I started a legacy challenge!
Some people are doing noble things during the pandemic. Donating hand-made face masks, or delivering groceries to healthcare workers.
Me? I'm playing a
legacy challenge. Welcome to the Corona Legacy!
My founder is named Alma. I crafted her with special care in CAS, and I'm pleased with the result.
Fashion Set 316-3 by Lianaa/TSR
Alma Corona
Knowledge | LTW Maximize 7 skills | OTH Science
6 neat
4 shy
5 active
4 serious
6 nice
+blonde, +cleaning, -facial hair
When I gave her SleepyTabby's
PacMan nail polish, I swear that Alma winked at me. We bonded instantly!
Skysims 242 RC by Poppet |
TS3 Conversion: Oval & Half Rim Glasses by Tamo/MTS |
Lipstick by Genensims
I move Alma into a 5x5 lot in my Challenge 'hood. Her nearest neighbours are my
Still Human Sims, George and Thomas.
It's been a while since I played Challenge. I forgot that the seasons run winter-spring-summer-autumn. So, Alma needs shelter right away!
The lot costs §15,200, which leaves §4,800 to set up house. I build her a little home with just the essentials.
White Roof Trim Defaults by Phaenoh/MTS
Now, I've never played a legacy, before. Savvy Simmers will spot two problems right away: lawn chairs aren't dining chairs, and where's the fridge?
I assume that Alma will pull hot dogs out of her pocket like Sims do at the park. When that doesn't happen, I direct her to build more cooking points.
Still no luck. How hard can it be to flip burgers?
It's the Welcome Wagon! Lark Hansov, Alan Merchant (
Lonely Shopkeeper), and Amelia Penn stop by to greet the new arrival.
Lark Hansov appears courtesy of Nocommente/N99
Leather Cycle Jacket/Jeans by All About Style | Peggy 04656 RC by Piggi's Sims
Things get off to a crummy start: Lark pranks Amelia, and Alma quarrels with Alan.
'What do you mean, it's winter?' Alma retorts. 'New lots begin on the last day of summer!'
The situation can only improve -- and it does! The next neighbour to walk by is Thomas Fairchild.
'Hey, friends,' he says. 'What's up?'
Newsea Tennis RC by Simgaroop |
Lauren Plaid/Jeans by All About Style
Oh, you know. The usual.
Amelia and Ben are making out autonomously.
The local werewolf has scented fresh blood.
And Lark is having an animated conversation with someone he's just met.
Let's add you to the mix.
Right about now, I realize that I need to buy a fridge. Too bad I didn't twig to that *before* I ordered pizza.
Coming up: Alma meets two local bachelors. They steal her property, but not her heart.
Thanks for reading!