilio after Meadow rejects him.

Announcements! Clay achieved his LTW of becoming a Mad Scientist, and Alma maximized hobby enthusiasm in her OTH Science.

More win! Even though she's still working on her LTW, Alma goes perma-plat from filling daily wants.

Their success is the result of hard work and clean living. :)

Alma and Clay are still watching their weight. I love this shot of them making a healthy breakfast, together.

Skysims 242 RC by Poppet | Fashion Set 316-3 by Lianaa/TSR

Fruit & Yogurt by eris3000/MTS | Open-faced Banana Sandwich by bienchen83/MTS
Blue Check Replacement Dinnerware by Morague/MTS

Basilio, on the other hand, is having no luck at all. It starts during soccer practice at school.

We all know what happened when Clay tried to slide-tackle his boss. Baz opts to stay on his feet.

Turns out the coach *did* want Basilio to slide into his ankle. :P He lectures Baz for not playing more aggressively.

Basilio leaves practice in a bad mood.

It clouds his judgement at his after-school job. He's a Multiregional Sim of Some Question, and today, he's tasked with asking them. Questions, that is.

Conventional enquiry has led nowhere, so Baz decides to consult an oracle. He brings in the fortune teller.

Sadly, the planets are not in alignment: the fortune teller can tell him nothing.

Basilio gets demoted! He goes to college in four days, so with the Young Entrepreneurs scholarship at stake, I'm just glad he wasn't fired.

Think of it as character-building.

I'm not sure what these two are up to, but they've got the wolf's attention.

Oh, she's pranking him! Basilio's bad luck is contagious.

And it's not done with him yet. He burns dinner.

It's too much! Basilio breaks down.

Let it out, hon. You'll feel better.

The game comforts Baz by announcing that he's lost a scholarship.

Wait, that's not comforting at all.

Geez! This is the second time that Tosha has pranked Mayhew in one visit.

Either Tosha is mean, or Mayhew is gullible. Maybe both.

Basilio takes a moment to collect himself. He climbs back on the horse by making dinner, successfully this time.

'Just a little something I whipped up after the smoke cleared,' he says modestly.

To compensate, the other Sims fail harder.

Tosha does a faceplant into her spaghetti, and Clay starts talking to her *after* she falls asleep.

Later, my Mad Scientists recieve an urgent call to wreak havoc.

TS3 Conversion: Oval & Half Rim Glasses by Tamo/MTS | Lipstick by Genensims

They start with an unnecessary display of affection in the carpool.

I'm cringing, all right, but not in a mad science kind-of way.

In the wee hours, Basilio resolves to turn around the situation at work.

And he does! :)

I was so focused on getting that promotion, I didn't document anything else for the day.

Here's all that I have in my notes:

- Baz wakes up wanting promo
- discover there's a difference between cold and flu lol!
- Baz promo top of career

It's Saturday, and Sophie Miguel just happens to walk by.

After Basilio greets her, she plays redhands with him autonomously. They chat, then Baz wants to play with Sophie and admire her.

He pays her a compliment in a charmingly bashful way.

Over lunch, they have a mature conversation.

Basilio explains that he's going away to college, soon.

Corned beef sandwiches default replacement by Di's Emporium

Sophie understands that he'll meet new people there.

I'm glad that Baz plans to study hard. His scholarship efforts have been driven by his Knowledge parents' wants.

Sophie thinks that's a 'safe course of action'.

I like Sophie, and I like the two of them together. They don't have much chemistry, though, so their relationship never developed further. They really are meant to be friends. :)

Hey, it's Fury!

This is Alma's first chance to greet him. Any other time he's on the lot, he's stealing newspapers.

Fury Hansov appears courtesy of Nocommete/N99 | Plaid Peacoat Fur by All About Style

My SimSelf isn't the only who gets flustered in his company. ( watch me fangirl)

Alma is feeling the effect of Fury's charm.

PacMan nail polish by SleepyTabby/MTS

Lol, I haven't played Fury in so long, I forgot he has a dog.

I *do* recall that Shouji likes to sit on the bed. He makes himself at home.

Huh. 'Check collar.' I haven't seen that, before.

Let's try it, Baz.

Whoa! I don't remember Shouji being so fierce.

Go and play with wolves, if that's how you're going to act.

He picks up this anti-social behaviour from his human friend.

Fury cheats at chess, and Basilio falls for it.

'Don't sweat it, kid,' Fury says. 'I'm just buggin' ya.'

Fury behaves badly, yet Baz wants to be his friend.

That ol' Fury-charm. ;)

Basilio is feeling restless, so I send him downtown.

He bumps into his guardian angel, Ariel. They discuss his concerns about growing up.

Hair 52 by Cool Sims | Archangel Wings RC by lilsweetiecori/MTS | Turtle Neck Sweater by sizz/MTS

Ariel reassures him. He mentions the new people and experiences that Baz will encounter at university.

It's nice to have a guardian angel close at hand. :)

This little chat does Basilio good.

The next time they play chess, Baz feels empowered to call Fury on his cheating.

At this point, Basilio is a day away from college. Alma and Clay will age up tomorrow, too (I've been using elixir).

I decide to send Baz right now. He won't gain anything by waiting a day, and his parents will remain 'adults' while he studies, which feels right.

So, coming up: college!

Thanks for reading!

sims 2

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