JOON.....slyyyyy baahahaha (that in itself is a memory). well we have shared many good times and some bad ones as well, which a lot but certainly not ALL have already been plastered all over LJ so im not gunna repeat them. instead i will list some recent ones: farts (from others- AHAHAHA! and well aimee my poor leather chair hasnt smelled too great since u put ur bare ass on it, whats next i mean u already smeared dog vomit/diariah into my carpet and made me get down on my hands and knees to clean it up with my trusty rubbing alc (i had to...that one will NEVER get old), u like falling asleep while i was driving and talking to u, "Neda I can't believe we are sitting here not listening to any music" when we went to SB,laughing hysterias, and yeah a lot of others this comment is getting too long so im done.
Chachi what about when the friend of sitter on the chair of the awkward chair moment farted in ur mouth MUAHUAHAHA. also when u, me aims went to gyps and i walked out of the stall and that lady was standing there- ur expressiones were PRICELESS, and u driving at night AHAHA u should see urself, and when u saved me from the azn freaker and all our moments in ES- good times love u.
well EriXXXXX of course theres all the times when I randomly ran into u on the strip. Also ur party- that was pretty fun even though u got me soaking wet. Also spiderman and monkey key chains or any animal on key chains for that matter reminds me of u.
<33333 ps: dont worry things will start getting better if u have a positive outlook.
my dear nicole my memories of u= fall outing when we shared a cabin and stayed up late talking about all kinds of stuff, watching u fall asleep in English AHAHAH. Also when i see those hair commercials it always reminds me of u because u have the most PERFECT hair ever....bitch <333
George O!!! yeah we do only have 1 memory of eachother but at least its a good one and i had sooo much fun that night thanks to u (this is sounding really sexual and its unintended)hopefully we can hang out more.
ps: AHAHA glad to know theres someone else out there that still likes them.
Comments 19
ps: dont worry things will start getting better if u have a positive outlook.
PS i have the first backstreet boys album. its seriously a masterpiece
ps: AHAHA glad to know theres someone else out there that still likes them.
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