Originally posted at Neighborhood 99 on 17 April 2011
Yesterday, Thomas finally became friends with Ash. He suspects that Ash is just using him to get to George, however.
It's no wonder that Thomas can't keep up with George's enthusiasm for games - the guy earns hobby points in his sleep!
Hair mesh by Rose, re-coloured by
Simgaroop Last night, Thomas suspected Ash's motives in getting close to him. Ash spoke about how much he likes George, but at the same time, he got a crush on Thomas. This morning, Thomas seems a little ambivalent about Ash, too. He wants to be best friends with Ash, now, but he also wants to meet someone new. This is a good sign!
Thom's hair mesh by Newsea, re-coloured by
Simgaroop; outfit by Decorgal Designs (domain expired)
George wants to gain a logic point, and Thomas needs to gain two logic points in order to get a promotion. So, George uses his new hobby club membership to take them to Games of Glory.
Guess who beats them there. Ash is inescapable!
Thomas meets Sandy Bruty and they play a game of darts. He tells her about his vacation plans.
By the time I realized what was going on, it was too late to take pictures. So, I'm afraid that you'll have to take my word for it that Thomas was avoiding Ash!
Ash was chatting with someone in another room while Thomas was playing darts. Ash went to join him - but Thomas had already left! Ash walked up to the board and stopped short, as though surprized that no one was there. He followed Thomas into the washroom. Thom hung back from exiting, though, and actually turned his head away to avoid seeing Ash. Ash didn't seem to notice him there.
Once the coast is clear, Thomas joins George at the chess table. George, of course, wants to talk about work.
George's outfit (
Versace Tee) by All About Style
You can work up an appetite, playing chess. When they get home, Thomas wants to serve a meal, so he cooks omelettes for breakfast. Thom takes a big bite, then glances up at George with a smile. He looks very pleased with himself, as though he's saying, “This tastes so good!”
George thinks so, too. In this picture, he seems to be pointing at the meal and complimenting Thom on his cooking.
George's compliment gives Thomas confidence at his job as a restaurant Host. And he needs it, today, when he comes up against a no-win situation:
Thomas doesn't want to disturb the patrons who are already seated, but he also doesn't want to turn away the teenagers because they look like a fun group. Calling upon the people skills he gained as a Fast Food Shift Manager, he suggests the following compromise:
Management is pleased with Thomas's quick-thinking and diplomacy. He's promoted to Prep Cook. At last! He's back in the kitchen, and this time, he's preparing real food.
But wait - what's this? Ash had a hand in the promotion?! I was shocked when I saw that, since I thought it was a feature of Apartment Life, which I don't have installed. I guess Ash did notice Thomas avoiding him, this morning, and felt he had to do something to bring Thomas around. Or maybe he just wants something in return.
But does this mean that Thomas didn't get the promotion on his own merit? I wish Ash would stay out of my gameplay!
Thomas wants to throw a party, and I decide that it should be a bon voyage party. Things get a bit out of hand, though. It's a good thing that George and Thomas are leaving town directly afterwards!
But that is still to come. Right now, Thom is putting a tablecloth on the sideboard and setting out some refreshments.
George hires a bartender to serve drinks from Thom's new bar.
Thomas invites his co-workers, Brandon Lilliard and Julien Cooke. He also invites Ash, so that he can thank him for his part in Thom's promotion. But Ash is the only party guest who doesn't show up. So, he likes Thom enough to put in a good word for him at work, but not enough to attend his party? I don't understand him.
Waylon Fairchild, on the other hand, is thrilled to be included. Even on parole, he doesn't get out much.
Thomas wants to influence a guest to entertain someone, so he sends Brandon over to tell Amelia a joke.
It's the worst joke she's ever heard. She just wants it to stop!
Amelia's hair mesh by Peggy, re-coloured by Piggis' Sims (not available at Blacky's Zoo?)
George rescues her by asking her to dance. I didn't take pictures, but George is a great dancer!
(In the background, Brandon retreats into anti-social behaviour. He doesn't leave the computer till the party ends.)
Amelia is thirsty from dancing. One drink is all it takes for her to start making tipsy confessions.
Like the fact that she thinks Peter Sims is hot. At least she has the decency to look bashful while she says it!
Thomas is surprized. He thought that Amelia fancied George. Meanwhile, George disagrees completely with whatever Benjamin is saying. Or has he overheard Amelia?
Waylon smustles solo in the bathroom.
Now Amelia is swooning over the bartender! What's the matter with her?
(The irony, of course, is that George hired the bartender, himself. The bartender completely ignores Amelia. He knows who's paying his wages!)
George has had enough. He can't bear to see Amelia act this way, so he leaves the room.
Benjamin joins the smustle in the bathroom.
Thomas wants to have a pillow fight. He decides to lighten the mood - and keep Amelia occupied - by playing with her.
George overhears them playing together, and it makes him smile. Amelia is acting more like herself, now. He's grateful to Thomas for distracting her. It's what he should have done, himself, to prevent a friend from embarrassing herself.
Julien Cooke and Marisa Bendett join the bathroom party.
Then Benjamin farts. Everybody clears out.
Well, this is interesting. Thomas acts as though he's attracted to Julien, but he's looking straight at George. George notices it, too.
See, I'm sure this is the same sloppy behaviour that put Waylon behind bars. He gets carried away and shows some reckless attraction. Now I have something on him. If he ever does anything to hurt Thomas, I'll reveal the contents of this thought bubble!
Now if I could only blackmail Ash into good behaviour....
After that revelation, I'm not surprized that Waylon wants to slip away from the party. Where's he going?
Oh, I see. In the absence of a cold shower, he's taking a warm bath.
Downstairs, Benjamin is doing the same thing. I've had this happen at other parties, too. I guess this is the Sim equivalent of “partying naked”.
When I saw Thomas at the door to his room, I thought he was actually going to kick Waylon out. I was wrong, though. Thom has partied till he almost dropped. He's going to bed autonomously.
The party is still going strong, downstairs. Amelia has had about four drinks that I know of, and who knows how many others.
She's wearing the proverbial lampshade.
Meanwhile, George wonders if Thomas has gone to bed. As Waylon comes downstairs, he passes George on the way up. Where is George going?
He's going to join Thomas in bed! They've never done that, before. They always find their own beds autonomously. I guess George wanted to get away from the noise of the party.
Speaking of the party - everyone continued to have fun, even without their hosts. It looks like Thomas can throw a great party in his sleep, which seems like an appropriate place to end this chapter.
Bonus Photos: Cute boys in snow
Bonus Photo: Random party snapshot
(This is the moment when Thom says to himself, "What was I thinking?! George is so much better-looking.")
Bonus Photo: Arty close-up of Thomas with Sandy Bruty
Thanks for reading!