Mess with the Best 0.9: Beware the Bearded Lady

Jun 21, 2013 11:31

The Slobs are prepping a lot for the Messy Messlot Challenge
Marisa and Kerie achieve new levels (low ones) in their obsessive stalking of Simon.
Messy Messlot TOC

Previously, Chris and Simon stand up to the Red-Headed League's double-agent, Kerie Leong. Chris lobs a water balloon at Kerie, and Simon frustrates her attempts at seduction.

Marisa Bendett still has not forgiven Simon for leaving her for Chris, and she expresses her disappointment early and often. The newspaper has barely hit the boards before she sneaks onto the porch to steal it.

Minutes later, she's back on the lot as a walk-by!

Don't bother to act casual, Marisa. Joe Carr doesn't buy it, and neither do I.

During a lull in Marisa's stalking, Chris and Simon dash out to their carpool. They remain under red-headed surveillance, however.

Not to be outdone by Marisa, Kerie Leong is also trying to get Simon's attention: she pulls a few strings to get him a promotion. She knows that you catch more flies with honey than you do with paper-snatching.

Poor Chris. Her weekly pop-up suggests that she’s oblivious to these designing women.

When they arrive home, Chris congratulates Simon on what she believes is a merit-based promotion, and - oh, look! It's Marisa, again. Those crossed-out hearts indicate that she's not attracted to Simon, but her obsessive stalking suggests otherwise. This is her fourth visit to the lot in one day!

Glasses (Buddy Holly-ish Glasses) by tamo/MTS

Chris and Simon have the next three days off from work. They spend the time getting ready for their wedding. This evening, the Slobs celebrate with a romantic - and messy - candlelight dinner.

They want to slow-dance in the living room. Once they fulfill that want, however, they roll some un-romantic ones.

Simon wants a stiff drink and Chris wants to calm her nerves at the bubble-blower. Looks like they both need some “liquid courage” before taking things any further!

That's better! Too bad it doesn't last. The drink stimulates Simon, all right, but the bubble-blower has relaxed Chris too much. After some flirting, Chris stops rolling romantic wants.

It's sweet that the Slobs are developing their relationship at their own pace. Any other Sims would have wanted to woohoo ages ago!

The next morning, Kerie calls for Simon - and Chris picks up the 'phone. Suspecting nothing, she hands the receiver to him.

Simon isn't too pleased to hear from her. Refusing to admit defeat, Kerie asks him out on an outing, which he declines. Simon's next outing will be to go buy wedding clothes!

Right on cue, Marisa appears on the lot, looking hot and bothered and a bit scary.

Simon reacts to Marisa in the usual manner. He shields his eyes and pretends that he doesn't see her.

Simon might be content to ignore the problem, but Chris has had enough of Marisa's harassment. While her fiancé takes refuge in the car, Chris gives his ex-girlfriend a piece of her mind.

And she means it. Just look at that bent finger of disapproval!

No one can withstand the bent finger of disapproval. Marisa runs away - and so does Simon. He's so flustered by the fracas on the porch, he drives off without Chris!

He doesn't get far before he realizes that he's forgotten something.

Simon apologizes extravagantly for leaving Chris behind. She chides him over it, but we know that she's not really angry: her finger isn't bent.

Chris and Simon soon make up and head out to the shops, again.

B-o-o-o-ring! The postman and Mr. Big were hoping for more drama.

The Slobs arrive at the wedding boutique without further incident. They must be excited about this errand, because this is one of the few times I've seen them running anywhere.

In the background, the cashier is like, “Whoa, chill out! What's your hurry? If you're in here looking for clothes, then you'll be shopping together for the rest of your lives.”

Wedding Shop by Sandy/ATS

Chris and Simon also pick up some holiday clothes at the Corner Shoppes. At the till, Chris can restrain herself no longer. She pulls Simon close for an auto-smooch.

Komei Tellerman pretends he didn't just see that. As leader of the Red-Headed League, Komei is opposed to Chris's relationship with a blonde.

The effects of Chris's scolding are only temporary, it appears. It’s not long before Marisa saunters past their house, again. Her stalking has reached a new level, however. She's now resorting to cheap disguises, like this fake beard.

She fools Simon. He ventures outside to dig for treasure - and to mess up the yard.

Chris does her bit, too, by encouraging Webster to stick around. (Yes, there is a dog among all those weeds.)

And to top it off, someone kicks over the trashcan. At last, a walk-by does something useful!

Bonus Photo: I just love this picture of the Slobs eating pizza out of the box.

Thanks for reading!

sims 2

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