Corona 1.09: Family values

Aug 12, 2020 11:26

The Coronas work towards their goals at work, school, and home.

Previously: Basilio gained all the toddler skills. He aged up to child.

It's Sunday, and the first day of winter. The family relaxes over a brunch of morning sun pancakes.

Skysims 242 RC by Poppet | Fashion Set 316-3 by Lianaa/TSR | Blue Check Replacement Dinnerware by Morague/MTS

Shooting hoops with Mummy.

Trapping's Short Spike TS3 to TS2 RC by Simlish Creations

Basilio meets Lark!

Lark is good with children. I like it when my young Sims get to know him.

Lark Hansov appears courtesy of Nocommente/N99 | Leather Cycle Jacket/Jeans by All About Style

Darkness falls and Alma tries out the telescope. Her hobby is Science!

I like working on Sims' hobbies. Now that the legacy is in full-swing, Alma can relax a bit and follow her interests.

TS3 Conversion: Oval & Half Rim Glasses by Tamo/MTS | Lipstick by Genensims

In the evening, the family goes skating at the local rink.

Twirling with Daddy.

Kissing at the rink.

PacMan nail polish by by SleepyTabby/MTS

Huh. I didn't know that kids could play darts.

Not very well, by the look of it.

First day of school!

I like the way that Basilio crinkles up his eyes when he smiles.

Basilio makes a good impression. He's cast as the Prince in Simerella!

In other news, the Cooking Hobby Sim isn't taking any chances on catching Clay in the all-together. She delivers his hobby lot card while he's at work.

(This really happened. The notice appeared, but the Hobby Sim didn't.)

Meanwhile, Alma hits a winning streak at work. She's promoted to Top Secret Researcher, even though she lacks the two logic points needed for promotion.

I send her back to work the same day. Have I mentioned 'stern taskmaster'? She returns almost immediately as a Theorist. That's two promotions in one day!

After only two days at school, Basilio brings home an A+!

Clay wants Basilio to attend private school. He's also been rolling the fear that Basilio won't be accepted. I don't want him to take a big aspiration hit if we fail.

It'll be a challenge to do on limited funds, but let's give it a try!

Clay does last-minute cleaning while I put up some expensive deco.

I thought this might be the big day, so I had upgraded the kitchen in anticipation.

Before he even arrives, the headmaster's visit is stressing me out. I really want to fill Clay's want, but I know it will be a longshot.

I direct Alma to make dinner. She's not worried, at all: she jauntily flips that porkchop in the air!

Wait, 'porkchop' singular? I thought I had cued up a meal!

The fridge is empty, so there's no chance of a speedy do-over.

Phew! It is a meal, after all.

Headmaster BJ Ryan arrives. It's go-time!

Schmoozing never amounts to much, I find, and the tour is unremarkable.

The dinner will make-or-break our chances of acceptance.

Poor Clay is feeling the anxiety, too. He gains stress weight!

But we made it! Basilio squeaks by with a score of 98/90.

In other news, Basilio is a Science Sim, like his Mum.

He couldn't hate his hobby more. Basilio protests when I direct him to use the telescope, and drags his feet as he walks over to it.

But hey, he discovers a new star! Maybe that will spark more interest.

Basilio settles into his new school well.

The curriculum must be more challenging. After his first day, he wants Clay to help him with his homework.

The school has a positive culture, too. Basilio's classmates respond well to his decision to foster teamwork, and he starts to make new friends.

Whom does Basilio bring home from school? It's Ocean, from my 7 Toddler challenge!

Workout Wear with Sneakers for Boys by fakepeeps7/MTS

I've raised him well. Ocean washes his hands before eating dinner.

In other news, I use the Elixir of Life to match Alma's age to Clay's.

The Coronas have been working hard, and now it's time for a break. They head off for a family camping trip.

Coming up: The Coronas go camping at Three Lakes

Thanks for reading!

sims 2

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