Has romance come to Basilio at last?
Previously: The Coronas learnt ancient secrets in Takemizu Village.
I'm all about positive body image, but I also like my Sims to be healthy.
So, I direct Alma and Clay to work off the weight they gained on vacation.
Skysims 242 RC by Poppet
The couple that plays together...
TS3 Conversion: Oval & Half Rim Glasses by Tamo/MTS |
Lipstick by Genensims
... plays together. :D
Alma is still rolling amorous wants after their Far East getaway.
PacMan nail polish by SleepyTabby/MTS
Meanwhile, Basilio is put in charge of preparing lunch at school.
He opts for team-building and a fresh, healthy meal.
Too bad everyone else wants convenience food. :P
Baz's efforts cost him some hobby enthusiasm.
Hungry and discouraged, Basilio makes a snack when he gets home -- and earns a cooking point!
You can take the enthusiasm out of the boy, but not the boy out of the kitchen. ;)
corned beef sandwiches are a default replacement by Di's Emporium.
They look more appetizing than the EAxis version, don't you think?
Blue Check Replacement Dinnerware by Morague/MTS
Meanwhile, the Sports Sim wonders why Alma isn't building enthusiasm for *his* hobby.
Fashion Set 316-3 by Lianaa/TSR
Next day, things start looking up for Basilio in the romance department.
He shares a two-bolt attraction with Meadow Thayer! She likes him because he's sporty.
Chemistry at last! No other girl will give him the time of day.
'Yesss!' Basilio says right at me. We high-five mentally.
Things start to get physical(!) with a shoulder rub.
But flirting is out of the question.
Smack! Direct hit to the forehead. This isn't the 'physical' Baz has in mind.
She's enjoying this too much.
'Unh-uh-uh!' Meadow taunts, wagging her finger in his face.
That's so mean! Poor Basilio. :/
But, wait! Who's this? Arriving just as a girl is crushing Basilio's heart?
It's Sophie Miguel, the friend who is a better match for him than the hottie he prefers!
And acting all casual, like she doesn't realize she's on his lot. ;)
White Roof Trim Defaults by Phaenoh/MTS
Basilio is so happy to see her! He greets her with a big hug.
He was thinking of Sophie on vacation and brought home a souvenir for her.
Sophie is pleasantly surprized.
'For me?' she asks.
Sharing this moment makes them best friends. :)
What do besties do? They pillow-fight on the front lawn!
Which, as we know, *can be* a prelude to Sim romance. <3
Too late, Meadow realizes that playing hard-to-get is not the way to join a legacy.
'Look, you have chemistry with *me*! You tried to flirt with *me*!' she remonstrates. 'I'm the one with the blonde hair, here.'
Lol, Baz walks past her to catch the carpool.
When he returns from work, I spot Basilio 'checking himself out', again.
Guess that encounter with Meadow didn't hurt his pride, after all. ;)
Coming up: Basilio has a no good, very bad day
Thanks for reading!