The Garland Legacy 1.3

Nov 17, 2012 18:00

And were back.

Last time.
  • Bartolemew was born and grew to a child.
  • Brawley was born and grew to a child.
  • Briony was born.
  • Abraham and Kirby wouldn't stop woohooing.

Awwwwwww :3 I love Briony

Spam time!!!

Ok done

Ok now I'm done. I do love her, and Brawley loves her too :3
Brawley: Peek-a-boooooo!

Kirby cleans all day while everyone is out.

And when Abraham gets back...

I swear this is all they do. At least they love each other.
Abraham: Can you stop narrating our lives please.
That's my job.
Abraham: And... Now please leave us for 5 minutes.
5 minutes? Really Abraham that's it?
Abraham: GO!
Fine I'm going.

Briony :3

Bartholemew: I'm not doing anything. *whistles*
Sure your not.
Bartholemew: Shhhh.

Brawley: Rawwwwrrrrrrr!!!
Brawley found the costume chest I see.

Kirby: Ahhh! Who did this?
I dunno ;)

I wonder whose Birthday it is.
Briony: Me, me, me, meeeeee.

Briony Garland
Evil, perceptive, clumsy.
She's a little beauty.

Although it looks like Abraham did this, it was Kirby.
Abraham: Yes it was, I am not getting the blame for this.
I told them it wasn't you.

Briony: Erm what's Bartolemew doing?
Brawley: He think he has an imaginary friend.
Briony: Isn't he a bit old for imaginary friends.
Brawley: Yeah the big baby.
Poor Bartholemew.

It was at this point I noticed I hadn't bought Briony a bed... Oops

She obviously doens't trust me -_-

Abraham: How do I look?
Abraham: Great I know.
He's just had his birthday.

Soon followed by Bartholemew.
Bartholemew: Whats happening?
Time to grow up.
Bartholemew: Noo, I wanna stay a child.

I didn't get one with open eyes -_-.
Bartholemew Garland
Disciplined, neurotic, excitable, technophobe.
I also found a nice interaction where I could ask sexual preference, and Bartholemew's was Gay.

Brawley nice smile, you look smug.
Brawley: I'm a prince.
Yes you are.

Guess whose still in love.

The zombies spawned and just stood around my house :s strange.

And SEASONS!!! Which I went to town to buy at 8:30am, eager I know.
It came out friday for me and it's amazing XD

Bartholemew: OMG! Rain, where did that come from? The worlds going to implode.
No it's not Bartholemew, I just installed a new expansion pack.

Bartholemew: Oh right, and now I'm wet.
Poor you.

Brawley: Ye I'm Prince O'Sparkles.
Really Brawley...
You can't help but love him though.

Time to age up Brawley.
Brawley: I wish to be a rich Prince.
I'll think about it.

Brawley Garland
Athletic, disciplined, animal lover, flirty.
LTW - International Super Spy.
Very Handsome Brawley.

I loved this so wanted to show it :)

Off to a festival we go.
Brawley and Bartholemew go to play football.

Briony: Meowwww.
Facepaint for Briony.

Bartholemew and Brawley had a hotdog eating contest.
Brawley: Yes!!! I won!!!
He threw up not long after.

Kirby: Here I'll help you.
Briony: Mum, I'm better than you.
That is true, Briony is a good skater.


Abraham: I love fireworks.
Me too.

Ooh pretty.

Brawley: Look at me voice from on high.
Looking good Brawley.
I love the new interactions.

This is my first day with everyone at either work or school.
The shower had broken, hence the water.
I can't believe how small the house is.

Meet Torrey Keaton, Bartholemew's friend from school.
Bartholemew: I like him voice.
Good to know.

Torrey: Oh my, how lovely.
Bartholemew: He likes them.
Aww cute.

Bartholemew: More flowers?
Torrey: I love them.
Just ask him out already.

Bartholemew: So you maybe wanna... I don't know... Do you...
Torrey: Go on ask me out.
Bartholemew: Ok, you wanna go out with me?

Erm Torrey? Bartholemew?

Torrey: Get your answer?
Bartholemew: Huma, mer, meh XD
Aww he's speechless.

Where you off to?
Abraham: Free vacation.
Ohh nice.
Oh wait...

Just as I thought...
Bartholemew: Get away from my boyfriend.
She actually just made out with Torrey.

Teen parties go from one thing to the next...
Bartholemew: Go away voice!
Seriously in your parents bed...

Sandi French gave him 5 sets of flowers throughout the night...
Brawley: I don't know if I can keep up my nice act, I can't stand her...
Awww poor Sandi.

Brawley decided to get out the house.
What you doing Brawley?
Brawley: Nothing...

Angry Neighbour: Throw an egg at my house again and you'll get it.

Brawley: Kinda wish I hadn't thrown eggs now. Look at her.
Stop spying through windows Brawley.
Brawley: Shush voice, phone call... Hey Bartholemew... she's smoking... yes I'm still stood outside... fine fine stop yelling, I'll go knock.
Haha, brotherly love.

Brawley: Hey, you're new to town right?
New girl: Yep, just moved in with my older brother.
Brawley: Well I'm Brawley, what's your name.
New girl: Brawley, that's different. I'm Jasmine.

Brawley: So maybe I can show you around town sometime?
Jasmine: Yeah ok.
Brawley: Great :)

Brawley: So erm how about Prom?
Jasmine: Dude I onlu just got here and I've only just met you, back off. This is why we moved. I think you should go.
Brawley: Ow ok.
Ouch poor Brawley.

Bartholemew: So you'll go prom with me right?
Torrey: Of course I will.

Party in the parent's room.

Briony: Don't worry, I'll protect you while my brothers are being naughty.
Briony your evil you shouldn't care.
Briony: I may be evil, but I love my mummy and daddy.
I honestly do love her.

Looking good Briony.

Look who turned up just as Brawley finished getting his face painting done.

Brawley took her into a corner of the park to give her these flowers.
Brawley: I saw these and thought of you.
Jasmine: Aww, thankyou.

Prom time. Don't ask what Brawley is wearing.
Bartholemew looks good though.

Briony love <3

So prom went well.
Bartholemew - voted prom king and wouldn't leave Torrey's side.
Brawley - Asked people to dance and got rejected, some girl I've never met named Damaris became a love interest.
Damaris then got with some random guy. Odd girl.

Ice cream for breakfast?
Briony: The boys went to prom, I'm allowed.
Well eat it fast your parents get home soon, plus it's your birthday.

Briony: I wish for people to love me.
I love you Briony.

Briony Garland
Evil, perceptive, clumsy, hot-headed.
LTW - Emperor of Evil

Ok I know she slightly chubby and some people don't like that but I like she's gorgeous.

Welcome back Abraham, straight to work I see.
Abraham: Don't worry, me and Kirby woohooed first.

Briony: Erm voice, I don't think this umbrella is working.
It is don't worry.

Briony: Eurgh, hail in summer.
Seems abit odd but ok.

Ern I can see you, with you brightly coloured umbrella.

He stole the cooker :(

I'm not impressed.
Kirby: Aww a baby.
I hadn't even noticed them try for a baby :( I didn't want another one.

Well I guess this is where I will leave it.
Heir poll will be in the next update.

Thanks for reading :)


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