Questions and Answers / Information Post

Jul 31, 2012 18:54

Another information post! This is a more comprehensive submissions guide/Q&A so to speak. Everything is a direct copy & paste from the forum entry @

French: Intéressé(e) par le challenge mais les consignes en anglais vous rebutent ? curieux/se d'en savoir plus ? Besoin d'une traduction FR-EN ou EN-FR ou d'assistance pour contacter / discuter avec les autres membres ? Demandez-moi ! Je suis là pour vous aider à ne rien rater de l'évènement ! ChrisVIII

Italian: Se avete domande sulla challenge, per l'italiano scrivete ad Alessia Heartilly, per avere risposte più veloci.


I Quick Posting Guide

II General questions

III Archive/Site Posting

IV Letting Us Know

V Important links

VI Staff Info Please feel free to ask other questions in this thread, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Section I - Quick Post Guide

1. Upload your story as normal at FFnet/AO3/Deviant Art

2. Make sure it is done on 12:01 PST so FFnet date lists as August 1st - we doing this time across the board

3. Mark your story as being part of the challenge in body of the text

4. Leave message at pinned ffnet topic or LJ topic and we will add from there

5. Your work will be tweeted, listed on tumblr, and added to C2/Collection group

6. Make sure to follow site TOS.

7. If you want an A03 please leave comment in the forum topic or LJ topic.

8. Read/Review/support authors - we will have a banner for participation

Section II - General Questions

1. When does the Challenge officially start?

At 12:01 am (PST) Pacific Standard Time - this is to ensure that the publish date will be listed as August1st at ffnet. To make it easier, we are doing it across the board. This also means that it will end on Pacific Time.

2. Can I write a story less than 2,500 words, like a poem or a drabble?

Yes. However, if it is not close to the 2,500 mark, it will be classified as art. This way, the C2/Collection will have only have stories around 2,500 words. However, it will still be tweeted and listed on the master list. If it is a collection of drabbles is close to 2,500 words, it will be also be added to the C2/Collection. We also highly suggest that you post drabbles/poems at DeviantART - as they allow written works. We will then add it to the 'Where I Belong' group. You may post stories there, however only drabbles/poems are going to be classified as art at that site.

3. Twitter? Can I follow you on Twitter?

Yes, each story/piece of art/page of icons will have its own tweet. Following on twitter is also the best way to get the alerts on across all sites, archives, journals, etc. Niqsta and I (Ashbear) are going to be splitting the duties on this; we'll try to keep it as close to real-time as possible, but we may try to spread things out. That way tweets of submissions don't all come in at once - we'd space them out with a 30 minute window between. Please follow us here:

4. If I don't have twitter, can I follow another way?

Of course, we are doing a Master List on our LJ community that will have all clickable links to various archives.

5. Wait, I know what happens with Twitter, what about Tumblr?

Well, basically the set up for Tumblr will work in the same fashion, though there will be no formal account for the challenge - it will be run by Emerald-Latias ). All submissions (art/fanfiction/etc) will be posted under the 'Where I Belong Challenge' tag so feel free to track it for updates. Said updates will be posted nightly.

6. Do I need to mark my fic as being part of challenge?

Yes. We won't add it to the list if it isn't mentioned. However, it's not mandatory that you put the mention in the summary - we just ask that you put an author's note in there which states it's for the "Where I Belong" challenge.

7. Do I need to put anything else on the piece itself?

No, not really, but it would be nice to help promote the other writers by simply mentioning the C2 for people to follow and/or the collection (A03) Also, we encourage you to add a sentence or two of what you've been doing since you left or if it is your first story - art can be mentioned in the comments. In the last ten years many of the artists/writers have graduated high school, university, collage, gotten married, kids, etc. A line or two on life - post FFVIII would be great.

8. Can I get some clarification on the Squall & Rinoa relationship aspect? I want to make sure my work qualifies.

Sure, no problem. Basically the story has to end relationship positive - it can be AU, in-game, post-game, drama, angst, horror, comedy - anything. The only rules that we are going to stand by are that Rinoa and Squall cannot die (there may be other character deaths) and they must end up/stay together by the fic's resolution but even then it can be bittersweet. Both of them must be in the fic at one time or another although it is not required that they are present in equal proportions (e.g. if your fic is about Rinoa planning a surprise party for Squall - it'd be natural for Rinoa to have more 'screen time' given the plot so this submission is perfectly acceptable). If there are any questions, please contact either myself (Ashbear/Eternal Tiet) or Emerald-Latias. Ideally, it would be best to ask a question in this thread so others can see the answers to reduce the amount of repeat questions.

9. Oh wait, what are the rating requirements? Can I write adult/explicit content?

Yes. Any rating goes on either art or writing. However (and this is a big however!) it must fall within the archives TOS (Terms of Service) ffnet is strictly M rating or lower. A03 and LJ may have any - but you must follow the archives rules or we will not add it. Now, I've personally done something like this in the past - two versions of the same fic. That works too, we will list both on the Master List and the correct ratings. If anything is questionable for ffnet, it's best to remove it and put it at A03 or LJ. Again, if anyone needs an A03 leave your name in the forum topic - we can get you one. They are working with us and we'd rather everyone open an account at A03 than break the TOS at ffnet. For DeviantART and LJ, please follow their rules. We don't want to limit things but we want to make sure we're following all rules whether it is a site rules or countries that have very specific requirements.

10. Can I do a multi-part story and post on different days?

Actually, this was one of the things we changed since the guidelines. After getting feedback, we are amending this - yes you may do more than one part and they can be posted on different days. We will not tweet the work or add it to the proper archive (ffnet, A03) until it's marked complete and ALL parts must be posted in August. However, we will have it listed on the master list in a section that denotes in-progress stories. This is the only way to make sure that each story only receives one tweet while maintaining a complete master list.

11. I have stuff, lots o' stuff, when can I post? And how much can I post for the challenge?

Well you can start on August 1st, but we'd ask that people consider spreading their work out over the month. We figure there will be a lot posted at the beginning and then on August 23rd (Squall's birthday). As far as 'how much' the only thing we have a cap on is stories over 2,500 words that will be added to the collection. Each person may post up to three fics, however there is no limit on art/icons/wallpapers/etc. Since poems and drabbles are under 'art' you may post three stories plus a drabble or two.

12. What if I decide to take down my work later?

It isn't uncommon for authors to remove their work for one reason or another. However, since this is linked work, we ask you a few things - first contact us. We don't' want to have dead links for anyone who goes back to read. Also, please consider orphaning your work - this is an option at A03. Your name is removed and no record of who wrote it exists, but then it remains up. Also, we are also willing to post it under a pseud (another option at a03) so that WE will always know who wrote it, but it will simply list the author as "Where I Belong." All we ask is that you keep in contact with us.

Section III - Archive/Site Posting Information

1.Wait, I have my story/art/etc done - what should I do?

First, congratulate yourself and throw a mini parade - let the animals and kids look on in confusion. Okay, in all seriousness, when it's time to post it - I'm going to go archive by archive. If you put your work up at more than one archive, tell us which ones, we want to include everything! Also go onto section III (Letting us Know)

2. Okay, I have art up at DeviantART - what comes next? How do I find/join the Where I Belong group?

What comes next? Well, like earlier, a well-deserved parade is good, if not chocolate is more than adequate. Art isn't easy and you've done the hard part - now for letting the world know about your submission. If you've already joined the WIB-Challenge-Group ( ) then all you have to do is click on the icon "submit art" and upload your work.. gif format works best. if you haven't joined the group yet, then click on the link to join the group... all join requests as of now are automatically approved. If you have any other questions or problems, email Ronin-ai at ( or contact via twitter at @roninai. Email is best however as she is rather new to the twitter thing.

3. Archive of our Own/ - Collection and C2

This is really covered in the letting us know section too; basically, post your story as normal but make sure it has an August posting date - again ffnet servers are on Pacific Standard Time. I don't believe that holds true for A03 but we are just doing it across the board to avoid confusion. Also if you want an A03 account please leave a message in the topic I have some now but can most likely get more they are more than willing to work with us for the challenge. ;) After that, please leave a message on one of the two places and we will add them as they come in. Remember we are all not all the net at the same time but if something falls through please contact that person. I will list Staff at the bottom but for now here is the general idea:

C2/Collection- Emerald Latias and Ashbear/Eternal Tiet will be adding here. Twitter - Niqsta and Ashbear Tumblr - Emerald Latias Live Journal/Master List - SummonerLuna FFVIII-II - Works will be added to by PDestrucity most likely in groups)

4. Videos at Youtube.

Link to the official WIB Challenge YouTube account

If you want the account to add your videos on the WIB playlist, please provide
the link in the submission page and the WIB account will fave/add to the
playlist. Subscriptions to the account are more than welcome. Also, should you
not have youtube account but would like to submit your video, please message
me (Emerald Latias) and I'll give you the necessary contact info to send the video my way
(obviously, all uploaded videos on the WIB account will accredit you

After you post please mark that it is for the Where I Belong Challenge. We will create a user that likes all the videos in the challenge. That is the only way we can see of doing this for the time being. But it will keep them grouped. They will also be on the Master List, Twitted, put on Tumblr, and on FFVIII-II.

5. For all other archives.

Leave info again in the LJ thread and we will get it added and tweeted from there. IF you cannot access LJ for some reason go ahead and write ashbear at gmail dot com and I will put it up for you. ;)

Section IV - Letting Us Know

There are going to be two places to let us know officially. This is important so we can get the word out there and get it on the master list!

1. Live Journal (allows anon comment)

The mods will comment as a reply at one time your information was tweeted/put on tumblr

2. Pinned topic at WiB ffnet forum board. (this is not up yet, will be around 2 EST I'll place link here.)

Since we cannot directly comment like on - mods can edit individual replies and we go in and write the info. I will do an example as the first one. We will not change ANYTHING you tpyed, just add info with our initials. Also remember you must copy and paste link if you try to 'link' it that only works with ffnet and a few others - it is noted at the bottom when you reply.

3. Please give us some time; we will work hard at keeping up-to-date but it will get done. It also may be added to a C2/Collection before it is put on Tumblr, but we will get to it! If it has been over 24 hours on anything please PM either Ashbear/Eternal Tiet or Emerald-Latias. Or contact directly. ***LJ should be updated within the same day, but I (summonerluna) am not able to access LJ at work, so any posts here will go up once I get home for the day. Again, I will make every effort to get things linked the day they are posted, so if I miss anything, please just PM me!***

Section V- All Important Links

"Where I Belong" is going to be abbreviated as "WiB" in this section

WiB Twitter Feed Every piece will be tweeted

WiB LJ Community (lj comm="whereibelong823">

WiB FFnet forum

Archive site links:

WiB - Fanfiction net C2

WiB - AO3 Collection

WiB - deviantArt group

Section VI - Staff Info (If you have a specific question contact the person listed)


Ashbear (aka Eternal Tiet) and Emerald-Latias - Co-Founders / Admins

Niqsta - Twitter Community / FFnet forum mod

Summoner Luna - Live Journal Community /FFnet forum mod

Ronin-ai - DeviantART Community

irishasi - Graphics

PDestrucity - Owner of FVIII-II partner site / Web

Alessia Heartilly - Italian Rep.

ChrisVIII - French Rep.

Kate Lorraine - At Large

mod post: information

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