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Comments 11

gracekellymovie March 5 2009, 04:07:35 UTC
It WAS Rieko?! That's AWESOME! How pumped are you? Is she just guest starring?


whenidream March 5 2009, 04:09:44 UTC
I know, right? I'm looking for a good place to gloat! :P

She has an arc...I'm not sure how long it is, maybe between 2 and 4 episodes, something like that. Her character is pretty important to this part of the story, which is awesome.


averita March 5 2009, 05:05:48 UTC

And OMG, LaFleur. BEST THING EVER. Like, Sawyer LaFleur is my new boyfriend for eternity, please. Juliet is cool and all but I want him now, I'll get bored watching you and Ben and Locke the whole time in our motel of nefarious purposes. But man, WHY IS REIKO NOT HIS LOVER ALSO. I wanted that kid to be Sawyer's, no matter HOW demented it would have been, dammit.

Mmkay, Horace's wife - no, we didn't get her name in the cabin dream, BUT Horace is the one who delivered Ben, remember? And he had a wife then. 'Cept her name was Olivia, and she taught Ben and Annie on the island. So. DRAMA. Also, Reiko has totally lowered her standards, Tony is much hotter than Paul OR Horace.

I can't do actual theories right now, I'll get back to you on the pregnancy thing. Sorry there was no Ben this week, but maybe we'll get wee Ben soon!


whenidream March 5 2009, 16:16:23 UTC
I know! What the hell, not cool. I think we should just make everyone available for our nefarious sexual purposes. Let's build a hotel in Tunisia, at the exit to the island. Like, they literally wake up and there's a massive, epic hotel, 20 feet away. It'll be so convenient. The only hard thing will be getting them interested in our nefarious things, rather than returning to their lives.

Oh man YEAH I forgot about her. Crap. TOO MUCH DRAMA TO NAVIGATE. I'm trying to figure out the proper time period for Horace's hair; it's so baffling.

She really has. I know Ben is like a child at this point, but I think she should go with him. Or Sawyer. Anything but that Dharma math hippie.

lmfao wee Ben. I can't help thinking we're just talking about one of Ben's body parts when we say that.


averita March 5 2009, 16:22:55 UTC
Yeah that would be awesome except when people wind up in Tunisia they either have like fifty layers of jackets on or a shinbone sticking through their skin. The hotel will require magical healing powers and a sauna; as such, there should be no problem commencing nefariousness. Who'd say no?

I totally would have forgotten her too, except for Lostpedia, lmao. And I have NO idea about the hair except that it kind of reminds me of the Joker's.

EWWW NO. I seriously want Sawyer/Amy. Reiko is not a child molester, kthx. Maybe her son and Ben can hook up, I'm sure she'd love that.

Ben would be insulted. Wee Ben = ickle Bennikins. I'm sure he has another, more intimidating and egomaniacal name for said body part.


whenidream March 5 2009, 16:37:31 UTC
Oh man, yes. Or we can have a team of people to fix their injuries and we can hold their hands while it happens, so they feel a connection and fall in love with us immediately (I think the only person who will completely fall for this one is Locke, but we can work on it). Re: the sauna, YES YES YES a million times yes. I hate saunas but seeing those guys in a sauna is a whole other ball game. Also, we should definitely offer massages. By us. Okay, my mind is happily taking up residence in the most glorious gutter ever at this moment ( ... )


colorstoobright March 5 2009, 06:26:27 UTC

Is her stuff on Lost worth my time?


whenidream March 5 2009, 16:01:14 UTC
Yeah I think it might be. There was a lot of other plot stuff in this episode but I think she had a fair amount of screentime. It'd definitely be worth it to check out this episode and see where her character is going. I thought it was a lot better than all those other shows she's guest-starred on since 24.


lostonbroadway March 5 2009, 11:45:03 UTC
I really wish I didn't start to hate this showwwwww.... Booo!


whenidream March 5 2009, 16:17:08 UTC


Ben with anyone would be love!! ladyofavalon77 March 14 2009, 21:34:52 UTC
Hmm what about the Bomb they buried in the ground. Maybe radiation from that did them in? I sure hope they explain it :D


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