Story Prompts & Sign Ups

Sep 17, 2008 21:42

Below the cut you will find this year's prompts to choose from. There are four prompts per (television) season, plus four prompts for possible crossovers. If some prompts look familiar, it's because we kept ones that weren't written last year.

Look over the choices and then reply in the comments with your three favorite prompts, including pairings (if applicable). Keep in mind that more than one person can use one prompt, as long as they're writing different pairings. Don't forget to include your name and email address, since we'll be emailing out the assignments.

I'll go through the requests, and then on October 5th I'll send out your assignments. Simple enough, right? If you have any questions, just ask!

Season 1:
--Would anyone notice if Willow started to fade away over time (like in Out of Sight, Out of Mind)?
--Willow offers to help Xander lose his virginity so that he won't be a target for the preying mantis teacher.
--How does Willow feel after the events in I Robot, You Jane?
--What other nightmares could Willow have gotten caught living?

Season 2:
--What are Willow's thoughts as she goes through Jenny's files?
--Willow accepts the offer to go work for the big computer company in What's My Line.
--How did her experience on Halloween prepare Willow for taking over Jenny's classes?
--Wilow and Spike get possessed by the dead lovers' spirits instead of Buffy and Angel.

Season 3:
--What if Willow and Xander decide it wasn't a fluke?
--VampWillow picks one of the Scoobies for a playmate during Dopplegangland.
--Choose one Scooby and describe their thoughts when they think Willow is dead (any POV allowed except Willow's).
--What if Willow was infected by the demon's blood instead of Buffy and could hear people's thoughts?

Season 4:
--Willow confronts Angel, again, about sneaking around town during Pangs.
--Spike cries on Willow's shoulder about being chipped.
--How does Willow remembering her crush on Giles after seeing him sing affect her?
--Willow and Tara do a spell together.

Season 5:
--What if Tara really was a demon? What does that mean for her and Willow's relationship?
--What are some of Willow's earliest memories of Dawn and/or how do they change when she knows they're false?
--How do Willow and Anya resolve their differences?
--Willow decides she wants to be with Oz when he comes back for her.

Season 6:
--What if Buffy turns to Willow instead of Spike when she's pulled out of heaven?
--Willow knows it's wrong, so why does she keep going back to Rack?
--How does Willow really feel about Xander marrying Anya?
--What is it like going through magick withdrawal on her own?

Season 7:
--What if Giles and Willow had become involved while she was in England?
--What if the First had appeared as Tara to visit Willow instead of Cassie?
--What if Willow was the one to help Spike adjust to having the soul?
--What is going through Willow's mind as she falls deeper into Warren's personality?

--Willow's skills - magical or computer - are needed to solve a crime.
--Willow is involved with a vampire/werewolf/witch from another show/book/movie.
--Willow gets sucked into another universe; or a character from another show/book/movie gets sucked into Willow's.
--What if Willow fell asleep while reading a book, and woke up to find herself *inside* the book? What book would it be, and what would happen to her there?

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Prompts & Pairings:


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