Welcome to the volunteer list and sample post of
Information is collated from
whedonverse_nb and also any relevant posts on the
flist at
Within each category - Standalone Fics, Updated WiPs, Drabbles - posts with the same pairings should be grouped together (as shown below: Spander with Spander, Spangel with Spangel etc).
Once you are accepted as a collater you will be given posting access. Use it wisely! ;)
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
staticspinningThursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
lycomingst Backup Collaters:
darkhavens I'd like the posts to be formatted similarly to those at
su_herald and
Standalone Fics:
authorusername -
Spander With A Twist, Spike/Xander, NC-17
authorusername -
Spanking Spander, Spike/Xander, R
authorusername -
Out of the Closet, Spike/Xander, PG13
authorusername -
Brood Brothers, Spike/Angel, PG13
authorusername -
Moonlight of the Eternal Souled, Spike/Angel, R
authorusername -
Never Gonna Work, Spike/Angel, NC-17
authorusername -
Ghost, Spangel Style, Spike/Angel, PG-13
authorusername -
Teaching Buffy, Buffy/Giles, R
authorusername -
Bedheads and Broomsticks, Spike/Willow, PG
authorusername -
Green Is The Colour, Willow/Riley/Adam, NC-17
Updated WiPs
authorusername - Spander On Ice,
chapter 47, Spike/Xander, G
authorusername - Switch-hitting, chapters
seven and
eight, Buffy/Faith, Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Faith/Spike NC-17 overall
authorusername -
Ticket To Ride, Cordelia/Harmony/Andrew, PG-13
authorusername -
Small is Beautiful, Snyder/Angel, NC-17
authorusername -
Last Meal, Drusilla/Darla/Lindsey, R
authorusername -
Nicky Brendon icons **
authorusername -
Spike/Angel NC-17 manip Fandom Newsletter Updates
commusername post for August 30th commusername post for August 28th-30th ^^
News about James Marster's new role Nicky Brendon's latest audio blog Adam Baldwin in yet another new showauthorusername posts a Buffy/Angel
vid150_comms - new multifandom Big Damn Table community
joss100 - new Jossverse Big Damn Table community
snygel - new Snyder/Angel community
** denotes the most recent noticeboard post added, so the next compiler knows where to start from.
^^ denotes the most recent
whedon_watching flist post added, so the next compiler knows where to start from.
PS: If you know of a newsletter or announcement-type comm that you think should be added to the
whedon_watching flist, please comment here to let us know. Thanks!