First Anniversary Ficathon: The Best There's Ever Been

Jun 18, 2010 15:35

Title: The Best There's Ever Been

Author: sunriseinspace

Fandom: Star Trek XI

Character(s): Jocelyn McCoy, Leonard 'Bones' McCoy

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I own nothing about Star Trek (2009), its plotlines or characters, including any recognizable dialogue.

Summary: "You look like the cat that swallowed the canary," Len rumbles in her ear, warm arms sliding around from ( Read more... )

canon: aos, character: jocelyn, relationship: het, creative: fic, challenge: first anniversary ficathon

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Comments 11

yeomanrand June 18 2010, 20:08:12 UTC
Oh, this is really lovely (and yes, it absolutely is possible and safe for a couple to conceive seven months after a miscarriage; I'm living proof).

You show us that things are still wrong underneath, presaging the divorce, but you also show us that they're trying, too, for each other, for Joanna. Lovely.


sunriseinspace June 18 2010, 20:14:54 UTC

This is the first time I've done something like this (fulfilled a prompt on LJ, that is), so I kept picking at it ('cause, of course, it was done 2-3 weeks early) and I was so worried that it wouldn't work right. I'm also glad that it seems complete all on it's own; I was afraid it would seem like it started in the middle or didn't quite end at the right spot.

I'm SO glad you enjoyed it. Seriously. :)


shinychimera June 18 2010, 21:57:29 UTC
Lovely and perceptive, and a very interesting portrait of McCoy through her eyes.

And as a mother twice over, I think you did a good job with both the physical and emotional aspects.

Congratulations on a memorable Ficathon entry!


sunriseinspace June 19 2010, 01:13:14 UTC
Your comment makes me very happy, because I was afraid that my lack of experience could harm the story. 'Cause, really, as the prompt suggests, the pregnancy IS the story and if that wasn't right, well...

But, yeah, thank you! :D


secretsolitaire June 19 2010, 01:05:14 UTC
I enjoyed this -- I thought the way Leonard and Jocelyn's grief tore them apart for a while was sad but realistic, and I like that their problems haven't magically disappeared by the end.


sunriseinspace June 19 2010, 01:17:32 UTC
Thank you!

There's actually two more stories in the works, one before this one and one after, 'cause I love McCoy and I've really grown to love Jocelyn. But the one after this deals with their downfall... so, yeah...


taraljc June 19 2010, 04:06:40 UTC
This is just so real and lovely and a gorgeous portrait of them and their marriage and Jocelyn in particular.

I was born almost 3 months premature, and I know from my parents recitiations of The Harrowing Story of My Birth every year how absolitely terrifying it was. I mean, I was lucky--weighed less than a kilo, 12 weeks early or somesuch, but escaped without difficulties--but my heart always breaks for the families who weren't so lucky.


sunriseinspace June 19 2010, 04:14:42 UTC
I have three cousins who were all born at least a little premature, though one was something like 2 months early, and they're all great. I myself was premature by a month and fine, so we've all been lucky - you and me and my cousins - but I know and completely empathize with those who aren't able to keep their premature babies. So, yeah...

Thanks for the lovely comments, though. :) I really enjoyed writing this fic and it's nice to hear everyone else is, too. Now, if only my other fics could play so nicely...


tiny_increments June 22 2010, 03:48:51 UTC
So beautiful and bittersweet. Lovely job.


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