Still Human 08: Ash makes his move!

Feb 24, 2012 19:48

Originally posted at Neighborhood 99 on 14 April 2011

Yesterday, Thomas wanted to be friends with the Sims who will probably hurt him the most.

This morning, Ash calls for George, again.

Thomas feels irritable when he hangs up.  The cold weather is getting him down.  The animals in this neighbourhood make a mess of the place, and the Sims he tries to befriend just reject him.  It's time to drag George away from his job and head for the tropics - Thomas books their flights right away.  They fly to Twikkii Island in three days.

Meanwhile, George is also taking a break.  A co-worker invites him to join a poker game.  We know from Day 03 that George is a regular cardsharp, so he's worried that he'll play better than his buddies do.  He can't resist a game of cards, though, so he decides to try his luck.

George's luck has run out!  Although he wins at the poker game, he fails this chance card.

Ash's luck, on the other hand, is improving.  His little plan seems to be working: Thomas calls him twice, today.  They talk for so long, Thom almost misses his carpool!
When he gets home from work, that night, Thomas wants to invite someone over.  Waylon's number is unlisted, and Komei will only reject him.  Okay, Ash, you win.

Ash doesn't waste any time in accepting.  He knows I might not give him another chance!

Thomas steps into the front yard to greet his guest.  It's dark, outside, but he notices it right away: Ash is dressed exactly like him.  He doesn't know what to say.

Ash acts as though this is perfectly normal.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all, so --

-- OMG unwanted touching!!

It looks like Thomas is enjoying it, though.  Guess that means I can't break it up.

Thom's hair mesh by Newsea, re-coloured by Simgaroop

I have to say, Ash was a good guest.  When Sims come over, they usually head straight to the computer.  Ash actually wanted to see Thomas.  After tickling him, he told Thom a joke, then wanted to play rock-paper-scissors.  They hung out until Thomas had to go to bed.

Bonus Photo: Thomas and his twin!

Thanks for reading!

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