February Drabbletag Challenge

Feb 10, 2011 12:00

Are your writing thrusters on full? I hope they are, because it's time for drabbletag!! As a reminder, our theme is:

"Love....Is a Many Splendored Thing?"
The rules:
1. Reply in the comments with at least one but not more than four prompts.  We welcome prompts about women from all Star Trek series, whether gen, het, or femslash. Likewise, feel free to interpret the theme as broadly as you wish (or ignore it).

2. If you see a prompt that tickles your fannish fancy, latch on and write a drabble/ficlet about it. (multiple fills are welcome; please include the prompt you are responding to in the comment title)

3. Here's the important part--at the end of your drabble, you have to leave another prompt! This is where the "tag" comes in.

4. If you'd like to prompt but not write, go ahead!

5. This kind of challenge thrives on the production of many ficlets, so all drabble submissions must fit inside one comment box.

Also, we'd like to remind you that halfamoon  is going on through Feb. 14, and all of your fills here are prime candidates for crossposting. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a PM or page-a-mod. Have fun!!

challenge: drabblefest

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