FIC - First Knight (8/?)

Dec 17, 2012 17:36

Title: First Knight (8/?)
Author: wheelie47
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Luke and Noah.
Word count: 3,900
Disclaimer: Don’t own characters, am not associated in any way with ATWT, Van and Jake. No offence intended.
Summary: Set in the fictional land of feudal Western Atlantia, King Damian has been overthrown and has fled the Kingdom of Oakdale. But his evil influence has spread across all eight Kingdoms. Lord Luke Snyder leads his army in an effort to bring peace and justice to a troubled time, aided in his quest by a certain dark-haired young Knight…

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7

Noah felt himself being pulled from the cocoon of a deep sleep as fingers tugged at his surcoat and unstrapped the chainmail armor beneath.

He resisted the pull, wanting to linger yet awhile in his dream.

His fantastical dream, where strong arms had pulled him roughly to his feet by the side of a babbling brook.

Noah had feared the worst only to be spun around and enveloped by a rush of blonde blur that was Luke Snyder.

“Noah!” the man gasped in disbelief. Long fingers grasped his face, turning it this way and that as if checking for injuries. Hazel orbs scanned his features before finally meeting Noah’s gaze. Noah saw relief flash across those eyes before Luke stepped closer and rained a multitude of kisses down on him right there in the rising mist of early morning… on his jaw, chin, cheeks, over his eyes, and finally his lips…

Noah’s consciousness was pulled even further out of the dream and toward reality when fingers unlaced his under-shirt and pushed the soft material aside.

His eyelids flickered open when he felt a cool liquid being drizzled onto his skin, making his flesh shiver.

“Sorry, I should have warmed it first.”

Noah recognized the voice instantly. “Luke?!” he questioned, his eyes adjusting to the gloom and his brain struggling to comprehend that the blonde really was sat on his heels by his side as he lay in what appeared to be a small cave, with weak sunlight filtering in through a screen of greenery.

Surely he must be dreaming still? Luke could not be here!

The man had several days of scruffy beard growth and his face told of a restless night. But in Noah's eyes Luke still looked too good to be true… a sight for sore eyes.

Yes, he must definitely still be dreaming!

“Finally, you are awake! I thought you might sleep all day.” The blonde figment of his imagination smiled with relief as he reached out and stroked tender fingers over Noah's stubbled jaw.

Mmm! The touch certainly seemed real, especially when the fingers continued along his jaw and over his chin… gently tracing the contours of his Adams Apple.

Perhaps he was not dreaming after all?

The gentle press of lips to his finally convinced Noah; Luke was as real as he.

A million questions ran through Noah’s mind. What was Luke doing here? He should have been across the border by now. How had the other man found him by the brook? Where was Stepper? And where exactly was here?

But as he watched Luke’s hands start to spread the liquid over the vicious mass of darkening bruises that covered his bare chest, making his skin tingle as the substance began to warm, one question surfaced above all others.

“What is that?”

Luke grinned a little. “Horse liniment.”

“Horse liniment? You are rubbing horse liniment on my skin?!”

Luke shrugged and smiled coyly, looking up from where he was concentrating on the task in hand. “It was the only thing I could find. The horses never complain.” He nodded toward the small leather flask next to Stepper’s saddle.

“I could always stop, if that is what you want.” Luke paused in mid-massage and lifted his hands clear of Noah’s skin as he looked down at the man with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Suddenly bereft of the soothing feel of Luke’s hands on him, Noah realized just how much he had been enjoying the blonde touching him again.

He reached out and covered the back of one of Luke's hands with his own, applying pressure to push it back down onto his chest. “Please, do not stop.”

Luke just smiled knowingly and bent his head to concentrate once more on the movement of his hands across Noah's muscled chest, taking care not to press too deeply where the bruising was at its worst.

The two men were quiet for several long moments. Luke lost in concentrating on his task and Noah with his eyes closed, succumbing to the gentle rhythm of Luke’s hands.

“That feels good.” Noah could not help the groan that escaped his lips as the substance began to ease his aching muscles. No wonder Luke's horse was such a magnificent beast if this liniment was used on him.

His eyes blinked open again at the thought of the horse. “Where is Stepper?”

Luke’s hands ceased their movement again and he glanced up into Noah’s face, his countenance shifting into a look of regret and pain. “We were both so exhausted, Noah. I… I had to rest and he could not go on carrying me. I had to let him go.” Luke’s voice trailed away as he dropped his gaze.

The words were simply put but Noah knew how much Luke’s horse meant to him.

Struggling up onto his elbows, he ignored the ache in his muscles and the slick substance that covered his chest as he pulled the other man to him. “I am so sorry, Luke,” he repeated softly over and over as Luke began to tremble in his arms.

He placed a kiss to the top of the blonde hair as his palm drew soothing circles over Luke’s back. “If only I had gotten to you sooner, you would have had more time to escape,” he cursed himself for not being able to lead the others through the ranks of King Aiden’s men quicker. “My father was right about me.”

Luke pulled back slightly in Noah’s embrace, the confusion clear in his face as he looked up at the brunette. “Your father was right about you?” He knew of Sir Winston Mayer. The man's reputation was well-known. A once fearless Knight who, no longer able to fight as a result of injuries received in battle, was now a military advisor overseas. But Luke had never met the man and Noah never spoke of his father.

Noah nodded slowly and looked away, unable to meet the other man's questioning look.

“He… he always said I would never become a successful Knight. Said he could teach me nothing as my head was always off in the clouds, thinking of other things. Told me I would never inspire others or be a leader of …” Noah was silenced by a finger pressed firmly to his lips.

Luke was horrified at the words tumbling out of the brunette’s mouth. He could not imagine a father ever saying that to his son; his own father had always been supportive of him even when he had probably driven the man to distraction with his impulsiveness.

“You must not say such things, Noah. It is simply not true! I do not know you father. But I do know one thing,” Luke paused and used the tip of his index finger to lift Noah’s chin until the man was looking at him again.

“If not for you, I would already be captured… or worse.” Luke scanned the crystal blue and saw doubt lingering there still.

“You are a good man, Noah. Good… and brave to the last.” He leaned in and pressed his lips over each of Noah’s eyelids, hoping to kiss away the doubt. “No matter what your father says,” Luke whispered, his warm breath ghosting across Noah’s skin as he cupped the man’s cheek in his palm, fingers scratching soothingly over the stubble.

Noah leaned into the touch, keeping his eyes closed for several moments.

“My father… he… he is not a bad man, Luke,” Noah murmured and he opened his eyes, seeing Luke watching him intently. He felt the need to defend his father; his only living relative… he was all he had in the world. “He did his best to raise me on his own after my mother passed. We…we just do not have the same relationship that you and your father did.”

As soon as the words were out of Noah’s mouth, he wished he could retract them when he saw the pained look in Luke’s eyes at the mention of his father.

“I am sorry, Luke. I did not mean…” He reached up and covered the blonde’s hand with his own.

Luke shook his head. “No, it is I who should be sorry. I did not know about your mother, Noah. I am sorry. We have both lost ones that we love. Please forgive me?” He turned his palm face up, interlinked Noah’s fingers and pulled the hand to his lips… barely brushing the skin.

Noah simply nodded, unable to deny Luke anything.

Long moments passed as they held hands until Luke glanced up at the brunette. “Tell me what happened to the others… to Donovan, Davies and the rest.”

Noah took a deep breath, uncertain that he wanted to relive those moments. But Luke wanted to know and so he slowly began to recount the details of the last 24 hours and of the last time he had seen each of the men. With every name he uttered, he could see Luke's shoulders sag more and more until at last he spoke of Jim.

Luke looked up and Noah could see tears falling from those expressive eyes. “He… he was a good man,” he stuttered.

Noah closed the small distance between them and used the pad of his thumb to brush away the tears. “I know,” he whispered before gently kissing the blonde.

Luke's hands slid up his arms to hold him in place as the man deepened the kiss, his tongue flicking across Noah's lips before sliding tentatively into his mouth.

Noah held his breath, surprised at the change in the kiss but he could not help the groan in response.

When the need to breathe became too great, Luke pulled back. But only as far as resting his forehead against Noah's, their breaths coming in intermingled gasps.

“Please, Noah… I just need to feel something. Something other than this terrible empty ache inside my heart at so much death,” Luke begged, his voice trembling.

Noah stilled, certain of what Luke was asking of him but hesitating because he had wanted their first coupling to be special… not here like this; some spur of the moment impulse.

“Please!” Luke begged again as his hand snaked down over Noah’s bare torso and cupped his clothed groin, making his manhood twitch.

Noah’s mind lost its battle with his body as he felt himself responding to Luke’s words and actions, awakening within himself an answering need to heal the empty ache that dwelt in his own heart at all he had witnessed and lived through.

He simply nodded and let himself be pushed down to the ground as Luke’s hands began to roam over his body.

“Lie back. I want to taste you.” Luke straddled Noah’s hips and leant forward to murmur in his ear, “like that first night.”

He sucked Noah’s earlobe into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before biting down on the flesh… making the man beneath him squirm.

Releasing Noah’s ear, Luke mouthed a path down the side of the man’s neck and over the taut chest muscles, his lips slick and tingling from the liniment, until he reached his goal.

He felt Noah’s manhood hardening against the underside of his chin through the soft leather of the man’s under-britches as his tongue swirled in the trail of dark hair that led tantalizingly beneath the material.

Noah’s large hands gripped Luke’s shoulders, urging him on, as he closed his mouth over the clothed bulge.

Luke’s urgent fingers struggled with the ties that held the under-britches closed. He let out a hiss of victory when he finally succeeded in pulling Noah’s length free of its confines.

Holding the flesh in his loosely curled fingers, Luke looked up at Noah and his breath caught in his throat when he witnessed the want-darkened pupils staring back at him.

Noah wanted this as much as he.

Needing no further encouragement, Luke opened his mouth, relaxed his jaw, and took as much of Noah into his mouth as he could. He groaned around the flesh, reveling at the feel and taste of having the man in his mouth again.

It was just as he remembered it.

“Luke,” Noah breathed out and his hands moved from Luke’s shoulders to fist in the blonde tresses as his eyes rolled back before blinking shut in ecstasy. He wanted to watch as Luke worked his tongue and lips back and forth along his length and over the tip but the feel of Luke’s mouth on him again was just too overwhelming.

He shut out the earthy smell of their surroundings and concentrated on the feel of the blonde’s mouth on his flesh; trying to imagine that they were miles away from here… safe from the enemy and stretched out on some opulent bed.

A change in Luke’s position accompanied by a rustle of clothing had Noah opening his eyes to see the blonde trying to maintain his hold on Noah’s flesh at the same time as releasing his own hardening manhood from his under-britches.

Noah licked his lips in anticipation; he had yet to touch Luke like that. “Come up here,” he demanded breathlessly. “Need to touch you.”

Luke looked up at the sound of Noah’s words. He was reluctant to release his hold on Noah but the look in the other man’s eyes and the insistent pull of those hands in his hair made him slacken his jaw, letting the flesh fall from his mouth with a pop. Luke crawled up the long length of Noah’s body to straddle his hips, the man’s hard manhood nestling between his still-clothed buttocks.

“Better… much better,” Noah murmured as he finally got to see Luke’s member up close in all its hard glory. He reached out with trembling fingers and touched the tip, the pad of his index finger smearing the pre-ejaculate over the head before slowly tracing down the length as if memorizing every detail… uncertain of when he would have this luxury again.

He watched in awe as he felt the flesh grow under his touch and marveled at the effect he was having on Luke when the other man let out a low, guttural moan.

“Want more, Noah. Need to feel everything.” Luke shifted awkwardly in the confines of their hiding place to slip his under-britches over his hips and as far down as he could reach with the aid of Noah’s hands moving to his hips to support him.

Luke gasped when he sat back on his heels and felt Noah’s length pressing insistently against his now bare flesh… the tip tagging the hem of his loose-fitting under-shirt. The reality of what they were about to do dawned on him. He gulped a little nervously. He wanted this… he really did… more than anything he had ever wanted before. But nothing other than one or two of his own slim fingers had breached his muscle.

And Noah was considerable larger than that.

“Luke, what is wrong?” Noah asked, sensing the change in the other man… fearing he was having second thoughts.

“I… I…” Luke began but looked away nervously… uncertain how to broach the subject.

Noah reached up and cupped the side of the blonde’s face, turning him back to look at him. “What is it? Please tell me.” He nibbled at his bottom lip anxiously.

Luke soothed his hands over Noah’s chest, not looking up. “I want this. I really do… so much. It… it is just that I have never before…”

Noah craned his neck up and silenced the other man with a kiss. “Neither have I. We do not have to…” His ardor cooled at the concern on the blonde’s countenance. They had both been so caught up in the strength of the desires running through their bodies that neither had considered there was nothing other than their own spit to hand to ease the burn of the intrusion.

Luke’s fingers still moved over Noah’s chest, almost without his conscious thought, until they touched a slick patch of unabsorbed liniment.

Of course! How had he not thought of that?!

Luke reached to one side and grasped the flask, pouring a generous amount over his fingers.

Rising up onto his knees, he stretched his hand around and circled his entrance before slipping just the tip of his index finger inside.

Noah watched in wonderment as Luke worked himself open, the blonde’s mouth dropping open in concentration.

He had never seen anything so erotic in his life. The sight of Lord Snyder wantonly straddling his groin and preparing himself to take Noah’s length was overwhelming and he just had to stretch forward, open his mouth and flick the tip of his long tongue across the head of Luke’s manhood.

Growing in confidence, Noah took Luke’s flesh in his mouth. The weight and feel of the hard length on his tongue was just how he imagined it would be… no… better than he imagined it would be… and he slowly began to work his mouth up and down the shaft.

Soon Luke was rhythmically jerking back and forth, further onto his fingers and deeper into Noah’s mouth, almost making him choke.

“Noah, that feels good… so good. But you have to stop,” Luke spoke urgently, suddenly trying to pull back from Noah’s reach.

Noah stopped his movement, looking up at the man in surprise; he had believed from the noises that were coming from Luke that the blonde was enjoying Noah’s mouth on him as much as he.

Seeing his confusion, Luke explained breathlessly, “If you continue, this will be over before we have begun. And… and I do not want to finish like this… I want you inside me first.”

Luke used the rest of the liquid to lubricate Noah’s hardened flesh before fisting the base and easing himself down onto the shaft.

Noah could only grip the blonde’s hips, trying to fight the urge to press himself further into Luke. He gasped at the intensity of Luke’s tight heat surrounding him; he had never experienced anything like this before.

A hiss of pain escaped Luke’s lips as he shifted slightly and Noah could feel the muscles flexing around him.

“I am hurting you!” Noah observed in horror and he altered his grip on Luke, trying to lift the man off him. Hurting Luke was the very last thing he wanted to do!

Luke placed his hand flat on the brunette’s stomach. “Stay! Just keep still. Give me a moment,” he breathed out, focusing on trying to breathe through the burn and on how much he wanted this. He had known it would hurt but he felt like he was being split in two.

Feeling helpless, Noah did the only thing he could think of. He moved his hand from Luke’s hip to his wilting erection and curled his fingers around the flesh… working rhythmically back and forth, hoping to distract Luke from the pain. He dare not move further to take Luke into his mouth again, lest he caused the man more pain.

His actions seemed to be having the desired effect as he felt Luke gradually relaxing around him until the blonde began to tentatively move, impaling himself further down Noah’s shaft until the soft leather of his under-britches brushed against Luke’s buttocks.

Luke moaned, closed his eyes and rocked slowly back and forth creating an intense friction on Noah’s length.

Noah simply could not resist any longer; his body was screaming at him to move. He gripped Luke’s hips and thrust up shallowly.

“Yes, Noah!” Luke hissed out in a breathy moan, trying to be mindful of being heard outside their hiding place in case any patrols had reached this far in their search.

“Harder!” he ordered before leaning down and capturing Noah’s mouth in a hard open-mouthed kiss…their teeth and tongues clashing.

Not needing to be told twice, Noah thrust again… harder and deeper this time… again and again until Luke was moving back against him.

“Uh… like this, my Lord?” Noah grunted, sweating with the exertion.

Luke could only nod in response.

Noah shifted his hips slightly when his muscles demanded a change of position and his rhythm stuttered to a stop when Luke cried out. He was fearful that he had torn something deep inside the other man.

“No! Do not stop! Again… right there,” Luke commanded as he rocked back on to Noah with abandon, vigorously fisting his hard length.

It was as if he had touched something deep within Luke that had sent a tidal wave of raw and intense feeling coursing through the man’s body. Noah could do nothing other than hold on to Luke’s hips and try to time his thrusts to match the blonde’s erratic movements.

Luke was overwhelming his senses and Noah knew he could not keep this frantic pace.

Every thrust rushed him toward his climax.

“I am …” he tried to warn Luke of his impending release just as the blonde let out a low moan and split his seed over Noah’s chest.

That sight coupled with the feel of the blonde’s muscles contracting around his sensitive length pushed him over the precipice and had him climaxing deep within Luke.

Luke collapsed down onto Noah’s chest, not caring that he was lying in the sticky mixture of his own seed and the slick remnants of the liniment, spreading it over his own chest and partially open under-shirt

Noah grasped Luke’s buttocks and lifted him slightly, trying to get into a better position to ease his aching muscles. As he did so, his softening manhood slipped away from Luke, eliciting a moan from the man.

“Are… are you certain you are not hurt?” Noah asked in concern, his chest heaving up against Luke’s as he tried to calm his breathing.

Luke lifted his head from where it rested, nestled in the crook of Noah’s shoulder, pressing his lips to the stubbled jaw. “Hush now. I am perfectly fine. In fact, I am so… so much better than fine. You were… that was…” for once he found himself lost for words to describe how he felt, “… just perfect.”

Certainly the situation, time and place had been less than ideal. But, to Luke, none of that mattered. What mattered was that he had just shared the most intense and incredible experience of his life with this man. And that made it perfect.

Noah pulled Luke closer to him as the man shifted his legs into a more comfortable position and rested his head back against his neck, the blonde tresses tickling the underside of his jaw.

He wanted to express just how complete he felt but he did not have the words to do justice to the intense feeling. Instead, he simply kissed the top of Luke’s sweat-damped hair.

Noah knew they should probably make an effort to clean up the residue of their lovemaking. But having Luke curled up against him felt like the best thing in the world right then and he simply did not wish to move, content to lie in the afterglow.

“We should rest,” he murmured as he reached for his surcoat and pulled it over the both of them.

Thoughts of what lay in store for them in the world outside their little hiding place could wait awhile longer as a contented sleep claimed them both…

Chapter 9

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alternative universe, atwt, luke, fanfiction, noah

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